Author Topic: How many here believe in evolution?  (Read 13331 times)

Offline Hortlund

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2002, 08:30:05 PM »
Originally posted by Samm
Which kingdom do humans belong to ? I forget, is plants or fungi ?

Which kingdom?

Oh, right, this is where you're gonna say that humans are animals too?


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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2002, 09:08:43 PM »
Hortlund we are animals....  We are just the best animals ever and the most intelligent..    

If we are not animals why do we do everything else like they do? Why eat?
Why bother toejamting and pissing?
Why bleed?
Why sexual reproduction?
Why die?  
Why grow old?
Why the same internal body processes?
Why do we have brains like most animals?
Why a spinal cord?
Why are we built the same way as every other animal, bones, skin, hair, why do we have fingernails and out of the same material as baleen on whales?
Why sleep, its diddlying inconvenient.  
Why are we born like an animal and must grow up?
Why do human mothers produce milk just like cows and lions and dogs.

I believe in evolution, it's the only thing that makes sense.

Hortlund why do you think the Christian religious idea of creation is any more valid than some primitive tribal religous beleifs like peoples origin from crocodiles or holes in the earth?

Offline UserName

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Re: I believe...
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2002, 09:35:15 PM »
Originally posted by weazel
An imaginary being said:


And we evolved from there.  :D

Who created that imaginary being? ;)

Offline weazel

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2002, 09:53:39 PM »
Originally posted by UserName
Who created that imaginary being? ;)

I dunno...Jebus?  ;)

Offline Thrawn

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2002, 10:03:57 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Sorry, but the basis of Christianity is that God created man and Jesus is the salvation of man.

Well you're half right.  The basic beliefs of Christians can be found in The Apostle's Creed.  The only thing said about creation is: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Creator of heaven and earth,"

Nothing in there about Genesis.  Just that God created evering, nothing about how long it took him or how she did it.

Offline Samm

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2002, 10:34:47 PM »
So genesis is either: myth, truth, or you can cop out and say it's  a deep metaphor open to interpretation written by a man who dictated what god said to him.

Actually the same could be said for the entire book .

Offline Fatty

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2002, 11:22:17 PM »
Fish, you're simply looking at evolution on a mythological scale.

Offline Saurdaukar

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2002, 12:32:14 AM »
Wait a minute... you mean to tell me there are still people who dont accept evolution as fact?  Wow...

Offline mrfish

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2002, 12:57:56 AM »
""And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." (Genesis 2:22-23)"

well-  i'm still waiting for a good christian to defend the story as one?

Offline Saurdaukar

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2002, 01:23:00 AM »
Originally posted by mrfish
""And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.

Sounds like this is where Spielberg got his idea for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Offline mrfish

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #55 on: December 01, 2002, 01:24:29 AM »
and while we're at it, since evolution is ungodly, then all the species that exist on the earth today were represented by a pair on noah's ark right?

well converting cubits to feet, the ark was about 450 long by 75 wide by 45 high. (some cubit conversions would put the ark at up to 500 feet long but not more than that)anyway,  that's 1,518,750 cubic feet. would someone like to argue that all of the species on the earth today could fit into such a volume?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2002, 01:26:48 AM by mrfish »

Offline Thrawn

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #56 on: December 01, 2002, 02:02:44 AM »
mrfish, I'm sorry but your attempts to pigeon hole christianity in to a nice little package, so you don't have to deal with them as individuals is going to come to naught.  They are individuals and their ways of worshiping thier god is many.  

I've seen this same type of toejam with people who say Islam, as a whole is bad.  It's diddlying roadkill.

Offline cajun

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #57 on: December 01, 2002, 02:18:04 AM »
I beleive in God(christianity).
I can see why it can seem pretty wild, but no more than the theory of fish jumping ashore, growing legs, shedding their scales, growing hair, turning into apes somehow and then into humans.
People forget the Historic and Archeologic evidence of the Christianity.
Look at the city of Jericho, which the bible states the walls fell Outwards, not as they would have if seige weapons had been used pushing the wall inwards, the city was descovered with the walls fallin outward.
The flood, allmost every anceint civilization has tales of a great flood, sceintists beleive most of the deserts such as in North america were once covered by water.
The Assyrian Empire which the Bible talks about, we had no clue it even existed untill recently, when it was discovered as described in the Bible.
Path of Migration? It is just a coincidence that we started around the middle east and migrated to & through Europe, Africa, Asia and eventuelly to the americas as in the Bible with the tower of Babel?
There are countless numbers of "Links" between history,geography,archeology and the Bible, and they are all just coincidences?
What about evelution?
What made man evolve? He thought he could see better if he stood up, so his bones naturally began to take that shape and just somehow passed down to later generations?
Why arent we still evolving? Everything just stopped Evolving for no reason? And there are no more "Inbetween" evelution species left like half man half ape, or fish with legs??
The population, would the world not be much much much more crowded if the earth was millions/billions of years old? I mean think about it, look at how much the population has increased in the last 2000-3000 years!
Why were humans the only species lucky enough to be somewhat inteligent? No other animal even comes close to how incredibly smart humans are (well compared with animals, I know some pretty stupid humans :D)!

How about the universe? two somethings collided and made a big explosion that somehow created all you see around you? where did they come from?
Interesting how we are programmed to think "Beggining - End" as that is how everything happens, everything in our world is born, and eventuelly dies etc.
But that is not so, time is endless both ways never was a begining nor will there be an end, amazing how hard it is to imagine because we are just so use to it start and finish!

To be Christian you must believe in the Bible.
Most Religions like Catholicism orriginated when rome converted to christianity, of course many people did not want to convert so they simply "added to" or "slightly modified" the orriginal beleifs, and then the church became in power, since only the Preists could read from the bible (because they claim only they could properly "interprut" it) they were sort of able to keep the people "dumb", so the Church had full control/power over the people.  And then more people finnally started reading it themselves, finding it much different than how the Catholic church had been teaching it.  When it was translated so the average person could read it people started learning to read, write etc. and there for starting the Renaissance.

I love history, it is just so facinating! "To understand the world today you must know the world of yesterday"
« Last Edit: December 01, 2002, 03:12:21 AM by cajun »

Offline funkedup

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #58 on: December 01, 2002, 02:51:20 AM »
they tell us that
we lost our tails
evolving up
from little snails
i say it's all
just wind and sails
are we not men?
we are DEVO!
we're pinheads now
we are not whole
we're pinheads all
jocko homo
are we not men?
monkey men all
in business suit
teachers and critics
all dance the poot
are we not men?
we are DEVO!
are we not men?
  god made man
  but he used the monkey to do it
  apes in the plan
  we're all here to prove it
  i can walk like an ape
  talk like an ape
  do what a monkey do
  god made man
  but a monkey supplied the glue
we must repeat
o.k. let's go!

Offline mrfish

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How many here believe in evolution?
« Reply #59 on: December 01, 2002, 03:13:22 AM »
so does that mean you believe the stories or not thrawn? if not, then why did god put them there? does he often ramble on about stuff he really doesn't mean? do you think god maybe has a drinking problem?

does your unique, "self-help-section-at-borders-books" approach to christianity involve throwing out the parts you don't like to make it more pallatable or to avoid logical disconnects ?

is there ANY christian out there reading this bbs that believes the clay/rib story of creation and the noah's ark story as written or are you all in the "figurative" camp?

can i get a witness or what!?!?! if not a witness can i at least get a friggin halelujah!