Looks good to me, m'dear. Main things I dislike about AK desert are the extreme elevations (way too much high terrain and not enough low terrain) and the extreme changes in elevations over-used (something I dont like about the central island in NDisles, btw).
I wouldn't be worrying about the numbers of fields in each sector within a country being equal, as that also adds a strategy twist. As well as certain points within a sector being of prime importance to attackers, it also makes certain sectors within a country of more or less interest to attackers, if the numbers of bases within each sector are not identical.
Can I put in a plea for some patches with decent amounts of cloud? Including some largeish overcast areas floating around? And clouds at varying altitudes? Including some places where the clouds will run into the terrain as the terrain rises? That'd mean the possibility every now and then of ground battles in the fog, or trying to hit targets that for a short while can't be seen... :-)