I think you have come of as a banana for so long now, that's all anyone will ever think of you.
Things are not always as they seem. I may have pissed off a few, but I'm no worse than Lazs or Dago. Anyhow, I had not been into the AH MA for a week or two, so decided to log in this evening. Did I get ostracised? No. I made a few jokes on voxx about being the guy most people would want to shoot down, and they were well received. Most of the guys who laughed were American/Canadian, and surprisingly (even for me) people seemed to be more helpful than ever, with 6 calls, assistance etc. I'm not trying to prove you wrong, I'm just saying how it was. People seemed amused, and there was no bitterness at all.
Thing is, I could get into a good rant on AGW in my WB days, and whereas I'd have about a dozen guys shoot me down on the BBS, at a social occasion or at a con, I'd get dozens of guys coming up to me saying
"loved your post about xyz", or words to that effect.
Anyway, I think I know what it was in particular that pissed you off, and if it's what I think it was, I was not the one that originally identified those particular groups, but I'm not trying to evade the responsibility for saying what I said.