Author Topic: “What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”  (Read 1179 times)

Offline beet1e

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« on: January 07, 2003, 04:47:17 AM »
dowding was right, so time for a change -
« Last Edit: January 07, 2003, 10:24:11 AM by beet1e »

Offline Dowding (Work)

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2003, 05:14:11 AM »
At first, when you started posting on this board, I thought you were just teasing our Yank friends. You know, harmless banter between people who recognise it as harmless banter. I even defended you a couple of times when American tards (who are a minority, it must be said) seemed to take it all a bit too seriously.

As time as gone on, though, I have started to think your threads are less and less light-hearted in intent and more antagonistic and self-agrandising. You resemble a British version of Lazs in some respects, with every thread you post. Moreover, the minority of American tards who perhaps have an axe to grind against anyone with a contrary opinion became more vocal. You even antagonised people who wouldn't normally be bothered by your particular spiel.

The issue of guns is a complete non-issue to me and many Brits. We couldn't care less. I'm amazed you're so caught up in it. Let US citizens kill each other to their heart's content. Frankly, I couldn't care less - internal US affairs don't bother me in the slightest, unlike US foreign policy which is fair game.

This thread is the icing on the cake for me. It is utter bollocks. Take away the smilies, because you can no longer hold onto the 'light-hearted banter' ground with any credibility. Re-title this thread "I am Beetle, hear me roar" and call a spade a spade for once.

You, sir, are a bit daft.

Offline Swoop

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2003, 05:20:35 AM »
I wrote a post once on the expatica website for British ex-pats living in Holland.  Said that all Cloggies were two faced xenophobic numpties with as much common sense as your average lemming and I couldnt understand how the country made it outta the stone age, oh and btw just ignore em when they tell ya you've gotta pay for residency permits and register with local police just to get a bank account.  It got 1000 replies and 15,000 views, but that doesnt mean it still wasnt all bollocks written with plenty of comedy effect.  

P.S.  Um......this was shortly after some Cloggy published a very long piece in a Den Haag newspaper claiming that all British workers in Holland are thieving lazy scum who should be sent back where they come from cos they drive up housing costs.  As you can understand, I was a little pissed.

Offline beet1e

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2003, 05:45:26 AM »
Hehe, dowding. I agree with a lot of what you say. Bollocks it may be, but people still read it.

Offline Kieran

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2003, 06:16:09 AM »
Dowding, that pretty much expresses exactly the way I feel about it (except I don't see Lazs that way). I don't see much light-hearted in it anymore- in fact, I see a real mean streak.

Offline Dowding (Work)

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2003, 06:20:06 AM »
Kieren - referring to the UK as a 'pissant little country' is what I'm talking about when it comes to lazs. He does exactly what beetle does, just with fewer words.


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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2003, 06:37:45 AM »
I hate France.

Offline Wilfrid

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2003, 06:43:58 AM »
Beetle went from readable to embarrassing for me a while back.

Offline straffo

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2003, 06:49:05 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
I hate France.

me too

it's just a country full of little pissant extraordinaires !
and commie too I bet

Offline StSanta

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2003, 07:15:31 AM »
Beetie, beat your chest a little harder and your lungs will be plastered on he wall behind you.

Where I live, such behaviour is considered extremely bad manners. Despite your aversion to most things American, it is perhaps ironic that their 'flaunt it if you got it' philosophy would go hand in hand with your current behaviour. :D

Hell,  I appreciate you teasing the yanks. I appreciate the yanks teasing Europeans. It's all good fun. But if you start to think you're somehow very important because lots respond to your posts, think again. You're never going to be anywhere near as important as I am. And you'll never match my masterpiece - the crossbuster incident, which happened quite by accident (and sorta upset people I dinnae wanna upset). But of course, feel free to try. ;)

Bigheaded Beetles are to be crushed under the boots of Barons with big arses. It's always better to have a big arse than a big head.

Offline beet1e

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2003, 07:22:02 AM »
It's always better to have a big arse than a big head.
LOL!  What if you've got both?!

Naah, you're right, and Dowding's right.

Offline NUKE

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Re: “What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2003, 08:07:26 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
In several recent threads, I have noticed two things. One is that more than one person has voiced the opinion that what I think is irrelevant. And the second thing that I have noticed is that in various threads which I have read but added nothing, my name gets mentioned – a lot! In this thread alone, there are 16 occurrences of my name, and yet I have posted nothing in there!  Some of those occurrences have arisen from quoting/requoting, but I was still damn impressed. :)

It is arguable that what I think, in isolation, is irrelevant. I don’t occupy a position of power such as government office, and mine is only one voice in a country of more than 56,000,000 voices, or in a world of some 6,000,000,000 voices. I’m not sure how many people read this BBS, but it could be anything from 1,000 to 10,000, as not all readers add posts of their own.

And yet – my posts are read by many!  1500 so far have wanted to see how my lunch went on Saturday – lol!  Not bad readership for one whose thoughts are irrelevant. :D

Of course, my fan club will be quick to point out the “real” reasons that my posts are read – can’t wait to find out. And most replies will come from America, even though most people there are still asleep as I type this.

I’m also noticing that various people say that I want guns to be banned. I may have voiced opinion on the folly of unrestricted arms proliferation amongst civilians, and I’ve certainly made observations as to what can happen as a result, but I don’t recall saying words to the effect of “guns should be banned”. Perhaps someone could post a URL pointing to where I’ve said that? But wait... what I think is irrelevant, so perhaps no-one will read this thread...

Don't flatter yourself in regards to the number of replies your posts get here.

If I went onto a BB that was a majority UK and posted in a similar manner, I bet I would get just as many..... probably many more. I wonder how polite the Brits would be to me after I posted a few friendly "observations" about them and their country.

Why don't you repost some of your posts onto a BB that is primarily UK and see how many replies you get there.

You think you get replies because you are making interesting points?

You and I know why you post your American fetish stories..... attention.

You relish the responses you know you are going to get and fashion your stories accordingly...... it's not rocket science.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2003, 08:11:01 AM by NUKE »

Offline Yeager

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2003, 08:15:51 AM »
I have far too much pity for my english fathers to bash them on matters involving intellectual acumen.  Besides, I find the advice of hobbits far more useful and pertinant.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline lazs2

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2003, 08:42:28 AM »
I believe that my name get's mentioned in threads even more than yours.... difference is.... you are wrong and you get your bellybutton kicked.   If I got my bellybutton kicked as much as you I certainly would be hesitant at declareing victory..   I am starting to wonder if you are just not real bright.   At first I thought that you were just so self absorbered or so.... foreign... that you just didn't get it when people were laughing AT you or when you were getting your bellybutton kicked but now.... I think that you may just be kinda.... slow witted.

dowding... you mean that little island is not a "pissant" little country in the grand scheme of things?  


Offline Dowding (Work)

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“What Beet1e thinks is irrelevant”
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2003, 08:46:12 AM »
In the grand scheme of things? Do you mean Europe, the World, the Universe or all time itself? I'll assume the second one, since only you would consider a nation to be worthy of consideration in the latter category.

With the fourth largest economy in world, cultural influences that are still felt across the globe and one of the only countries giving any support to the US in the 'War on Terrorism' (TM), what do you think?

BTW, that's a rhetorical question.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2003, 08:50:12 AM by Dowding (Work) »