At first, when you started posting on this board, I thought you were just teasing our Yank friends. You know, harmless banter between people who recognise it as harmless banter. I even defended you a couple of times when American tards (who are a minority, it must be said) seemed to take it all a bit too seriously.
As time as gone on, though, I have started to think your threads are less and less light-hearted in intent and more antagonistic and self-agrandising. You resemble a British version of Lazs in some respects, with every thread you post. Moreover, the minority of American tards who perhaps have an axe to grind against anyone with a contrary opinion became more vocal. You even antagonised people who wouldn't normally be bothered by your particular spiel.
The issue of guns is a complete non-issue to me and many Brits. We couldn't care less. I'm amazed you're so caught up in it. Let US citizens kill each other to their heart's content. Frankly, I couldn't care less - internal US affairs don't bother me in the slightest, unlike US foreign policy which is fair game.
This thread is the icing on the cake for me. It is utter bollocks. Take away the smilies, because you can no longer hold onto the 'light-hearted banter' ground with any credibility. Re-title this thread "I am Beetle, hear me roar" and call a spade a spade for once.
You, sir, are a bit daft.