Author Topic: mp3'ers beware  (Read 4512 times)

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #105 on: June 28, 2003, 05:50:53 PM »
Gosh I hope not nash. I have downloaded well over 12 Gygabytes in  audio files.  99% of the music I have dowloaded is over 10 years old, whether that makes a difference or not.
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Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #106 on: June 28, 2003, 06:54:12 PM »
Fishu, it is you, not I that has brought in the car theft argument.
Re-read my posts. You brought it up so you can argue against it.
I gave specific examples using the "It's okay because of....." of the pro-theft of copyrighted materials group. I gave other examples so you can see how silly your arguments fall apart.
Again, you just don't know copyright laws. You think it that it's no big deal. The perceived losses are big enough that recording companies want to resort to coding the music so it can't be easily copied and shared.
No, I am far from wealthy but I have purchased all my music that I have on disc. I have purchased all the software I use. I don't download pirated/use anything.

The funny part of most of you pro-pirating users is your very own arguments. You seem to concede that it is theft by the
"It is theft but....." reasoning/arguments.

It's okay to steal a loaf of bread from a large grocery store because the freshness date just expired?

It's not okay to steal some filet mignon steaks?

Where in the world do you draw the line of what is right or wrong?

It is theft and there isn't any "but" to it.

BTW, whats next? You going attribute Armed robbery of a bank to me too?

Quit being so daft.
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Offline Fishu

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« Reply #107 on: June 28, 2003, 07:15:18 PM »
wasnt me whos brought up cars.

Anyway.. have it like you want.
but you will not have your perfect world and I'd say you wouldn't like it that way either

Otherwise it'd be quite silent world indeed, if all the copyright issues would be looked after like murders.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #108 on: June 28, 2003, 07:33:09 PM »
The cats definitely out of the bag now... er, the genie is out of the bottle... er, one of those... as you can see by the sense of entitlement in Fishu's and other's arguments.

Coming up soon is an entire generation who weren't alive when, in order to own music - you bought it ("It's too impossible for me to think of people buying all those mountains of CD's...").

For years and years and years, if you liked a song or a band, you took your allowance (sometimes you had to save it for a few weeks) and you went down to the record store on Saturday and bought the new album. You brought it home, threw on the headphones and gawked at the artwork and liner notes... It used to be kind of a big deal actually...

I wonder how many kids will be able to answer the question "What's the first MP3 you downloaded?" just as most adult music lovers can remember the first record they bought. I highly doubt it. There's now just such a sense of disposability about the whole thing... and again, you can certainly see it in the arguments of the people who seem to think that music materializes out of thin air.

Just because some people think music isn't valuable enough to have to pay for, it doesn't make it so. Just because you don't value it, it doesn't mean it should be made free for people like you. If you don't think piracy is hurting the record companies, and in turn the artists who create the music, think again. If you are aware of it but don't care (for whatever reason), fine, but no argument you can make can justify it.

Go ahead and pirate tunes, just stop arguing about it as if you're right.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2003, 10:08:38 PM by Nash »

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #109 on: June 28, 2003, 07:45:18 PM »
Right... wrong... doesn't really matter.

The RIAA business model is no longer viable. No amount of legislation or lawsuits will stem the tide.

Time to look at new ways to get music out and get the artists paid without all these middlemen looking for their piece of the action.

Some artists realize it already. They have a direct conduit to their fans.

It's high time the rest started using it.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #110 on: June 28, 2003, 07:50:45 PM »

It will be interesting to see how that develops. The records you hear on the radio cost a half million to record. In most cases the only reason you've heard of them is because it's costed another half million plus to promote.

This idea of new bands DIY'in it is great in theory. Gonna be interesting to see how they actually pull it off.

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #111 on: June 28, 2003, 08:11:29 PM »
There is the hook that the RIAA holds... riches and fame.

The musicians that do it for the love of it don't need them. One example is Ani DiFranco... She seems to have done okay for herself despite her aversion to the standard music mill...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2003, 08:18:24 PM by Sandman »

Offline hyena426

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« Reply #112 on: June 28, 2003, 08:18:32 PM »
ya,,it is stealing and copyright infringment,,,but! i think some artist should be able to put there mp3 avalible for download,,,there are alot of bands that aint main stream anymore and i cant find some of there cds,,,,like some of machine heads early releases,,like burn out my eyes,,,killer cd,,but i couldnt find it for nothing around here,,not at sam goody,,or any of are malls,,,,,couldnt find it in any type of ordering form,,,,even asked a person at hastings to order it,,but they didnt have it on there ordering form,,but i did find it on winmx<~~hard to even find a slayer cd somtimes,,lol

its stealing no matter how ya put it,,,but music industry could make alot of money putting artist mp3s that dont sell anymore,,,but the dang record companies want us spending are money on the newest hits,,instead of what we wanna lisin too,,lol

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #113 on: June 28, 2003, 08:20:04 PM »
Blame Disney... they were the ones that managed to get copyrights extended damn near forever.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #114 on: June 28, 2003, 08:27:03 PM »
Originally posted by Nash
Coming up soon is an entire generation who weren't alive when in order to own music - you bought it ("It's too impossible for me to think of people buying all those mountains of CD's...").

For years and years and years, if you liked a song or a band, you took your allowance (sometimes you had to save it for a few weeks) and you went down to the record store on Saturday and bought the new album. You brought it home, threw on the headphones and gawked at the artwork and liner notes... It used to be kind of a big deal actually...

Think of this..  "piratism" has been around as long as theres been music to play.

Long long ago it was played by orchestras who didnt obtain any kind of licenses to play the music - they just obtained the notes and played.
Not to talk about the smaller bands entertaining people.
People would been laughing at you if you would have mentioned RIAA.
then came all the music publisher gigants.. and followed by RIAA & clones.
casettes came as well.. people copied those merrily and music casettes didn't even cost as much compared to todays CD's. (even with the inflation kept in mind)

Since the 90's, the copyright laws have been enforced more and more with music.

Finlands very own TEOSTO (Finnish Composers' Copyright Society) has been pissing off alot of people lately. (our RIAA clone I suppose)
for couple good examples lately: now cab drivers cant play music with passengers present, if they havent paid sums of copyright fees to TEOSTO.
Also loud whine was caused by TEOSTO's decision to also force kindergardens to pay copyright fees for the played music for children.
etc. etc.

I bet  I wouldn't see a damned cent from TEOSTO if there would be my music playing on radio stations, public places... etc. :rolleyes:
Just like someone complained about RIAA not paying what they should if they really work to protect the interest of music composers.

Music/Recording industry has been getting reaaallly greedy in the last decade or two.

So not much sympathy from me...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2003, 08:30:44 PM by Fishu »

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #115 on: June 29, 2003, 02:36:16 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
wasnt me whos brought up cars.

This from your post (40th on second page of this thread):

SaburoS is funny.. hes speaking like downloading pirated mp3 is like stealing a car.

Then you attribute the car theft comparison to me and proceed to argue against YOUR own quote (5th post on this 3rd page):

Just laughing at these examples, which are each comparing it to something like stealing a car from someone - while the owner has just one car and if that gets lost, he gets severe losses in that

Your attributing your own car theft analogy to me proves that you haven't comprehended what I've been writing. If you want to quote any of my posts and argue the points over it, I'd be happy to explain further.

Otherwise it'd be quite silent world indeed, if all the copyright issues would be looked after like murders.

So are you going to attribute your own "murder" quote to me as well? :rolleyes:
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Nash

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« Reply #116 on: June 29, 2003, 03:45:01 AM »
Saburo, come on, yer comparing downloading mp3s to murder? Helluhvah stretch there.

Offline Frogm4n

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« Reply #117 on: June 29, 2003, 04:29:22 AM »
screw the riaa. screw larrs. "shareing" mp3s isnt officially illegal right now so download as many as you please i say.  everytime they shutdown one format for us to procure songs , some nerd programmer finds another way to "share" data. it will be like this untill they offer a way for people to download songs for a small fee. make it like 10-20 bucks a month and at least half the people "stealing" music will pay for the service.

the riaa are a buch of ****tards that need to get their act together. because right now all they are doing is alienateing themselves.

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #118 on: June 29, 2003, 04:43:13 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
Saburo, come on, yer comparing downloading mp3s to murder? Helluhvah stretch there.

When it comes to justifying theft, I guess they'll go to extremes to justify it. After all it's not like they're out there murdering people or stealing cars. LOL.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #119 on: June 29, 2003, 06:04:43 AM »

You obviously didn't get the idea what I meant with the 'murders' sentence.

It SIMPLY and ONLY means the height of wanted status of a criminal.
Aka first priority to find music pirate, over the other crimes - to make my point it wouldn't help anythign even if it would be this way and all the piratism would be cut away.

Obviously some people have problems with understanding and only reads it as it suits their flaming post - the way it was never meant to.

No where was I COMPARING it to a murder, however some people here obviously did compare it to a murder just to suit their flaming policy.