Originally posted by john9001
if the bug has no cure , why didn't all 305 die instead of only 5 ?
ther is no cure against viruses, but we can handle most of it with our imune systems we have in our body.
just think about the indians in america that got killed by "regular illness as flue" after the white came over. they had never been affected by it and therby no immune system to heal it either.
well lets say this is a flue like the spanish flue that rammed the world about 1918-20, 30 million people died mostly aged 30 to 45 years old somhow.
but ofcourse alot survived (most of them)
there was no airplanes wich moved people around the world at that time as they do now.
Just a tought, if this one kills 10% of the victims there would be around 500 million people dead of todays population.
lol 500mill well that is if all the worlds population is infected hehe that wont happen i hope.
That flue was a virus wich we still have no cure for (we got somthing like they call virusbreakers but dont work on many people)
This might be worse than any war we might see coming.
hope not for sure