Author Topic: Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy  (Read 5767 times)

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #105 on: April 10, 2003, 09:09:42 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
I'm glad people don't need subscriptions to post to this board. So much would be lost if that wasn't the case.

I don't disagree at all with you Dowding, at least on this subject. However, the drive by spewings are a little ridiculous.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #106 on: April 10, 2003, 09:14:16 AM »
Yeah, but they are interesting.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline midnight Target

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #107 on: April 10, 2003, 09:14:26 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Are there any russians in the U.S. that arent into organized crime?

Of course!

Offline Ike 2K#

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #108 on: April 10, 2003, 09:30:06 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Of course!


Offline lazs2

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #109 on: April 10, 2003, 11:14:00 AM »
mt... ya know... I have noticed a difference in those russians that came here before the collaps and those who came after.   We won't be getting any more Ayn Rand's but we will be getting a ****load of petty and not so petty criminals.

hell... baroda himself is a theif of software.

Offline Ike 2K#

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #110 on: April 10, 2003, 12:16:07 PM »
hmmmmmmmm, ive seen lots of comments to boroda like "have you been on the bread line?" and other BS comments. C'mon those phrases are gettin old.

Offline MoMoney

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #111 on: April 10, 2003, 12:28:28 PM »
and they put me on "Probation"

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #112 on: April 10, 2003, 02:13:29 PM »
Amazing, I make two points and I'm a russian. At least some of you seem to be educated enough to read my first post and understand but obviously there are those among you who don't understand the written word (probably because English isn't there first language) and instantly accuse me of being Russian, "spew a bunch of drivel in defense of Boroda ", "Its nice that three people with the same beliefs ".

Where in my post do I support Boroda or what he said?

i'm confused by the russian convoy" Me to, they are friends of Iraq and friends (in a sense) of the USA so why the need to leave in the first place let alone at that time

Hmm really looks to me like I'm supporting Boroda.

For those of you more simple minded among us my post points out that the Press LIES to you. It's hardly surprising Russian press is saying the Americans shot up the convoy, as is the American press is saying they didn't. The Press follows the feeling of there own country and influences it's reporting accordingly. A reporter born, bred and educated in the USA will be influenced by this abroad, likewise a Russian journalists who's been brought up to think the US of A is the big bad guy. (look at the Cold war, both sides thought the other was the big Evil).

The only people who know the truth are so high up in Goverment and they will never tell us the truth and to be honest with you I don't care.

@Captain Virgil Hilts. did you understand the meaning of engage your brain before your fingers? Do some research before you start spouting off about how wonderful things are and how much money the US has spent to remove Saddam. The $75 billion you refer to is the military cost spent by the US in removing him from power. If it was $75 billion invested in improving the way of life for the whole world including your own country then I'd be impressed but at the end of the day your $75 billion has killed alot of people be they innocent or not. Tell me how much the USA is spending on humanitarian aid in Iraq, but I can bet it will a tiny fraction of the amount you've just spent killing people.

yet your country not only fails to accept its share of that responsibility but in fact continues to provide aid and comfort to the Saddam regime of Iraq.
 As I said in my first post make sure your evidence is foolproof before you make a statement. What aid and comfort? Did you bother to even verify the accuracy of the chart at the beginning of this post before you spouted off? If they are providing aid and comfort to the Iraqi regime show us the proof and if it's correct then I'll believe you but from what I can see you're basing your information on a chart that was created by a French lunatic and if you bothered to research it you'd discover it's delibratly misleading in the hope that idiots like yourself would take it at face value.

Do it for about 50 years and then come back and tell us all how great it is and how good it was for your country.
Again research it and then give me facts and figures and prove to me that the USA hasn't benefited economicaly in the last 50 years by hosting the UN and creating it's place as the world leader. You also spout off about the league of nations, do you know any history? Do you even know the USA didn't even belong to the League of Nations? Do you even realise that the LoN did actually prevent a number of wars during it's term and in terms of Germany and WW2 Germany withdrew from the LoN in 1933 and the LoN acted in concert when the time of war did actually come about.

like tell the truth,
Don't talk crap every goverment in the world (yes this includes yours and mine) is guilty of lying and occasionally they get caught out but the odds are the number of lies that have been successfully told to us the general public far outweight those which have been exposed.

Come to America,
Why? your gun crime is horrific, your Health system isn't free, your country has huge problems with racial intolerance and you seem to be trying to prove to the rest of the world what men you are by waving lots of big guns around. My country isn't perfect but I'm safer here thank you very much. Maybe you should have invested some of that $75 billion in making your schools a safer place for your students to goto.


hell... baroda himself is a theif of software.

Duh, it took me five minutes to discover that baroda is a forum moderator nothing more nothing less. If you have proof to the contrary please state otherwise. If we were in the USA according to your laws he could sue you for slander and defammation of character.


I agree with your post but the russian being pretty bloody stupid so it would be polite for you to retract the
And how ironic that they come here insisting that it was everyone else's fault.
Rereading the posts by Zembla and Terror where does it refer to them saying it was everyones elses fault? All they are doing IMHO is pointing out that War is wrong no matter how you look at it because people DIE and the press isn't always objective.

This war has cost approx $100 billion dollars, I dare you to do some research and discover if spent differently what this money could have done to save millions of lives around the world as well as ensuring situations like Iraq do not come about again without even firing a shot.


Offline lazs2

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #113 on: April 10, 2003, 02:22:00 PM »
malin... yu miss the obvious.   $75 billion or $175 billion in aid is worthless untill you get saddam out of power..  What was your plan to do that again?

Offline Frogm4n

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #114 on: April 10, 2003, 02:25:11 PM »
i love how ripsnort is the first idiot to post news as facts that has alot of maybes and ifs and possibles in it.

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #115 on: April 10, 2003, 02:25:48 PM »
This war has cost approx $100 billion dollars, I dare you to do some research and discover if spent differently what this money could have done to save millions of lives around the world as well as ensuring situations like Iraq do not come about again without even firing a shot

Try reading to the end before you comment lazs

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #116 on: April 10, 2003, 02:34:09 PM »
Originally posted by Malin
Duh, it took me five minutes to discover that baroda is a forum moderator nothing more nothing less. If you have proof to the contrary please state otherwise. If we were in the USA according to your laws he could sue you for slander and defammation of character.

LOL!  Boroda doesn't need us to defame his character; he does a fine job on his own.

I point you to this FAQ which lists Boroda as having provided hosting for Freebirds.  Specifically, the FAQ states:

"-AIKE- analysed the game traffic separately from -ITMO- and send bug reports to IEN with ways to fix them for free. -AIKE- was also blamed by IEN. Then -AIKE- coded his own server on ANSI-C, and Sep'99 –IVAN-/--UF-- and BORODA hosted it in Moscow."

That alone might not indicate that it's the Boroda we know and love, but the FAQ then includes a cease and desist order from IEN which lists the actual names of the participants in this piracy.  It states:

"Software Pirates Identified so far:

Alex :
Yuri Nikitin
Igor Borodin
Sergey Kogan
Sergey Hlupnov
Fedor Ashanin"

Boroda's sig includes his name, which it lists as Pavel Pavlov.

I'd call that triangulation of facts.  Someone named Boroda hosted a Freebirds server in Russia.  We have a Boroda on these boards who signs his name Pavel Pavlov, and IEN sent a cease and desist order listing the name Pavel Pavlov as one of the perpetrators.  It's pretty damn hard to deny these facts.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #117 on: April 10, 2003, 03:04:25 PM »
LOL, you're gonna make me a bad guy by having me defend boroda.

He's accused of being a thief, yet you yourself have stated that a guy called aike coded his own server on ANSI and boroda hosted it.

So tell me whats wrong with that and why he's a thief? Has he made alot of money doing this? Did he sneak into IEN's office and steal the server side software? Do the people who play on his server steal the software from IEN? Does he still host the server?

Why's he not pissed at aike for not mentioning him on the FH website in the credits.

Back to the original point. What proof do you have he's a thief and what has he stolen?


Offline Dnil

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #118 on: April 10, 2003, 03:43:32 PM »
possession of stolen goods you think FH is theft?

Offline Suave

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #119 on: April 10, 2003, 04:30:50 PM »
It has nothing to do with Boroda personally, and I think the personal insulting against him and others is very trailer park. It is about is opinions, most of which are based on lies he got from his soviet education, or Pravda, or god knows where . Most here, through some morbid curiosity, find it intriguing, and some of us wonder why he clings to such lies. Is he so completely programmed, or does he harbor some resentment of the free world, or does the soviet propaganda machine live on in modern Russia ?

Most americans don't believe people as miseducated as he still exist, sadder still, some believe that they never did. He is as I stated before a spectacular example .