Question #1:
Our Constitution does no apply to foreign nations. France, as it is prone to do, has a false sense of importance. Moreover, they seem to relish being the square peg. Fine, let them think of themselves as important and they can walk any path they as a nation desire. However, they need to understand that every action has consequences, sometimes positive, other times decidedly negative.
Clearly, the French government has been motivated by financial reasoning. Any concern for the Iraqi people or American cencerns was easily swept aside by the almighty Euro. Billions in oil deals was sufficient to throw old alliances onto the trash pile. Amazingly, many French citizens complained that the US was going into Iraq for the oil. Yet, that oil was the primary reason their own government worked so hard to sabotage America in the UN. Considering that we had 200,000 military personnel in Kuwait, isn't it probable that if oil was the motive, the US would simply occupy Kuwait and just take their oil?
In recent days, documents establishing that France supplied the Iraqis with sensitive intelligence provided by the USA have surfaced in Iraq. France not only leaked conversations between Blair and the Italian Prime Minister, they passed along much of the content of American diplomatic discussions. It also appears that France supplied Iraq with intelligence on US war plans. How many American soldiers died due to this? Was Saddam able to avoid US strikes because the French tipped them off in advance? We will soon know the depth of French duplicity. When we do, the consequences will be proportional to their deceit. Bush is not likely to forgive and forget when it comes to behavior this far outside the borders of a "friendly disagreement". See Question #3 for further elaboration.
Question #2:
Think for a minute how the US reacted to the 9/11 attacks. The simple fact that the entire Arabian peninsula is not a giant glass factory indicates immense restraint. Anyone with even the slightest comprehension understands that Saudi Arabia directly bankrolls virtually all Islamic terrorism. The fact that the US has announced a complete pullout from Saudi Arabia should send shivers down the spine of the Saudi mafia. Count on unrestrained pumping of Iraqi oil, flooding the market with the intent of crashing crude oil prices. Count on the Saudis to squeal like pigs over the loss of revenue. Minor payback in my estimation. Someone once suggested targeting several MIRVs on Meca for the purpose of political blackmail. IE, the support of terror leading to additional attacks on the US, especially with WMD, will result in making Meca so hot that the desert will feel like the north pole in comparison. This may be an extreme measure, but does anyone doubt that it would be effective at causing the Islamic world to seriously try to control militant fundamentalists?
Before anyone whines, do they think for a second that Islamic terrorists would not target sacred Hebrew and Christian shrines in Israel with nuclear weapons if they had them? Rumor says that Israel had foiled an attempt to set off a radioactive "dirty" bomb at the Wailing Wall during the past 3 years. Then again, it is estimated that Israel has up to 200 nuclear weapons and a delivery system capable of ranges in excess of 10,000 miles. Had Iraq fired biological or chemical warheads into Israel during the Gulf War of 1991, there was no promise that Israel would not have responded with nuclear weapons. The US knew that, and so did Iraq. Ever wonder what really drove Egypt and Jordan to the peace table? There was far more than international political pressure in play. Even Syria has limited its behavior to support for Hamas and Hezbulah, with absolutely no obvious sabre rattling.
But, let's get back to the question.
Any nation connected to the 9/11 attacks has to realize that their necks are perilously close to the chopping block. All other American political considerations take a back seat to the security of the American people. Any nation worth a damn would adopt that same posture under similar circumstance. The big difference is that the US has the muscle to back up that posture. The right to self defense is not limited to the borders. Had France and Great Britain conducted a military intervention against Germany in 1938, it is entirely possible that the depth and scope of the Second World War would have been avoided.
Question #3:
Germany did not go out of its way to aid Iraq against a supposed ally. By and large, neither did Russia. I can respect a difference of opinion. I cannot tolerate treachery, and neither can most Americans.
France has always been right there when she needed us. Will the US be there the next time France calls? Time will tell. For the short term, American anger will be felt in the average citizen's refusal to purchase French products. Greater, more transcending consequences may come to pass in terms of a forever damaged friendship and the knowledge that trust has been erased from this relationship.
Known for its many contributions to art, bad form has been elevated by the French government to unique art form, not seen since the days of Napoleon III and France's meddling in Mexico during our Civil War.
My regards,