Author Topic: U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws  (Read 3501 times)

Offline Bodhi

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #60 on: May 03, 2003, 12:19:35 PM »
Originally posted by Raubvogel
Where to start...
Marijuana is not physically addictive. Any addiction is psychological and no different than a fat chick being addicted to HoHos.

Revoking Raubvogel Lie # 1

marijuana (màr´e-wä´ne) or marihuana, is a relatively mild but, addictive drug with hallucinogenic properties, obtained from the flowering tops, stems, and leaves of the HEMP plant.  Last time I checked, HoHos did not cause Short-term memory loss, Accelerated heartbeat, Increased blood pressure, Difficulty with concentrating and information processing, Lapses in judgment, Problems with perception and motor skills.  These are all signs of pysiological addiction which in most cases can be tougher to break than a physical.


Originally posted by Raubvogel
"Gateway" drug? Please. Anyone willing to become addicted to cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, etc, would be just as willing if marijuana did not exist. There are millions of people who smoke pot and never become crackheads. But there are plenty of crackheads would be crackheads regardless of the availability of pot.

Revoking Raubvogel Lie #2

Over 90% of first time uses of "hardcore" (Heroin, Cocain, Crack Cocaine, PCP, Crystal Meth, and LSD) drugs have been linked to Marijuana users experiencing a "new high".  This problem, also known as the Gateway Effect is becoming increasingly worse among High School Students and young college students.  Studies show, that most hardcore drug users got their start on the lesser drug marijuana.  Quickly realising the "high" to be of a more intense quality, marijuana use was left behind in favor of the new hardcore drugs.

(New England Journal of Medicine)

Originally posted by Raubvogel
Pot destroys brain tissue eh? Marijuana may hamper short term memory and cognition, but there are no studies linking marijuana use to permanent brain damage.....give me a break.

Revoking Raubvogel's Lie # 3

Chronic use will eventually produce permanent effect on memory since the hippocampus will adjust its memory storage mechanisms to handle the lower capacity or volume of information produced by the drug. Thus, even when the drug is not present, the hippocampus will be altered and reduced in capacity to perform at an optimum level. This may be the basis for the well-known memory deficits that are present in chronic marijuana users.  It is this area, when damaged, that renders patients literally incapable of remembering new information for more than a few minutes and is undoubtedly critically involved in the well known memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease. When these hippocampal marijuana receptors are affected by the cannabis, they have the effect of rendering the hippocampus inactive.  

(National Institutes of Health, Publication No. 96-4106)

Originally posted by Raubvogel
More severe penalties for marijuana? Yep, that's all we need to crowd our prisons even more than they are now. Let's put away the really dangerous people, the potheads. :rolleyes:

"...Most specifically, we should impose severe penalties on the dealers.  Users, are only going to cost us billions next year in abuse support, increased medical cost, and family counseling.  Not to mention the costs imposed by Marijuana users moving on to more intense drugs now widely available to them."

(New York Times)

Guess I am an idiot huh Raubvogel?  I think it is time for you to get off the pothead sites promoting their "wonderous recreation" and start reading more reputable sources.  All of which I have quoted for you to educate yourself on the hazards of this supposed "harmles drug".  A lot of this information too can be garnered by taking yourself to the local trauma center and asking them to point you in the direction for the drug abuse center.  Spend a few weeks of time volunteering down there, then tell us all Marijuana is not a addictive, destructive drug.  THen, and only then can you roll your eyes about this.

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Offline Animal

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #61 on: May 03, 2003, 12:59:58 PM »
Originally posted by Creamo
Yeah guys, marijuana should be legal cause you can make rope and really cool shirts from it!

No, because it is a herb, and although it may make people lazy, so does Opra and McDonalds Super Sized meals. Add laws and welfare that promote people to claim disability to that long lazy list.

A joint ain't going to hurt you anymore than 3 Ribeye steaks. Piss off.

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Offline Saintaw

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #62 on: May 03, 2003, 01:27:59 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Yeah ... we have a few rich dumb students here as well. :(

Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline SOB

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #63 on: May 03, 2003, 01:46:56 PM »
Where in the hell is AKSeaWulfe?  No pot thread is complete without him!

And Bohdi...first of all, it's none of your business what another person does to their body, so whether pot is harmful to your memory or not is moot.  Second, anyone with an ounce of common sense knows this "gateway drug" nonsense is just that, nonsense.  People who use hard drugs actually used safer drugs before?!  No sh*t.  People make a concious choice to do what they do.  There are consequences and benefits to doing anything...including specific drugs.  Because some chose to start with pot does not mean that pot was the impetus for them to use something worse.

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Offline fffreeze220

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #64 on: May 03, 2003, 01:52:30 PM »
lol duedel Stole my reworked avatar again eh ?
DIEB elender Dieb :)

Offline Suave

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #65 on: May 03, 2003, 02:01:39 PM »
Yes Bohdi you're an idiot, despite what you've been told marijuana is not pysiologically addictive (physiological means physical btw).

 And the logic that 90% of hard drug users use marijuana, thus marijuana caused them to use hard drugs, is incredibly flawed . Gatewaydrug is an invented buzzword .

Marijuana is much less harmfull than the toxin ETOH, commonly known as alcohol .

As for trauma centers, people overdosing on marijuana ? Sorry you've been lied to again, it's not possible .

I've worked at drug detox centers, and I work in trauma centers .

Offline Airhead

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2003, 02:08:44 PM »
Originally posted by Bodhi comes from living a know-it-all do nothing union mentality that has been crammed down his throat since he started working at the airlines.  


Wow, how did I miss this anti-Union rant? Bodhi, you know even less about unions and union workers than you do about marijuana. I wouldn't use anyone but a Union plumber, union electrician or union carpenter if I were to build a house. The qualification program for the Plumbers' Union, for instance, requires 5 YEARS of class work and field work before a Journeyman's Card is issued. In all candor, Bodhi, you don't know what you're talking about.

I'd say more but I gotta go to Loaves and Fishes to take care of all the marijuana addicts pushing shopping carts around, unable to remember who they are anymore. :rolleyes:

Offline vorticon

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2003, 02:13:06 PM »
but you can OD on maryj just like you can OD on booze...

more people are killed as a result of everyone having a "right" to owning a gun than are killed by marijuana...yes there is an asociated risk that comes with taking ANY most a person will smoke 2 bowls of pot a day...unlike 2 packs a day taken by smokers...yes you willl eventually get the same problems you get with smoking cig's if you smoke marijuana but it will take more time...yes it causes memory problems but guess what...ive remember more of what happened on the one day i smoked it than i do on a day when i spend more than 3 hours in front of a computer...

legalizing marijuana will actually decrese health risks currently associated with it because everyone will KNOW that what there getting is clean...

i think that the U.S. is just using it as an excuse to cause even MORE economic downfall in canada than they already have...

Offline Creamo

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2003, 02:13:33 PM »
Didn't you know that smoking pot makes you do nothing like a union member Air?

Offline Torque

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« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2003, 02:39:54 PM »
You notice how alcohol is never mentioned as a gateway drug.

Offline SirLoin

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« Reply #70 on: May 03, 2003, 02:40:03 PM »
Bodhi,would you rather fly on an aircraft that was serviced by non-unionized mechanics?

Didn't think so...

Offline Furball

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« Reply #71 on: May 03, 2003, 02:44:43 PM »
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #72 on: May 03, 2003, 04:47:24 PM »
Originally posted by SirLoin
Bodhi,would you rather fly on an aircraft that was serviced by non-unionized mechanics?

Didn't think so...

Take a walk on a unionised ramp one of these days SirLoin, that alone will make you not want to use the overpaid, under worked, under-skilled, lazy arse union mechanics.  Between they and the Execs it's a wonder the mechanics Unions haven't bankrupted all the airlines as yet.  But don't worry, they will.  Just gonna be nice watching us non-union mechanics maintaining our 401 K's and retirement, while the know-it-alls lose theirs.  As for the mechanics unions, they suck, plain and simple.  The only thing worse are the execs at MOST of the big airlines.  Hard to tell who is going to steal more of your money.  
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Offline Bodhi

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #73 on: May 03, 2003, 04:52:32 PM »
Originally posted by Suave
I've worked at drug detox centers, and I work in trauma centers .

Suave, I am very glad that you take the time to work in Detox centers.  I have myself (albeit as a volunteer), while I have never seen a marijuana overdose, I have seen plenty of high school kids that OD'd after first smoking pot, then "trying" something else.  It's sad, and I feel that had the drugs, including marijuana not been there, then this would not have been a problem.  

Ohh, u are right on the misuse of word, was my bad, was in a hurry as I am now.
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Offline rc51

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U.S. warns Canada against easing pot laws
« Reply #74 on: May 03, 2003, 05:50:07 PM »
Originally posted by Siaf__csf
At least I'm lucky to live in a country where 'trying coke in a college' is read as trying a drink of coca cola - not sniffing up some ****.

I've always been amazed of the extent of your country's drug problem. Your govenrment IMO really faces a much larger threat there, within, not from terrorism.

They killed 3000 in a big crash, how many americans die to drugs and drug related crime each year?

Not for you to worry about frenchy!