Buffs as targets for fighters are pretty poor food.. if what yer after is kills.
For the rest of us; engaging a buff is an evil necessity; something thats got to be 'done' when it's spotted on the way to it's target or over it's target.
Wanna improve your chances of success against a B17?? Stalk him till he goes on to his bombsight, or even better, force him off the target by keeping him on the guns and bag him when he trys to turn. This is when heavy bombers need cover and escorts the most.. on the target. In transit; they are very hard to get at if they travel in pairs or formations.
The medium buffs can be a more problematic than a heavy.. don't let the lighter armamanets fool yah. Watch out for 'ol facefull if you try to stalk a B26.
The chances of any buff surviving a paitent well positoned and executed fighter attack are next to nil.. likewize; a fighter pilot who's forced by circumstance or the the local tactical situation to attack from poor postion is likely to meet a sorry end.
War IS hell; yah know.
1st/AG "Bishlanders"