Author Topic: The Shoki would have really been nice.  (Read 2807 times)

Offline F4UDOA

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2003, 09:44:13 AM »
Ok Grunherz you win. The George and the C-Hog are different. Lord knows nobody wants to perk the NIK2 in AH (I am not one who does).

In any case I would still rather have the KI-44 in AH as the Japanese midwar fighter 1943. Maybe 1944 can be the Tony II or Jack and the 1945 can be the KI-84.

Point being I would have liked to have gotten it before Q3 2003 in AH II.


I didn't realize who Buschell was. I have his book on the Ki-84.

I would like to see the Ki-44 available for senarios against the F4U-1. Right now nobody in the CT will let the F4U-1 fight the A6M2 or 5. I thought you were the guy leading the fight to get the F4U-1 enabled?

What they should do is just turn the WEP off and lower the weight approximately 300lbs. Viola early war F4U-1.

Offline dtango

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« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2003, 11:35:04 AM »

Which book do you have that has the TAIC reports?  I've been searching around for TAIC reports.  Thanks!

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
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Offline F4UDOA

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« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2003, 11:50:51 AM »

I have a book of nothing but TAIC reports.

It is by Planes of Fame publications and Ed Maloney.

Called Japanese Aircraft Performance. ISBN #0-915-464-03-2

I purchased it online through

You shouldn't have any trouble finding it.

Offline dtango

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« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2003, 12:59:19 PM »
Great, thanks for the info!  Much appreciated!

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline brady

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« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2003, 01:19:54 PM »
"In any case I would still rather have the KI-44 in AH as the Japanese midwar fighter 1943. Maybe 1944 can be the Tony II or Jack and the 1945 can be the KI-84."

  Well hear agin most of the Ki 44's from mid war were the Ki 44-I's, and the Earler Ki-61-Ib has cannons and preforms much better overall, in fact it is the best preforming of all the Tony's in terms of climb, so I would rather see it come as aposed the Ki 44 for this perioud. If you get into late war 44/45 you again have better rides available, the Ki 84 or the N1k1, or the N1k2, the Jack imo falls into the same catagory as the Ki 44.

"Point being I would have liked to have gotten it before Q3 2003 in AH II. "

 Ya I hear that even if I would rather have somting different.

"I didn't realize who Buschell was. I have his book on the Ki-84."

 His Ki 84 book as some error's in it namely the "c" production figures, only 1 or 2 were actualy made.

"I would like to see the Ki-44 available for senarios against the F4U-1. Right now nobody in the CT will let the F4U-1 fight the A6M2 or 5. I thought you were the guy leading the fight to get the F4U-1 enabled?"

   As near as I can tell the Ki 44 would not of faught the F4U-1, they were mostly in China and the CBI and protecting the oil fields around Palembang, then later in the war they made it to the philipines and they faught the Russians and the last units wound up on Formosa and definding the home island's, at war's end only 3 units were still equiped with the Ki-44, I know they did fight Royal Navy F4U's when the Brits smaked the Palembang oil refineriers during their raid s aganst them. They never served in the solomons or New Gunnie, sumatra and the Dutch east indies and the the Philipines is as far SE as they got.

        My stance on the F4U-1 vs the early war Japanese plane set is that the F4U-1 is to much for them and that they nead to be restricted(limited) or left out of planeset's whear they face anything other than the George.


"What they should do is just turn the WEP off and lower the weight approximately 300lbs. Viola early war F4U-1.'

 The big problem is the HUGE spead advantage the F4U-1 has over the early Japanese plane set, it is prety boaring fighting aganst a plane that just zoom's and boom's all day long while you sit and wait for him to make a mistake while ploding along in your A6M2, wityh it's piss pore gun package(see my link bellow on those gun's).

 I gues my main concern hear is that since I doubt well get much in the way of new rides for Japan in the short term that what we do get be the best bang for the production buck, a Ki 84 is imo the best option and a varient of the Tony the Ki-61-Ib, these two fighters would go a long way to adreasing set up issues we have for the Japanese, while the Ki 44 would be nice, it is not going to realy help restore balance at least not as much as the former two would.

   We also nead a couple strike aircraft for the Empire but that is another story....:)

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2003, 06:32:21 PM »
Originally posted by brady
"As near as I can tell the Ki 44 would not of faught the F4U-1, they were mostly in China and the CBI and protecting the oil fields around Palembang, then later in the war they made it to the philipines and they faught the Russians and the last units wound up on Formosa and definding the home island's, at war's end only 3 units were still equiped with the Ki-44, I know they did fight Royal Navy F4U's when the Brits smaked the Palembang oil refineriers during their raid s aganst them. They never served in the solomons or New Gunnie, sumatra and the Dutch east indies and the the Philipines is as far SE as they got.

        My stance on the F4U-1 vs the early war Japanese plane set is that the F4U-1 is to much for them and that they nead to be restricted(limited) or left out of planeset's whear they face anything other than the George.


"What they should do is just turn the WEP off and lower the weight approximately 300lbs. Viola early war F4U-1.'

 The big problem is the HUGE spead advantage the F4U-1 has over the early Japanese plane set, it is prety boaring fighting aganst a plane that just zoom's and boom's all day long while you sit and wait for him to make a mistake while ploding along in your A6M2, wityh it's piss pore gun package(see my link bellow on those gun's).


Ki-44s were deployed to the PI (246th Sentai). They were also based on Iwo Jima (23rd Sentai),and Okinawa (29th Sentai).

The vast majority of units flying the Ki-44 were recalled or assigned to home defense on the various Japanese Islands. Here they encountered P-51s, P-47Ns, F6Fs and some Corsairs operating off of the U.S. fleet carriers. Over Japan their primary adversary were B-29s (and their escorts, swarms of Mustangs and super-long-range P-47Ns).

P-38s encountered the Ki-44 in the PI, as did both Navy and Marine fighters in the area surrounding Iwo Jima. However, the number of Ki-44s were never more than a few dozen.

As for CT set-ups, I understand the desire to "balance" the arena, but hell, it's supposed to be an historical arena inasmuch as is possible.

Simply because the Zero (even A6M5 as it IS a late 1943, early 1944 fighter) is such a dog against the F4U, the Allies pilots don't get to fly the Corsair or have it anywhere near the front as compensation to the whining Axis jocks. Likewise the A6M2 DID face the F4U and F6F. So did the A6M3. So, in the interest of "balance" give them the A6M5! Not that it will make the slightest difference.

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2003, 07:17:43 PM »

Where does the idea that the Ki.84 wasa 1945 fighter come from?  I see people who mainly fly Allied make this claim frequently.

The Ki.84 was in the hands of service evaluation squadrons in late 1943 and in service by April, 1944.  That is before the P-51D, P-38L or F6F-5.

The Ki.84 was NOT a 1945 fighter

I'm tired of seeing that claim.


You mean the Axis pilots who whine the F4U away just like the Allied pilots (with far less reason) whine the N1K2-J away?

Nah, you couldn't mean that.:rolleyes:

Tell me, do you enjoy competing with four other F4Us to kill one A6M2?  Do you enjoy endlessly BnZing aircraft that can't do anything about it?

Maybe it would help if you pro-Allied guys would actually push for concurrent Japanese aircraft rather than insisting that it is just fine and dandy for the Japanese side to be fighting with equipment that is two or more years older than what you are using.

How about some of these:


Instead of asking for aircraft, like the Ki.44-I-Ko, that would make the balance of power even worse, why not ask for aircraft that would make for challenging opponents?
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Offline brady

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« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2003, 08:39:27 PM »
"As for CT set-ups, I understand the desire to "balance" the arena, but hell, it's supposed to be an historical arena inasmuch as is possible."

 True but not at the expense of playabality. The premis is to be as historicaly accurate as posable but not at the expense of good gameplay, and That means that a Plane with a 70 MPH spead advantage is not someting we want to see a lot of in a set up.

"Simply because the Zero (even A6M5 as it IS a late 1943, early 1944 fighter) is such a dog against the F4U, the Allies pilots don't get to fly the Corsair or have it anywhere near the front as compensation to the whining Axis jocks. Likewise the A6M2 DID face the F4U and F6F. So did the A6M3. So, in the interest of "balance" give them the A6M5! Not that it will make the slightest difference. "

 The allied piolets can fly it all day long in the MA, and we have many CT set up's that have the F4U's enabled, I am runing one Tomarow that does for example.Creating lopsided plane match up's is not a good idea,and at present adding the Ki 84 and an Early Ki-61-1 would go a long way to adressing these problems that wind up limiting certain Allied planes in Ct set up's.

 The CT views are mine and not nescessarly those of my comrads on the CT staff.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2003, 09:51:07 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak


You mean the Axis pilots who whine the F4U away just like the Allied pilots (with far less reason) whine the N1K2-J away?

Nah, you couldn't mean that.:rolleyes:

Tell me, do you enjoy competing with four other F4Us to kill one A6M2?  Do you enjoy endlessly BnZing aircraft that can't do anything about it?

Maybe it would help if you pro-Allied guys would actually push for concurrent Japanese aircraft rather than insisting that it is just fine and dandy for the Japanese side to be fighting with equipment that is two or more years older than what you are using.

(Quizical look)

{Sorry to butt in ... excuse me WW}

1: I didn't see one single instance of an Allied player whining about the Nik2J on channel one, on the country buffer or on this board during the late pac slot (or afterwards). I flew this setup quite extensively. I may have missed it. How many actual examples can you cite?

2: Who likes getting bounced by 2 Zekes, 2 Kis and 2 Niks on takeoff (while being shelled and bombed)? Well, obviously I must have or I wouldn't have kept doing it - although the CT staff tried to make sure my choices were pretty much limited to that or logging when the game board was tossed across the room then rearranged when it looked like the Axis side was going to recieve it's fair share of lumps. ;) Do you enjoy capping and vulching a field for hours on end? Do you really think having the staff constantly and consistantly modify the slot setup to trim the tailfeathers of the Allies (or push `em into the corner) in order to "balance the scales" the moment the situation in the arena looks like the Axis side is starting to take a beating is being done to ensure balanced play and fun for all involved?

But none of that makes for a very good argument on what model is best to add to the IJ planeset anyhow. As a matter of fact, in some ways it goes to prove how much an "inferior" model can kick butt if you have a tactical advantage. Which is really what the CT is about more than making sure everyone on both sides have planes with identical strengths and weaknesses. If that's all we wanted then why not just have planesets that offer only one type of plane? The Slot with nothing but the Zeke on both sides. Or the Slot with nothing but the Hog on both sides. We both know the answer to that. It's not the MA or the DA.

 The old argument of how "devastating" the F4U would be against the Zero has now become how "boring" it is to fight against planes that have strengths that rely on the ability to strike and extend while  flying a plane with strengths that rely on the ability to maneuver and retain energy. No surprise there. Once the setup was finally put back into play it was bound to disprove the former argument. After all, in the hands of an experienced pilot, a Zeke can hold off a BnZer in a one on one situation pretty much indefinately (or until fuel runs low).

 What if it's not one on one? Well, to tell the truth, it should hardly ever be that. IRL, both sides knew the importance of flying in force and proper wingman tactics. And some IJ pilots realize that the Zeke can actually climb as well as turn ... and can read darbars on maps.

 Non-stop fast and furious close range furballs can be had on most any MA map. If that's the basis the CT staff uses to determine benchmarks, then perhaps the "Combat Theater" needs a more accurate title ... like "Axis vs. Allies furball" (with a subtitle "pro-Axis pac until the IJ planeset meets our expectations").

3: Did I just read you correctly? Did you actually claim that pro-allied guys are not advocating the addition of some more late model Japanese fighters to AH? No .... I must have imagined that. I know you realize how many allied pac (and specifically Hog fans) have added their voices in the request for more IJ aircraft (fighter and bomber). But if I did just read you correctly, shame on you for forgetting that. Holding the f4U-1 as ransom to get more models isn't a very good way to foster such cooperation, either.

4: Do I want a challenge? Hell, I thought I had one. Time and again I've mentioned the skill and tenacity of my IJ foes in everything from an A6M2 to a NiK2J. Why do you think the Allied players are relying so heavily on wingman tactics as well as developing (or reverting to)tactics that focus on the strengths of their machines, which requires alot more patience and discipline than I'm used to. I guarantee you if our positions were reversed (let's say if I was in an FM2 ... down to a third of my clip and you were in .... well, let's just pretend that the Japanese developed a plane with the exact same characteristics of the F4U-1 .... momentum and punch but no real turn capability) ... that I'd find it a challenge and I wouldn't let my ego change that word to boring (nor would I try to get the "Japanese F4U" banned or extremely limited in CT Pac setups until I had my own clone of it to play with). That being said, I'm glad to see some carrier-borne Hogs in the upcoming setup. Let's hope they don't get axed the moment someone lands a kill in one.

Karnak, I respect the hell out of the 13th and it's ability to shine in any mix and match. Don't fall into the Brady/Batz mindset .... please! :D
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 12:11:14 AM by Arlo »

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2003, 09:55:16 PM »
Originally posted by brady

 The CT views are mine and not nescessarly those of my comrads on the CT staff.

One can hope and if so ... that's a good thing. :D

Offline F4UDOA

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« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2003, 10:30:21 PM »
Well said Arlo.

It is not up to the CM's to determine what A/C should used. It is not up to the players or even HTC.

It is history and the best we can do is imitate it. If we choose to disable A/C to make the game more playable or interesting we are gaming the game and kidding ourselves.

Also my asking for Ki-44 in know way says that I don't want a Jack, Ki-84, Ki-100 etc. It just means I want the Ki-44.

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2003, 11:59:10 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak


You mean the Axis pilots who whine the F4U away just like the Allied pilots (with far less reason) whine the N1K2-J away?

Nah, you couldn't mean that.:rolleyes:

Tell me, do you enjoy competing with four other F4Us to kill one A6M2?  Do you enjoy endlessly BnZing aircraft that can't do anything about it?

I certainly don't whine about the N1K2, or any other aircraft for that matter. N1K2s are easily neutered. They can only compete with the F4U if the Corsair pilot elects to maneuver with one at speeds below 300 mph. Moreover, there are plenty of guys who will do exactly that, silly as it is.

I don't know about anyone else, but I fly my aircraft to its strengths. If it has a significant speed advantage, then I'll keep it fast. Even so, that does not mean you can't maneuver for a kill. There's more than a few N1K2 drivers in the MA who wondered how I cut the corner on their fighter, despite having a ton of E in my F4U-4. I love nothing more than seeing a "turn fighter" execute a hard break turn or reverse upon seeing me boring in. That is exactly what I WANT them to do. Kill what E they have, so their ability to change aspect is gone. Break down their energy until they are helpless, wallowing target drones.

Simply diving in and extending, repeat ad nauseum isn't much fun, and often not very productive. Using the entire flight envelope to get the kill is fun.

As to CT balancing: Is this the HTC version of NASCAR? No one is allowed an advantage? I guess we will never see a Spring 1945 Japan scenario. What with F4U-4s, P-51Ds and F6Fs, the outcry would wake the dead. I remember the Sino-Russo set-up well. Basically, the Lavochkins and Yaks buzzed around with virtual impunity and the Axis crew howled. I haven't seen that set up since.

As far as adding new Japanese fighters goes, I'd love it. I fly most of the Japanese plane set in the MA, with great success (47/3, flying Ki-61 and N1K2, with all losses to ack, flak or ack induced). The Ki-84 is one of the 5 aircraft I want to see added (others being the Yak-3, P-47M or N, Ki-100 and Mustang Mk.1A).

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline brady

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« Reply #42 on: May 30, 2003, 12:55:02 AM »
The kuriles set was run several times by me, about 5 times I think and I simply havent had time to rerun it since, I am shure it will see the CT again.

 "It is history and the best we can do is imitate it. If we choose to disable A/C to make the game more playable or interesting we are gaming the game and kidding ourselves. "

  Yes we are atempting to creat a better and more playable enviourment, were only kidding ourselfs if we think doing otherwise is good for the comunity, grosly unbalanced set up's draw fewer players and creat bad experances for CT players, in the past we have noted this on several ocashions and made adjustments to try and creat beter gaming experances for all, while maintaing historical imershion. We cant imatate History in set up's and expect it to be a good time in all instances for all concerned, nore do we have in many cases the planes nescessary to realise this fully. We get as close as we can and not everyone is always happy with the set up, myslef included.

   In any set up that has the US aganst the Japanes the US has the advantage in: Ordance deleavery, firepower, efective gun range, durabality, surviabality, High alt preformance(mostly), Bomber cpaabality, CV strike plane capabality, and often player base, spead advantage, Every Us vs Japanese set up the US planes have a spead advantage, they Typicaly have an exceleration advantage as well, and more often than not a Dive spead advantage.

    And this is in a set that has been adjusted for balance, by limiting or removing the Hog's, the only thing we can do is to limit the degree of advantage the US has over the Japanese.

  So no were not looking to leval the playing field just make it a better all round set up for all concerned, the Japanese are still at a disatvantage, and will always be at one for the most part.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 01:00:14 AM by brady »

Offline Squire

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« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2003, 02:38:47 AM »
Why do you need an early Ki-61 when the current one will suffice? The earlier versions are no faster vs the allied set, and are in many cases are armed with only 4 x 12.7s.

Rabaul Sunset, fall 1943:


F4U-1 birdcage (land based only)  


Ki-61 land based
A6M5 (stand in for the A6M3 and it also served there)
Betty (Ju88)

Perfectly good setup. No need for a N1K2, P-38L or F6F-5. An optional setup could include Ki-67s with F6Fs on the allied side, maybe.

For a late 1944 Phillipines setup, you add the above. The real trouble is with the F4U-1D as you need a Ki-84 in there as a counter. So maybe leave it out and add the FM2 instead? one idea.

*Btw the arguement that the Ki-61 cant fight F4U-1s has been disproved in any CT setup where the two fought. Check the stats for the Ki-61 in the last setup.

*My opposition to the N1K2 only goes as far as including it in 1943 Solomons setups when its not needed if the plane set is right.

The Ki-84 will plug the hole in the IJ set hopefully in AH2. In the meantime we work with what we have.
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Offline brady

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« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2003, 03:37:09 AM »
The earler ki-61-I is a better preformer, which set's better aganst the Earler F4U-1 which is faster than the F4U-1D. It is also a varient and comparatively easy for HTC to add. So if you think we nead the Ki 84 to off set the ID then I gues we better leave the 1A parked till it arives as well.:)

 This CHart tool is a good indacatin of what I am refering to, while not 100% acurate it is prety close to how the planes in AH preform:

 ki 61-Ib wingloading 30.2ib/sq.ft 368mph 5k in 5min 31 sec

Ki-61-I KAIc wingloading 35.1 lb/sq ft, climb to 5k Meters 7min 366mph

 The earler ones were fitted with 20mm MG 151's very early in the production cycle, in fact the plane had been designed to acomadate these and the guns were added right on the production line.

 Hear agin in the set up describe the US has a tremendious advantage unless the F4U's are limited to some extent, the set up would play better with the Hellcat instead of the F4U.

 "Btw the arguement that the Ki-61 cant fight F4U-1s has been disproved in any CT setup where the two fought. Check the stats for the Ki-61 in the last setup. "

 Kill states for the CT are not exactly true indacators of what is realy going on, all they show is what was killed not the circumstance. For example I had 30 Vulches in an A6M5 in 30 min and died once while doing it on the last slot set up if you were to look at my stats you might think i did prety good when in fact they were all easy kill's, I also killed 34 P38's( and a few TBM's) in one setting in a Ship gun ect..., and as widewing has pointed out a suprising number of Allied players are suprisingly wiliing to try and turn fight down low. Their is nothing to prove hear since the argument is not that the ki 61 cant fight the Hog, but it is the point that the Hog is uber do to it's vastly supiour preformance, and that preformance diferential neads to be taken into acount when the set up is made, That and all the above mention inhearent US advantages, what the designer makes of it varies.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2003, 04:08:43 AM by brady »