Author Topic: The Shoki would have really been nice.  (Read 2875 times)

Offline Arlo

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #75 on: June 02, 2003, 06:29:04 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
I was jointing to the obvious. Take the f4u-d we never see it. Its hdden on the cv on the east side of the island where the milkrunners keep milking 16 17 18.

The f4u-1 gets jacked up as soon as it ups. Infact we see very little f4us compared to the jug f6f and fm2.

Do you dispute this?

Its not like in the slot where 5 or 6 guys would fly 4 sectors to club a6m2s they were otr fighting f4fs.

Sure I dispute it. Got film to prove it. All 4 fleets were on the west side of the island last night. Fights were from 20 ft off the deck to 15k. F4U1ds, F6Fs, a few FM2s and a few F4U-1s ... not hardly any Jugs to speak of.

If you intend to "joint" to the obvious, you may want to check around with some other players to see if you have a clue about what you're talking about first. Ask Najdorf. Ask eddieK. ;)
« Last Edit: June 02, 2003, 10:39:30 PM by Arlo »

Offline Batz

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #76 on: June 02, 2003, 09:57:22 PM »
Friday was the 1st day of the setup. It was sunk and on saturday and sunday it was parked off 16 17 18 and 28. Yes I got film of me shooting your f4u-d down 3 or 4 times over a16 as well as several other f4u-ds. As well as brady shooting you down as you ran into ack after I had shot you up good. It may have been sunk at some point but as I said know one cared.  the only reason we flew over there was the other fleets had been sunk again. We left when a better fight developed near a8.

The arena was reset today but it will end up east again. But now theres sbs at all coastal fields.

Offline F4UDOA

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #77 on: June 02, 2003, 10:14:07 PM »
I logged into the CT this afternoon hoping to fly my F4U-1 against some NIK2, A6M5 and Tony's.

You know what I saw? ME163's, 109's and every other A/C enabled.

Brady was fixing it but I had to log.

You were right about the non historic part. Is it always that much fun?

Offline Arlo

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #78 on: June 02, 2003, 10:21:57 PM »
Woe-tan cried:
Take the f4u-d we never see it. Its hdden on the cv on the east side of the island where the milkrunners keep milking 16 17 18.

The f4u-1 gets jacked up as soon as it ups. Infact we see very little f4us compared to the jug f6f and fm2.

Do you dispute this?

Once again, Woe-tan, last night ALL fleets were run up the WEST side of the island (you know ... where the only SBs were before the fix). Furballs happened the entire time. F4Us (both variants) participated. You asked if I disputed your claim. I did. I never said the fleets never ran up the East side of the island during the setup. You claimed they never run up the West side. You claimed the F4U does nothing but "hide" to make milk runs on the East side of the island. You made stupid assumptions. It's not the first time. Suck it up and take it like .... well .... do the best you can.

Besides, you were able to figure out that you can fly Japanese aircraft East to defend the Vehicle bases. It made for some fine sorties, didn't it? You come up with the damnedest excuses to cry. :D

But ... once again, no matter. Now there's SBs on both sides. But I'm sure you'll find yet another reason to cry about the Allies not fighting you the way you want them to. ;)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2003, 12:01:33 AM by Arlo »

Offline Batz

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« Reply #79 on: June 02, 2003, 10:47:49 PM »
They werent assumptions, yesterday was sunday. Earlyin the day the fleet that had f4u-ds was ne of 16. On staurday that fleet was sialed up the east side to milkrun 16 17 18 and later that night moved up the coast to take 28.

So it certainly was hiding east of the island. Thats where you kept running remember. It was brady and I in nikis vrs 4 or so F4u-ds. Drunky made 2 ki 67 passes on the fleet and logged. I told you how boring it was fighting you and went down to 8.

Those arent assumptions its facts.

As I said it may have been eventually sunk but who cares for almost 2 days no one saw it.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #80 on: June 02, 2003, 11:56:10 PM »
Yeah, whatever Woe-tan-little. The fleets never sailed up the West side of the island. The furballs never happened. The F4U is only used for milk-runs. And the sky is falling. Hanky? :D

Offline Widewing

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #81 on: June 03, 2003, 01:38:22 AM »
Originally posted by Batz
The CT is the Combat Theater, not some Historical arena. The cms introduce the "historical" part when they brought in specific maps. But they never held to anything specifically "historic".  

It seems that HTC disagrees with your conclusion.

Right from the HTC website, under HELP, ARENAS:

"The Combat Theater is set up for historical gameplay.  There is a two sided war, a limited plane set, and reduced radar."

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline eddiek

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Yeah, Arlo is right on this one.......
« Reply #82 on: June 03, 2003, 08:38:05 AM »
The USN was out in force west of the island.  Fights were plentiful, from the deck on up to about 8K (high as I climbed).
Saw mostly F4F's, F6F's, and a gaggle or two of F4U's.  Even saw a PT boat down there, ready to bail out any USN pilot who got in trouble and had to dive for the deck and the nearby fleet acks.
Between the fleet acks and the PT boat (PE6Hawk, was it?), the fights were interesting to say the least.
Ya knew ya had to make your shots count, cause once your opponent lost any edge, he was outta there, headed for the fleet and it's protective ack umbrella.

THAT is one thing that I hope HT someday changes:  Fleet ack should be dangerous to enemy and friendly planes alike.  

Arlo, before you come back with any remark about me being an Axis lover, consider that the only reason I keep flying Axis is to balance the sides.  I would MUCH rather have been in a Jug, mixing it up on the deck with Ki-61's and N1K2's.  See, I am one of those nutty Jug drivers who does the TnB thing too......not very good at it, but ask najdorf.  I actually won one against his N1K2 in the last Slot setup, on the deck, less than 30 seconds after I took off from Henderson Field.  After that I locked horns with some Zeroes, again, on the deck and in a turnfight........ended up with 6 kills, but the runway bug at Henderson ate them and I got credited with a ditch.  


Offline Batz

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« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2003, 12:00:04 PM »
widewing the cms can make any set up they want historical or otherwise. Regardless of what that says. As I said they mere fact that there have been many many fantasy maps shows thats its not an historical set up. So theres spin and theres facts. I have flew in the ct since day 1 it didnt start "historical" and it aint "historical" now.

Quoting a few words doesnt mean anything. Theres not one bit of "history" in any arena in ah.

Oh planeset aside describe the "historical gameplay" you see. Its the same as the main. "Historical gameplay" doesnt mean "Historical Arena".
« Last Edit: June 03, 2003, 12:03:03 PM by Batz »

Offline Arlo

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Re: Yeah, Arlo is right on this one.......
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2003, 12:44:03 PM »
Originally posted by eddiek
The USN was out in force west of the island.  Fights were plentiful, from the deck on up to about 8K (high as I climbed).
Saw mostly F4F's, F6F's, and a gaggle or two of F4U's.  Even saw a PT boat down there, ready to bail out any USN pilot who got in trouble and had to dive for the deck and the nearby fleet acks.
Between the fleet acks and the PT boat (PE6Hawk, was it?), the fights were interesting to say the least.
Ya knew ya had to make your shots count, cause once your opponent lost any edge, he was outta there, headed for the fleet and it's protective ack umbrella.

THAT is one thing that I hope HT someday changes:  Fleet ack should be dangerous to enemy and friendly planes alike.  

Arlo, before you come back with any remark about me being an Axis lover, consider that the only reason I keep flying Axis is to balance the sides.  I would MUCH rather have been in a Jug, mixing it up on the deck with Ki-61's and N1K2's.  See, I am one of those nutty Jug drivers who does the TnB thing too......not very good at it, but ask najdorf.  I actually won one against his N1K2 in the last Slot setup, on the deck, less than 30 seconds after I took off from Henderson Field.  After that I locked horns with some Zeroes, again, on the deck and in a turnfight........ended up with 6 kills, but the runway bug at Henderson ate them and I got credited with a ditch.  


Wasn't even thinkin of branding yer forehead with a scarlet rising sun, eddie. But I do find your complaint about the Allied pt interesting. The last fight I had that night was lil `ol me vs 2 Niks and an IJ pt. And yes, it was coordinated to stay directly over the pt and low. I agree ... it sure makes it interesting.

 And the ack on the island is no less cover for the IJ than the ack over the fleet. Don't pretend that's not the case. Ack running whines are just like any other whine. All of them devolve down to - "I didn't get to kill him - no fair." But still, thanks for speaking up and confirming that the Allies weren't just keeping the fleet on the East side and "milkrunning" the corsair. ;)

and yeah, you fly them IJ ac even better'n the Jug. :D

Offline RightF00T

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #85 on: June 03, 2003, 01:07:05 PM »
It would be nice to get a few planes that will actually be used on a regular basis.

Offline brady

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #86 on: June 03, 2003, 03:07:02 PM »
I am shure the Ki 44 would be used frequently, and the Ki 84 is likely the last of the Dweab planes(or one of them) to be added, it will likely see more use than many care to imagine.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #87 on: June 03, 2003, 05:34:22 PM »
And yes, I'm still a volunteer on the "committe dedicated to getting more planes modeled for the IJ planeset." I'm even of the mind to just let the dedicated IJ players pick the ones they want most and I'll just add my name to the petition. :)

Offline gofaster

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #88 on: June 05, 2003, 10:04:25 AM »
Originally posted by brady
I am shure the Ki 44 would be used frequently, and the Ki 84 is likely the last of the Dweab planes(or one of them) to be added, it will likely see more use than many care to imagine.

I'd fly the Ki-44 Shoki.  From what I've read in various WW2 fighter plane synopsis books, it looks like a pretty interesting BnZ plane.  Four 12.7mm (.50 calibre) machine guns is plenty strong to bring down fighters and bombers.  I do it frequently in FM2s and P51Bs.  Max airspeed of 373 mph with a 250 mph cruising speed would make it competitive in the MA and possibly be an answer to the F4U in the CT.

I'd also try the Ki-43 Oscar in the III variant because I think a pair of 20mm is the better guns package of the Oscar, but since it didn't reach production then I would settle for the Ki-43-II with the pair of .50cals.  I don't see this plane getting much use in the MA, though.

I think the initial version of the Ki-84 Hayate would be a good addition to the MA and wouldn't upset the balance too much in a CT if Mustangs, Corsairs, and Thunderbolts were involved.  Two 20mm cannons and two 12.7mm (.50 calibre) machine guns would make it less lethal than the N1K2.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2003, 10:25:48 AM by gofaster »

Offline brady

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The Shoki would have really been nice.
« Reply #89 on: June 05, 2003, 01:13:22 PM »
The problem is that their Not 50cal MG's as most people tend to think of them, they are 12.7mm rounds just like the us 50cal is 12.7mm, but that is the only thing they have in common, the US 50 Cal Slug is Biger (weighs more and is longer) and has a higher MV, and about Twice the effective range as the Japanese Ho-103 which is their army 12.7mm. If you want to Experance the differance try uping a Tony and just using the Two 12.7mm MG's in air to air combat.

 Below you will See the US 50 cal on the left and the Ho-103 on the right.