Author Topic: May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)  (Read 4929 times)

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2003, 06:45:59 PM »
Originally posted by TW9
I'd say ur putting it litely.. It wasnt a "mentioning" it was an ad in a forum for AH discussions...

Btw my dad was stationed in jacksonville.. I lived off base with him in Ponte Vedra.. Is that the one with the blue angles hanging from the rafters? Or am i thinking of pensecola?

The polite thing to do would have been to politely direct him to the Off Topic forums and politley tell him that this forum was for AH discussion only.  Regardless of what he did or why he did it you could have simply been polite and explain the proper place for his post.

Besides, there is no harm advertising a free trial in your OT forum if that is the appropriate forum just as the WWIIOL OT forum is not sacred ground where you game can not be advertised.  You know, I think I'll advertise the AH free trail there after a short cooling off period.  After the reception they got here it wouldn't be productive to do so today.

That is Pensacola and I own a house there.  I met my wife there! :p
« Last Edit: June 02, 2003, 06:55:09 PM by Imsneaky »

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2003, 06:50:20 PM »

I will certainly look you guys up when I try AH.  It won't be till around August though as I have to wait till my household goods get to Jacksonville which will be in July.

Then I can start buying the rest of my parts and complete my new system.

This will be my computer alone, the wife gets this one. :p  So anyway I'll have more time on it and more hard drive space. :) I figure to Seagate 120GB SATA drives in Raid 0 should handle allmy needs!  :p

Offline SunKing

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2003, 06:50:24 PM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
You should try that yourself sometime. And you really should stop acting as if you were the spokesperson of this community.

Well said.

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2003, 06:56:56 PM »
my house is not all that far from that greyhound track. Maybe three miles.

Small world eh? :)

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2003, 07:01:50 PM »
Originally posted by Mini D
AH General Forum is for AH Discussion.
O'Club is for all others.

You want respect... respect the rules.


I think this is an honest mistake as I would assume that "general" is open topic where as "O'Club" would be more private."

Since you pointed that out I will certainly obey those rules.

I don't think it was Ring's intention to be insulting or disrespectful.  I think had he been asked politley to delete it and post it in the O'Club he would have done so without question.

Again, knowing the rules here now i will certainely honour them.

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2003, 07:04:20 PM »
Well Gentlemen,

It is 2:00 am here in Sicily and I need to be up by 6:30 am. :eek:

I have enjoyed talking with you and may stop by tomorrow if I can keep my eyes open. :p

Till then

Offline Imsneaky

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2003, 07:08:35 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
Btw. Imsneaky, you guys picked a bad time to visit, after 6 months of arguing over politics, war, terrorism and God knows what. If this had been a real O'Club we would all be carrying guns and half our number would be dead by now ... if not more.

LOL See we have more in common than you know.  I swear the poltical battles in the WWIIOL forums make the battles in the game seem tame. :p

I won't even get into the French bashing/America/Bashing that went on nor the arguements over terrorism.

Actually being wargamers like yourlselves we just need someone to give us an excuse to start fighting!  I think those guys would argue over whose mother is uglier!  LOL

Offline vorticon

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2003, 07:29:00 PM »
Originally posted by TW9
thread was closed.. let it be..

no no he has a point...he was just pointing out what happened THERE and it happens almost EVERYWHERE else as well... just because someone decided to let people know that ww2ol decided to be nice and let people see what it was all about people started jumping down rings throat...over the past 4 months ive watched the board sink into juvenilism...half the time i have problems remebering that YOU PEOPLE ARE ADULTS...SOME WITH CHILDREN...then i remember and think...dear god if these people are raising the generation after mine then if mine doesnt push the button theres will...


Offline Airhead

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Re: May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2003, 07:35:59 PM »
Originally posted by Imsneaky

Well now I am seriously debating whether I want to get AH at all.  See I feel that many of the guys here were way out of line.  I see nothing wrong with what Ring did initially.  He simply said hey we all love games and here is another you may want to check out.

Then the mudslinging began.  I don't condone any of it from either side and I feel both sides did it.  I think that being the hosts as this is your house you could have been a bit more cordial.  

Our house is right, Imsneaky, and when someone comes into my house, starts talking about how my house is a piece of crap and their house is so much bigger and better, how long do I put up with that before you're asked to leave?

I also find it intresting to note that on the one hand you comment about it taking all kinds of individuals to make up a Community then you say you're reluctant to play AH because we're "mean spirited." Which is it? Are we typical of any online Community or are we mean spirited enough that you're reluctant to even try  Aces High?

Offline vorticon

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2003, 07:40:01 PM »
airhead the original POST WAS NOT LIKE was a informative little peice about how we could try the game for a free week...automaticly people started saying how ****ty a deal it was because ah gives you 2 free weeks when you make a new account etc. etc. what they didnt realise was that this was a 1 time only thing so you could either enjoy it or not...

Offline AKS\/\/ulfe

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2003, 07:41:30 PM »
I don't ever wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R Us kid!

Offline Airhead

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2003, 07:43:27 PM »
Originally posted by SunKing
Well said.

I don't know Sun King, I prefer Mini's posts over your stuffy drivel. Maybe if you removed that stick from your ass...

Offline Hortlund

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Re: Re: May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2003, 07:45:29 PM »
Originally posted by Airhead
Our house is right, Imsneaky, and when someone comes into my house, starts talking about how my house is a piece of crap and their house is so much bigger and better, how long do I put up with that before you're asked to leave?
Well, the problem is I dont see where anyone has been coming here saying your house is a piece of crap lately.  To be perfectly honest, I cant recall one post where a ww2ol:er came here thrashing AH. Quite on the contrary. Someone comes here telling us about his new house, and everyone here starts flaming him to kingdom come. The behavior of some people on this forum when it comes to "defending" AH is a real disgrace. It is truly fanboi mentality at its worst.

And if you cannot accept the fact that all people that come to your house might not share your views on what a house should look like, well, then maybe you should not keep the door open and maybe you should remove the "welcome" sign at the front door.


I also find it intresting to note that on the one hand you comment about it taking all kinds of individuals to make up a Community then you say you're reluctant to play AH because we're "mean spirited." Which is it? Are we typical of any online Community or are we mean spirited enough that you're reluctant to even try  Aces High?

Suppose you were thinking on trying out a new game. And you know that what makes or breaks an online game is the player community...I mean there is a reason I dont play counterstrike or dayofdefeat...I dont want to play with 13yrolds with dubious spelling ability. Well, suppose you decide to check out the forums to get a feel for the community.

And then you run into someone like MiniD...I mean that would be it, thanks, but no thanks.

Offline Airhead

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Originally posted by Hortlund

Well, the problem is I dont see where anyone has been coming here saying your house is a piece of crap lately.  To be perfectly honest, I cant recall one post where a ww2ol:er came here thrashing AH.  [/B]

Uh.... right Steve, the WW2OL Fanbois who piled it on- guys like AHSUXXORS- were more than gracious. :rolleyes:

Offline OIO

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May I be a voice of calm and reason? (long but give it a read)
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2003, 07:55:53 PM »
I agree with you imsneaky. But Ring comes here every month or so. He knows the rules or should know them by now. Frankly, I dont mind if he just posted "hey new patch is out and theres a free trial again". But a post that reads like a 1-page microsoft advertisement on the NY Times is another matter. :)

"If that happens I would be more than happy to have you come and let me know what is going on in AH. Why? Because the stinkin game mags aren't letting me know. They are little more than advertisements for new games" , and other sites like it offer better reviews, free demos and the likes of upcoming games. Much better than gaming mags imo. I quit subscribing to them years ago and theres rarely a game, a WW2 game, that comes out that I dont know about.

"I hope CRS relaxes the exclusivety on the forums"

Won't happen. CRS wont allow those with negative experiences with the game to post (aka they cancel account). Thought Police and all that sort of thing, and the only way to actually try the game was to buy the box (waay back then) or pay up (free trial? tell that to my C.C. , which has already blocked CRS and PLAYNET after they charged me for 2 months after i cancelled account AFTER the so called free trial. Costumer service? CRS dumps the payment stuff on Playnet, which has a well deserved reputation for incompetence and reticence. E-mails to CRS's mailboxes never answered, posts to forum using friend's account asking for CRS intervention deleted.

So you see, if people came to those forums and saw pages and pages of people complaining about stuff, particularly Credit Card issues, they would lose a boatload of costumers. Matter of fact, go look up CRS's report on the Better Bussiness Beaurou (sp?). Last time I checked they beat some credit card companies in complaints per month.   :eek:

Do try AH, its 2 weeks free trial, we can all use another target :) :)