Really? God wrote the bible? You believe this...I say man did, and that its words have been translated and repeated so many times that I am willing to bet it retains NONE (or very little) of its original meaning. But then I suppose you will say that God had a "hand" in this.
Those men were inspired by Holy Spirit...what they wrote was directed by God's truth through his spirit.
But when you "fall off" the sin wagon, you can just ask again right? Very convienient.
I don't think you seem to think that christians are perfect? Does it really anger you that God's plan for salvation is based on our faith in his Son rather than the Law? Like I said before...I didn't write the Bible, I just believe it to hold the truth about our lives.
Why can't you respect a gay's choice and not attempt to limit their actions based upon how YOU interpret the bible?
I cannot respect that behavior, however, I have always tolerated it. I have not now, or at any other time since being saved, stood in judgement over anyone's judgements are choices for my life only, which I have tried to share here with all of you.
If your friend finds the gay lifestyle suitable, then it will certainly not be Rude who he bows to someday. The Bible gives account of a time when every knee will bow...that includes my own.
Homosexuality is no worse of a sin than adultery in God's just happens to be this current threads topic.
I've said all I need to say regarding this hope is that you will someday realize the Gospel....the Good News of salvation in you and your families lives....your life would never be the same again.