Author Topic: Bunch of freaking mamby pamby girly men  (Read 841 times)

Offline Vermillion

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Bunch of freaking mamby pamby girly men
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2000, 09:15:00 AM »
Maniac, I'm basically replying to a general stream of comments from Visconti about scenarios from over the past several weeks.

He can make any comment he wants about perk planes, but enough is enough on the Scenario issue.

I try not to take such things personally, and let them pass. But he has kept pounding on the issue over and over, so I felt it was time to respond.

All I'm saying is that if he thinks he can do a better job, step up and do it.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

Offline Maniac

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« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2000, 09:22:00 AM »
I think the criticizm are directed the wrong way here.

Everyone should know that being an CM in AH is an very hard job (in WB´s to for that matter).

The CM´s got an to small plane set to play with, wich results in strange scenarios. Once the early war plane set gets filled out and when the CM´s gets some good CM tools to play with, then scenarios in AH will be excellent.

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Udie

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« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2000, 09:39:00 AM »
 I realy don't see any diference in AH's early senario's than there were in WB's early senario's.  How many times did I attack b25 formations over Europe in the Point Blank Senario and that was 2 years into WB's senario developement. We didn't have b24's or B26's so we substitued b25's, I still had fun shooting at them.

 The CM group has been here since July, I think we've come a long way since then and are improving still with each event run. We're starting something new here and sometimes it may fall apart around us, then others will run smooth as silk.  That's the nature of the beast and we have to live with it.  Since 1.04 HTC has been working with us alot finding out what kind of tools we need and tailoring them to our needs.  That blows my mind and is very cool of them to do.

 This time next year I bet we have more planes than WB2   and 10 times as many terrains.  We CM's should be old pro's by then and event's will run very smooth. We have some serious grognards on the CM staff so I know we'll be running historical events with the exact numbers of exact models of planes that flew in the actual battles. It will just take some time to get there.

 the mission editor alone is sooooo powerful in this regard.  It opens up many many possibilities that don't exist in WB or any other online flight sim.  Stick with us we're getting better at this  



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Bunch of freaking mamby pamby girly men
« Reply #48 on: October 27, 2000, 10:27:00 AM »

That was not a critic about your scenario.
I appreciate the work u put in that job.
About scenarios I have a mate working for these things is Busc. I give him all the help he need when he ask me, so in a certein manner i'm working for scenarios too.

Here my contribution i give you for Afrika

Here a proposal on the early days of AH

Thx to Maniac u get the right point.

Vermillion please explein me where i have done that:
<<<I'm basically replying to a general stream of comments from Visconti about scenarios from over the past several weeks.>>>

If u thake offence on what i have postet i have to say sorry, but i think i have never done an anty Vermillion campaign.

aaa i was missing that:

I have prepared that Homepage for a more in deep experience for the players of your scenarios.

[This message has been edited by VISCONTI (edited 10-27-2000).]