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Aces High General Discussion / Back from the dead
« Last post by gpcustom on Today at 12:15:20 PM »
Been many years since I hung out in AH as Bro(a numbers guy). Left some time after Hooter, then Dr7 and can't remember who and how many that I lost contact with but hoping to pick up a new call sign and see if there are any really old dogs from way back in the day.  I'm sure there are lots of great new faces to check 6 with so...Salute o7 gang and look forward to seeing what I missed along the way :old:
The O' Club / “That’s All, Brother”
« Last post by potsNpans on Today at 12:14:41 PM »
Still Flying High, WWII Plane That Led D-Day Operation Heads to Normandy
Max Gurney, 102, of San Diego is a proud member of the small contingent of surviving veterans who will witness the historic event. OXFORD, Conn.—High above the muddy Hudson River, the D-Day Squadron had flown nearly 100 miles in tight formation to reach the towering spires of New York City.
    Straight ahead, the mirror-blue One World Trade Center—Manhattan’s tallest building at 1,776 feet—rose majestically above a drab sea of skyscrapers.
  Just beyond was the Statue of Liberty with its torch of freedom reaching toward the clouds.
  The five WWII-era aircraft banked left to get a better look at Lady Liberty perched on its island pedestal in the New York Harbor just before the return flight to Connecticut.
   Eighty years ago, the view from the squadron’s C-47 troop transport aircraft named “That’s All, Brother” looked much different as it flew into a world war raging 3,528 miles across the Atlantic Ocean.
The massive airborne operation took place in the pre-dawn hours of June 6, 1944--D-Day. That’s All, Brother was the first of hundreds of paratroop transport planes to deliver their human cargo over the heavily fortified beaches of Normandy, France.
  The May 17 flight over New York City was a trial run for the D-Day Squadron’s 2024 Legacy Tour, which will commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the historic invasion and the 75th Anniversary of the Berlin Airlift in Wiesbaden, Germany.
   On May 18, the squadron took to the skies once again from Oxford, Connecticut, this time on a trans-Atlantic flight across the “Blue Spruce Route” used during WWII.
According to the D-Day Squadron, the Blue Spruce Route “refers to the ferry and refueling navigational path from North America to Europe that was leveraged during the war.
“The significant undertaking aims to honor the courage and sacrifice of the Greatest Generation, promoting the enduring legacy of freedom and democracy they fought for.”
 Piloted by Lt. Col. John Donalson, That’s All, Brother led more than 800 C-47s that carried more than 13,000 paratroopers to drop zones on D-Day in 1944.
  “How do you put a price on history like this—the lead plane on the D-Day invasion?” observed Commemorative Air Force (CAF)  member and head of maintenance, Ray Clausen, of San Antonio, Texas.
“This is physically the first [aircraft] of the actual paratroop invasion” on D-Day.

Just some bits from an article from the Epoch times,
Peace and remembering their merit this Memorial Day.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 11:38:17 AM »
For reason unknown, wise man who counts inability to learn more than 2 languages as wisdom, did not realize 109K4 scenario answer is about 109K4. My inability to learn the languages of all 17 countries where I have worked, somehow made me believe someone that wise should realize that but ok, no way...

Over and out from the topic. Texsan, I mean Vraciu can continue in his big wisdom. Chorus in background can join.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 11:12:30 AM »
Again, the mindset of a Gamer -vs- Simmer.
Gamers are all about points snd exploits, nothing else matters.
Simmers are into historical nostalgia and learning and reliving history.

The divide cannot be deeper.

One is right as a gamer.
The other is right as a simmer.

A gamer mindset is more likely to P-off a simmer, and laugh about it, then repeat for more laughs and whipping the bird.  A gamer sees p-off someone as a victory.

Like it or not, that’s reality.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Operational debrief for 27-May-2024
« Last post by Shane on Today at 11:04:30 AM »
But they failed to get the win, so there's that, right? gj!
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Shane on Today at 10:55:41 AM »
You aren't worth the time.  There is a reason half the arena reported you.  I wasn't one of them.  I don't have to serve my country to call out you being a disrespectful like you are.

Seeing you fly on a different country is great by the way, nice and quiet on country channel.

It also puts your flying habits on full view.  Reminds me alot of Splasher/Quiet/00PK.  Just as easy to kill on the overshoot too when you come barreling down from your perch.

The amount of times you get muted.. do you ever step back and consider that maybe it's not everyone else that's the problem... it's you?

 So, it's okay for you to call out disrespect but not me?  It's only your definition of respect that matters? I can guess which side you would be fighting for back in the 30's and 40's... with your expectations that people toe the line or get sanctioned for speech that makes you feel uncomfortable.

The way you exaggerate is pathetic. Passive/aggressive hypocrites like you have always been in game - you've always been butthurt and crying for attention, "look at me and my mouse flying!"  thru the decades.   :rofl   And here you are decades later still on my ankle. And I've seen you go off on ch2 with knits, lol.

LOFL  "half the arena!" "so you can play 18 hrs a day!"   both examples of hyperbole from you...  it's the same people, people of your sensitive nature who can't deal with being called a gunbunny.

Still waiting to see what it was I said that touched your feels in an uncomfortable way.   Did I mention how I look down on weebz that bypass the language filter - I view them as unintelligent and uncreative... and emotional. Need some midol?

oh... and since I went bish, knits haven't won, lofl, been stuck making enough progress in evenings to finish overnight... did y'all drive off the good players who got tired of the lack of cooperation on a team in a team-based game? I bet that sure puts a crimp in your vulching when there's no base take happening... but those times knits make a feeble effort, you're right there merrily vulching away.

I also have plenty of films showing getting kills in numerous ways, even from a disadvantage - try harder with your attempts. Continue to circle your little wagons of weego, but at least put less misrepresentation in your lying.
Sig line.

Sig line.

You failed.

“Do as I say, not as I do”

“sigline” translated: “ you nailed it”

Sig line.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Skyyr on Today at 10:45:00 AM »
The plane we were "talking" about is 109K4. From any ever experience.

Actually the scenario was a 109K4 in AH3. I believe you arbitrarily introduced any and every experience and asked, openly, how a plane could do that.

Perhaps you'd like to reform your question to Vraciu?
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