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The O' Club / Re: Another Embarrassing PC Question
« Last post by icepac on Today at 06:59:42 AM »
On GM ECUs, (77-9278) compressed air would get under a processor and it would jump off the boards.   

They were already under stress because the conformal coating would swell up under components.   

That said, I would stay late at blue streak and spray them off with a garden hose in the parking lot.
The O' Club / Re: Prebuilt PCs
« Last post by icepac on Today at 06:50:42 AM »
Yep….. me too.   

Same goes for software.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: IL2 as an alternate - been a while
« Last post by Max on Today at 06:07:03 AM »

Given your 1,925 forum posts in the last 3 + years....what's this one about?  :devil
Films and Screenshots / Re: Masters of the Air Scenario Video/Movie
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 05:29:42 AM »
I have hours and hours of film from MoTA I meant to send to you and got completely side tracked and forgot so I apologize for that.

Like I said, I’ll prolly do a winter version. They would be welcome.
The O' Club / Re: For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 05:16:37 AM »
Every POS Deer in the county knows I have one.  I'm certain they are actually Aliens and those "antlers" are actually comms antenna for use when they to try to kill me every time I hit the road.  It's part of the reason I have no guilt whatsoever in violently reducing their numbers and filling my freezers with them every year.

Aw hell,.. got hit in the head by a black bird in the forehead, that I got hit by a brick. In deer country I go mid day when they are bedded down. Loud pipes are good.
The O' Club / Re: For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 04:48:51 AM »
That's a whole bunch of NOPE for me.  I just had my sound guy (and band mate) my chords and say "this is my mic. this is my guitar."  :rofl :rofl

We had a fit trying to find a smaller board with 5 individual monitor channels because we all bought IEMs.  most everything we found had way too many channels and were way too expensive.  We finally found one though.  I can't remember what model.

Ya do ‘t need much for a good pair of IEMs. Great for you, boring for someone like me. Do you use audience mics so you’re still able to hear them?

I’m known as a very high volume guy. Volume - adrenaline.  I’m going to thump that stage.

When I worked Moody Blues every instrument went direct in the system, no amps, they all had IEMs too. The only thing heard on stage was drums. Kinda sat back with no adrenaline flow thinking, wow, if this is the way things are going I’m out, bored to tears. Good band, but boring for a guy like me. A trained monkey can mix IEMs. No feedback to worry about. Took the hardest job in a production and made it turn-key easy.

I won’t go put with IEMs. Kinda phased people like me, who wants his wedges, drum-fill and side-fills, and volume. If the band still wants wedges I’m in. But these days I don’t do that stuff much anymore, just not interested.

For the band, IEMs are the best thing since napkins. Ya don’t need a extra sound guy as much. You can run those with a 14 ch Mackie.. you can fit that system in a suit case. Mine takes up 2-4 tons in a truck. IEMs save shipping money too.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: For gldnbb and the HG guys
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 02:58:32 AM »

I’m not alone, several agree wholly behind the curtain.

Why are they sitting behind the curtain, saying nothing? Afraid of you and your reaction perhaps.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: IL2 as an alternate - been a while
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 02:52:56 AM »
You calling me names or somebody else?

The O' Club / Re: For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 02:31:40 AM »
When ya get tired of that ya do this
(Image removed from quote.)


Every POS Deer in the county knows I have one.  I'm certain they are actually Aliens and those "antlers" are actually comms antenna for use when they to try to kill me every time I hit the road.  It's part of the reason I have no guilt whatsoever in violently reducing their numbers and filling my freezers with them every year. 
Technical Support / Re: New wireless headset mic delay
« Last post by SamCoffee on Today at 02:31:40 AM »
Plenty of good hints from Wilkinsonwilfrid there.

For AH Voice, check if you have other apps that use your microphone running in the background, including Edge and Copilot. Also shut down any voice apps that may use the same keys to trigger the microphone. Further, if there's a software included for your new headset, any voice enhancing systems can cause some input delay not to mention the ones that make you sound like someone else.

And finally, especially if you're playing other games with communication ability, do a Restart for Windows before starting a new game. Restart (not Shutdown and normal start unless you keep the Shift button pressed while clicking Shutdown) will clean all settings so there won't be any leftovers interfering in the background.

The information you provided is very detailed, I will look into the operation a bit, thank you!
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