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The O' Club / Re: For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 10:17:19 PM »
Now if ya get past that, imagine two with 96 channels, 34 monitor mixes.

(Keith Urban show)

Not in the pic, taking it, it's part of my crew help setting it up

I don't need anymore stinking colorful buttons, knobs, and faders.
The O' Club / For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 10:13:15 PM »
If you can learn this before I die, I'll be impressed.

Midas Heritage 3000 48 channel, 17 monitor mixes

Late 1990s price, $70k (the price of a 90s home)
680 lbs, 6 people to lift

Noisy buggers too. 3 years at Grissom in early 80's. Standing outside the PAR site a loaded tanker would rattle yer teeth on takeoff.

They had those skinny engines that had that ear splitting scream back then.  Pretty sure that's what cause my slight hearing loss.
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:57:28 PM »
I dont know about that. This one says their model is correct, and that one over there says their model is correct. Whos to know for sure. I do know that every film I watch of DSC and it show's an exterior view the planes look like they are balanced on a needle at the COG. The planes dont so much roll, but pivot on a point under the belly at the COG point.

Ive never flown a real P51, but Hitech has and Im sure he did his best to get it as close as he could. Either way, spending hours flying around a DCS world LOOKING for a fight isnt my idea of fun. Even if their flight model was perfect to real life it still would get boring pretty darn quick.

From my POV... all the Warbids in DCS feel like they fall off their wings way too easy, except maybe the Spit (and the K4 isn't all that bad).  The Pony is absolutely the worst.  ~No~ other Flightsim produces this "feeling", at least not so glaringly.  Eagle Dynamics states (paraphrased) that they go to great lengths to make the flight model as accurate as possible.  I have no way of knowing one way or the other, but... the way the P-51 flies in DCS makes me wonder how it was successful at much of anything outside of going real fast real far in WWII.  I did read an account of some Luftwaffe guy who said Spits worried them, but when they knew it was P-51s, they at least had a chance.   

So, until some P-51/K4/D9/A8/Spit real pilots chime in regarding DCS, we're sorta stuck with what we've got for any given flight Sim.  Now, I've heard a real life pilots for F-16s, F-18s & A-10s make these comments.  The 16/18 guys said it was pretty dang close.  The A-10 dude said the real plane was far more forgiving than the Sim one.  And I think that's the crux of the problem here.... DCS is a Jet Sim, and they do it well.  The WW2 part was, so I'm told, sort of a "failed start" they decided to stick with due to customer expectations (that's the short/easy way to put it).  Regardless, all the flight models for all the sims work pretty great for where they are and what they do.   

Oh, and looking for a flight isn't really hard in DCS these days,... well, Prime-Time.  Both the highest populated WW2 servers have bases pretty close together.  The Euro time frame might even be better than AH now (I don't know the current AH numbers).
Films and Screenshots / Re: Masters of the Air Scenario Video/Movie
« Last post by Spikes on Today at 09:41:55 PM »
Ideally, I wanted one film from each group. Missing 47s in this. Not much interest I guess.
I can send you a quick film of a P-47 dying. Just need to click their name and it's from the P47 group perspective!  :D
The O' Club / Re: New season of Outer Range
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:30:50 PM »
Even my wife liked the first season. That's a pretty wide endorsement.

My wife's pretty wide... I like'em that way!   :old:
Might actually download it ad try it for giggles.

I used to run a "Liberation" Campaign with all the WWII mods back when it was ArmaII.  It was fun as hell with or without other (human) players.  Don't know if they have anything like it now but with that new WWII DLC, I bet it's soon to come if not there already.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Any other good ww2 mm live games?
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:26:00 PM »
Truth.  War Thunder is similar.  DCS is TOO LONG TO FLY mode.  AH always had the best balance between realism and time to get in the air.  :aok

Not on the Wolfpack Server (DCS) (Normandy).  Some of the front line bases are about the same or even closer.
I have a couple of squad members that are still having issues.
No issues for me in AZ from 2130-0130 EST 5/16-17

*except for a few unusual game sounds* - not much of a bother though
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