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Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Shane on Today at 04:33:43 AM »
My point is that afterword on 200 you acted as if I intentionally rammed you...
It takes some imagination to think that somebody like me who can barely fly a fighter would have the "skill" to intentionally "ram" you.

I have seen others do it so I know it is possible. I've seen a fighter that was out of ammo pull up in front of a bomber and kill it somehow after they said they were out of ammo and going to ram them.

Here's the rest of the film... continues for a few minutes after your death in which... well, watch for yourself and then try to walk back your bs from above.

My point was, work on your HO or learn to move out of the way.   If you look at your first Ho/ram (the one I didn't get a message saying I collided with you) you will see that instead of pulling into a HO/ram solution, I held fire and went under you, getting a pw from your shot as you clipped your prop on your front end.  The second one I decided to forego and trade HO/rams with you, and I won.

At no point did I claim that you deliberately tried to ram me in the sense you're claiming; you ho/rammed exactly for the reason you stated yourself, "...somebody like me who can barely fly a fighter..."  or did you?  Your stats indicate you're above "barely capable." I think I named the film appropriately.

Naw, you're just here on my ankle, misrepresenting, because I made your feels all uncomfortable.

<edit: lofl, you didn't even watch the film I posted first, just straight up went into your deflection.  Maybe watch both films so you can put less misrepresentation in your misrepresenting.>
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Skyyr on Today at 04:30:26 AM »

Tell me, physics expert, how could it be possible to to take off, make 180 degree turn, climb to 3000 meters and catch Mossie making almost 650 km/h, in 10 seconds? I was over the field when he spawned to the direction I was coming from.

I do it all the time in a 163, since we're talking about anything from any experience ever.
Custom Skins / Re: Magic Carpet
« Last post by lyric1 on Today at 03:39:03 AM »
Custom Skins / Magic Carpet
« Last post by Greebo on Today at 03:12:51 AM »
Thanks to Lyric1 for finding me the info for this skin which is the third and last of my skins for next month's FSO.

"Magic Carpet" was the aircraft flown by Colonel Harold H. Holt, CO of the 366th Fighter Group. He flew it on 175 sorties from February 1944 until the end of the war in Europe and in all that time it never had to abort a mission for mechanical trouble. Some time towards the end of 1944 the camouflage paint was stripped from its wings, cowl and canopy, but not from the fuselage and tail. A second and larger the normal insignia was painted under the left wing to aid recognition from the ground.

Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 01:41:36 AM »
My point is that afterword on 200 you acted as if I intentionally rammed you...
It takes some imagination to think that somebody like me who can barely fly a fighter would have the "skill" to intentionally "ram" you.

I have seen others do it so I know it is possible. I've seen a fighter that was out of ammo pull up in front of a bomber and kill it somehow after they said they were out of ammo and going to ram them.

Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Shane on Yesterday at 11:26:24 PM »
Don't be to hard on Shame. He has quiet an imagination.

The other day he came head on at me twice.
(because he knows how to manipulate the damage model or knows he won't take damage with his latency or whatever it is)
Both times we collided. Both times I took damage, the second time I died from the collision.
He accused ME of ramming HIM while bragging about how I took damage in the collision while he did not...

I'll let you parse these very carefully... you may even learn something about the collision modeling.

The literal coding of FE collisions.,176947.msg2033280.html#msg2033280

The photo bucket watermark kind of messes with the images but you might be able to make it out for the visual of latency.,241505.msg2939615.html#msg2939615

Attached below is the film you're referring to. (What occurred can be explained by the two above.) 

Pay attention at 1:25 where I didn't fire, but you both fired and rammed me - you gave me a pw (your shot) and you clipped your engine (your ram) from the collision you saw on your front end; I took no collision damage from a (non-existent) collision because my front end showed me squeaking by - welcome to latency - milliseconds can translate into feet or yards.

At 1:43 same engagement decided to joust with you... we both fired/collided and took damage. I won.

Here's a screenie of the collision messages on my end.

Glad to help.  :aok

Aces High General Discussion / Re: New IP Download Speed
« Last post by Vulcan on Yesterday at 10:53:35 PM »
Not balancing, shaping. Normal way to do it is you reserve bandwidth for important stuff/real time services like gaming or voip, then dynamically allocate the reminder depending on priorities.

If you do the numbers 2Gb is heaps. Remember AH used to (actually probably still does) run off dial up, which was at most 56kbps. If you got generous and said 256kbps per user, reserving for 300 users gives you 75Mbps.

Something is not right, I tested some downloads (skins and game) and get to a peak of around 40Mbps then it drops down to between 16-20Mbps.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Airwarrior.....
« Last post by hazmatt on Yesterday at 10:50:35 PM »
I've been flyin AW since the days of GEnie and dos and I'm can't believe how far behind they've fallen. I've been spoiled by the all you can eat pricing and haven't move to WB because I still have memories of $250+ bills on GEnie.  Alot of people are sick of AW but not willing to pay by the hour so I think that there may be a mass exodus from there as long as the cost is flat-rate or reasonable. Can't wait to see it!!  (Image removed from quote.)


This is funny. I found a post I posted in July of 1999, but it says my "join date" is March of 2008.
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by hazmatt on Yesterday at 10:30:49 PM »
Don't be to hard on Shame. He has quiet an imagination.

The other day he came head on at me twice.
(because he knows how to manipulate the damage model or knows he won't take damage with his latency or whatever it is)
Both times we collided. Both times I took damage, the second time I died from the collision.
He accused ME of ramming HIM while bragging about how I took damage in the collision while he did not...
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Shane on Yesterday at 09:05:08 PM »
Things are about to get weird.. like the time I killed all the guns at a base, and somehow was at an advantage with 1 elevator in a f6f 5k below your spit.

I must've been in the tower when you and 2 others remarked on their absence.

Still waiting for you to back up your claims as to what I said and the question of how you ever served your country. 

You should know full well I don't misrepresent or lie.  Just like I know you and your type do - it's a given.
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