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Oh lawdy, haven't heard "Nuke Surety Program" in a long, long time.  That with PRP, oh, and SAC, was the bane of my existence for over a decade.  Oh how I hated that stuff.  Ya I know, gotta have it, etc... but man.  As a junior peon enlisted guy, the suckage brought on by that stuff was unreal.

 :rofl We were a “tenant unit” on a SAC base.  They pretty much hated us with gusto, especially when blowing by their Buff & Tanker alert pads in full AB……setting off their proximity alarms, which had all the COPS piling out of their shelters. :bolt:

Had SAC missle guy next door.  Really felt bad for him.  They abused him like a rented mule.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: IL2 as an alternate - been a while
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:36:41 PM »
go puts some tassels on that bike.

Without one of these... you're just a poser.
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:25:22 PM »
Doh.  Sorry.  It's not flyable. 

It is available for AI without having the WWII Asset Pack. 

Sorry mispoke.

lookitchu gettin me all excited. :rolleyes:
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:23:05 PM »
I tank quite often in IL-2 Finnish full realism server. Eastern front, long distances. No icons whatsoever, orientation by map and compass. That's something different and exciting. But one needs patience and ability to use compass and read map. If those skills are in smartphone zombie level, it won't work.

I know a DCS pile-it who I think (I don't know) is a little bit lysdexic or... something.  It can be irritating but usually is just funny that I have to call out headings/bearings etc in actual numbers, because if I say "left/right" or "east/west" etc, dude will go the opposite direction, and I mean EVERY time.   :headscratch: :airplane: :joystick:
Well, as a mission ready F-106 pilot in the day, and qualified via the Nuclear Surety Program...

Oh lawdy, haven't heard "Nuke Surety Program" in a long, long time.  That with PRP, oh, and SAC, was the bane of my existence for over a decade.  Oh how I hated that stuff.  Ya I know, gotta have it, etc... but man.  As a junior peon enlisted guy, the suckage brought on by that stuff was unreal.
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:04:34 PM »
You can still get rides in a real f104 at kennedy space center from “starfighters”.   

Next time I’m up doing aero testing and the pilots come over to see the cars, i’ll try to ask if any have tried the f104 in a sim.

Ya know, I have, well... had a cousin (2nd or something) who flew those, along with almost everything else between Korea & the late 70s.  Between his stories and stuff I've read, I would be no kidding nervous as hell about a joy-ride in one of those things.   
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Banshee7 on Today at 09:01:56 PM »
Sorry. It may have been me. I've been having difficulty with the hot key to toggle my "things" on and off since the internet update.

 :noid :noid :noid have you been hanging out with Judge again
The O' Club / Re: Some computer geeks might find this interesting
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 09:00:36 PM »
What about Commodore and the Amiga? I was a fan back in the day.

Now I use Linux on everything by my gaming computers. I did run it on a gaming computer for a while but after a few patches breaking stuff I gave it up.

I've heard that Steam OS is decent for gaming but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. Anybody game on SteamOS?

I had a C64 then an Amiga?...500?  The C64 was awesome and fit in right where it was needed, on a budget.  The Amiga borked about 2mo after I got it.  Got a refund and got an AST 486DX2... which I still consider my fav PC ever, mostly for all the learning I got from it.

This passage contains several instances of logical fallacies:

Ad Hominem: The author attacks individuals personally rather than addressing their arguments or points. For example, "Some of you literally run people out just to look tough harassing people unprovoked." and "Ya shoot your mouths off, ya earn a reply that hurt your fragile butts and ya quadruple down on being dipshts..."

Straw Man: Misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack. For example, "Ya blame everyone but yourself and gaslight every situation blaming the person you attacked unprovoked." There's no specific argument presented, but rather an exaggerated version of the opposing viewpoint.

Generalization: Making broad, sweeping statements about a group of people based on the actions of a few. For example, "This small group is a cancer." and "Others are right on the money, you deserve zero attention you beg for."

Appeal to Emotion: Trying to manipulate an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument. For example, "Talk about someone unaware of themselves is pure projection of a professional victim 'poor me'." and "Ya really going to rampage a thread seeking tech answers? Pathedic."

Loaded Language: Using emotionally charged words to sway the reader without providing evidence or logical reasoning. For example, "The mental disorders are down right blinding."

Non Sequitur: Conclusions that do not logically follow from the premises. For example, "Its mysterious why numbers struggle?" This statement does not logically follow the preceding arguments.

These fallacies weaken the overall argument and make it less convincing.

You're Hot for Destiny, aren't ya.  C'mon... you are! Is it the blue hair?  :x :neener: :x
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Pluto on Today at 08:18:09 PM »
There's still some around. Last week I saw a k4 that zoomed from the deck to 10k and it was one of them. I forget who as I don't pay that much attention to them.

Sorry. It may have been me. I've been having difficulty with the hot key to toggle my "things" on and off since the internet update.
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