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The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by CptTrips on Today at 09:45:43 AM »
Of all the crazy, deranged out of left field crap you spew at people on here

This is the only thing I agree with.

I have only been playing DCS since 2020 and the one constant thing about that game

is the company's horrible business practices.

Depends on what you are referring to.

* I'll take buy to own rather than endless subscription any day.

* They didn't have to go spend years to clean up Oleg's WWII Kickstarter fiasco at their own expense, but they did.*

* Their modules are pricey, but extremely detailed and effort increases exponentially with complexity.  It is not linear.  I think the module prices are reasonable given what you receive especially given how frequent they have sells.

* I can think of pros and cons to the Halfganistan approach.  I haven't taken a stand on that.

* They take too long to produce a module.  Even with the complexity, they have to speed up their process. 

* The WWII Asset pack made sense for a while at first, but at this point it is working against their interests.

* The Razbam thing is unclear.  Everyone is going to take a side even without information. ;)  I think it looks like a Razbam issue at least as believably as a ED issue.  Seems to be Razbam is in some violation of contract on something and ED is withholding payment until Razbam gets back into compliance.  There is as much evidence for that case as any other.  Hardball, but that is business.

* Early Access program seems reasonable given the complexity of some of these platforms.  We had plenty of fun with that APache before FCR came out.  There would have been no point waiting for that.   

* I do wonder if the whole Pre-Pay thing is more trouble that it's worth and will often lead to hard feelings.  As much as I joke about the Kiowa, I've never paid a penny for it so that is a different feeling than if Poplychop already had my money for 6 months.

The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 09:37:47 AM »
Pouting and throwing tantrums because they want it now is as amusing as spouting dire predictions while claiming they knew it wouldn't last years ago. All will be forgiven by the impatient very soon and the prognosticators of doom will be forgotten.

You mean the same thing dished out about AH? Sound familiar? What goes around comes around.

I hope I’m wrong, I don’t like watching friends get ripped off due to over-selling a bad system. I said all of this a yr ago.

That said AH was smashed and harmed by DCS doomsayers. Time to take what was put out. Its called karma.
Films and Screenshots / ***REGULATORS*** Climb REBEL Climb !!!
« Last post by DLO52 on Today at 09:36:41 AM »
First and foremost
Sorry for the hiatus …I Lost a hard drive and starting fresh
Rebel59 and DLO52 Doing What We Do
90% of the time WE ARE HEAVY ! Aiming to break something of value lol
If you make us Jettison Ord its kind of personal ..Expect a FIGHT
If you catch us LIGHT we are probably headed home in that case
Damn Fun Run In Fellas
Thanks For Watching
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 09:28:20 AM »
Combatbox server on IL2 has a support option for their dev. Does DCS offer something like this?
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by AKIron on Today at 09:22:06 AM »
Pouting and throwing tantrums because they want it now is as amusing as spouting dire predictions while claiming they knew it wouldn't last years ago. All will be forgiven by the impatient very soon and the prognosticators of doom will be forgotten.
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 09:14:18 AM »
Of all the crazy, deranged out of left field crap you spew at people on here

This is the only thing I agree with.

I have only been playing DCS since 2020 and the one constant thing about that game

is the company's horrible business practices.

I’ve been saying this for a yr.

Don’t beg for negative responses for laughs, and I won’t deliver your wishes.
Custom Skins / Re: Peace River
« Last post by Devil 505 on Today at 09:05:42 AM »
Very nice.
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by RichardDarkwood on Today at 09:04:49 AM »

horrible biz model.

Of all the crazy, deranged out of left field crap you spew at people on here

This is the only thing I agree with.

I have only been playing DCS since 2020 and the one constant thing about that game

is the company's horrible business practices.
The O' Club / Re: Hey Animl, got some ammo for ya
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 08:49:49 AM »
Eagle Dynamics has delayed the Phantom another day, ON the day of release.

Usual poor performance BS from them (I don't know if it's ED or Heatblur who really did it).

I don't pull any punches for their ineptitude regarding management of releases (or discounted early access pre-purchase con)... have at it! :airplane:

Best I can say is “I told ya so”. Their model and numbers don’t work. The more delay on AC coming out, the worse it will get. Every situation will cause player confidence to drop. They aren’t dead, but future indicators and tells are emerging. Dedicated players will be the last to know. It’s becoming a bad investment. If they don’t pick up production and new planes real quick they will enter a spiral that will be hard to recover because of their payment model.

This is not new to me. Before returning to AH, 2020, I DLed DCS to find something new. As soon as I discovered their payment model I chose not to invest. I saw this coming way back then. These kind of numbers are easily imploded as soon as AC stop coming out. No new AC, no revenue, dev becomes unaffordable. The fact they sought investors is a major tell.

Obviously, Trips has pre-pay caution for a reason.

Just because past pre-pays went through that doesn’t mean future pre-pays will. Just the fact they are asking for pre-pay system is a tell they can’t afford dev. Now if all the buyers have pre-paid profit is already swallowed. The pit gets deeper.

People with vast investments will be the last to admit there are problems. Denial takes over.

This new model will prolly come out, it was in production before major problems hit. Future models is your true concern.

This payment model is easier to implode than a sub model.

Obviously, player confidence is dropping, even if its not global. That’s not where they want to be. It will make a spiral spin faster.

Its a beautiful game, but I think these cockpits swallow dev time to get AC out. Its very time consuming - expensive. I think they set their sights too high to be affordable dev., only to be smashed by a problematic payment model. They can’t afford their demands on dev. subcontractors.

If they don’t turn out 2-3 AC real quick…you can guess where this will go.

I hated watching people invest in a bad system. At some point investors are going to want a return.

I’m not in their books, its all instinct, but tells are emerging, and those are only those you know about. They are in damage control panic. They will tell you what they think you want to hear to keep you interested, then have the backlash as failing to deliver. Had Razbam not gone public, you may not see it coming. Evidently, to me, that issue has not been resolved. Some devs walked away from razbam due to not being paid because razbam was not paid. They may not be able to resolve that issue. Damage is done.

Beautiful game, horrible biz model. A shame.

When I can accurately predict something I don’t have all the facts on, good chance instincts have it nailed. I predicted this 4 yrs ago. <shrug>.

If it takes s team 6 mos to a year to turn out an AC, I’d hate to see that invoice.

These books have found a new AH players home


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