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Technical Support / Timing out
« Last post by Banshee7 on Today at 10:21:20 AM »
I can access the boards with ease everywhere except at home on my wifi where it usually times out. I have reset my router in hopes of fixing it to no avail. What do you guys suggest I try?
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by AKIron on Today at 10:20:31 AM »
Tracks (not Tacview) have long been notoriously bad in DCS. Even if you don't pause or change anything they would often lose sync and lose all resemblance to the mission flown. A recent update made that better. It's useful for making movies but for flight analysis you definitely want Tacview.
The O' Club / Re: Richard Bong's P-38 Recovered!
« Last post by Maverick on Today at 09:14:50 AM »
I read there that they recovered a small piece with a serial number on it, The crash site was described as a more or less vertical impact hard enough to bury the engines below ground. Article also says there are no plans to dig the plane up, so not really a recovery. A discovery of the wreck certainly but no recovery of it. be nice to have a few fragments for museum purposes.
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by edge12674 on Today at 08:24:43 AM »
Tacview is nice to figure out what happened, but I use it less and less as I gain experience. 

One item I find indispensable is Vaicom Pro.  It pretty much eliminates having to use menus by making everything voice activated.  For instance, in the A-4 start up you just ask the crew chief to apply power and then disconnect.  This is very useful when air to air refueling or landing on the carrier, as you do not have to take your hand off the HOTAS to deal with menus.  It also makes the flying more immersive.

Additionally, the kneeboard function automatically writes down communications.  This is very useful when the carrier is giving you initial check in information or when getting targeting info from JTAC.  The kneeboards also have a list of voice commands watermarked for the different assets (tanker, wingmen, ATC).

Vaicom is free, but it does require VoiceAttack which cost $10.  VoiceAttack also works very well in AH (I use it to switch gunner positions in buffs while in VR).

Here is a YouTube on Vaicom.  It is long, but tells you everything you need to install and setup.

Glad you are having fun Banshee.  It only gets more so as you learn.  :salute
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Banshee7 on Today at 08:04:53 AM »
Do you have Tacview?  That can be a really helpful to record and analyze your flights.  There is a free personal license.

I will look into it!
Wishlist / Re: Titanic Tuesday Redux
« Last post by fudgums on Today at 06:07:41 AM »
Bumping this.
Custom Skins / Re: Updating my older Focke-Wulfs
« Last post by Greebo on Today at 01:19:13 AM »
Great job on the update Devil.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Crazy
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 11:55:43 PM »
I miss 38maw :(

Remember Yomawmaw?   :devil
The O' Club / Re: Puma44 Please Help This F4 Manual is Overloading My Brain
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 11:52:41 PM »
It's been repeated ad nauseam that we need a DCS Vietnam terrain but it's becoming increasingly needful. Especially with the A-6, A-7, and F-100 on the horizon. Even the F4U Corsair will be welcomed. Campaign developers will have a heyday.

Ahem.  And the F-8.  Shame on you for not mentioning the F-8 (as distant that horizon is). ;)
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Tumor on Yesterday at 11:46:19 PM »
Do you have Tacview?  That can be a really helpful to record and analyze your flights.  There is a free personal license.

Not required, definitely helpful.  Set it & forget it, like me.  Every so often I'll remember I have it and go discover hundreds of new recordings to check out.
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