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Aces High General Discussion / Re: GOAT
« Last post by Lusche on Today at 03:42:57 AM »
Statistics to table. Where are the real numbers?

What's the pilot ID's of mERv in, say, 23/24? I vaguely remember him flying under FineTime / FIN3TIME / ITZSMAAM and HQORUS in 23 - is that correct? Did I miss some?  :old:
Aces High General Discussion / Re: I must be getting a little better
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 02:56:00 AM »
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


I killed full jar of skyr yesterday. With thistle honey.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: GOAT
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 02:48:42 AM »
Statistics to table. Where are the real numbers?
Aces High General Discussion / Re: GLOAT
« Last post by Vraciu on Today at 12:31:57 AM »
You are beneath Fin3time in every category outside of BnZ  P.E.R.I.O.D.

FT has shot down more aircraft in bombers in the last year than you have in the last 5 years.

You are nothing more than a turd stain on FT's man panties.

Dinnertime can shoot down all the planes he likes.  Until he has a positive K/D on me instead of being hopelessly outclassed and outfought at a rate of 6:1 (minimum) he well never be better than me.   To claim otherwise is laughable in the extreme.

If I were able to fight you more often it would be more of the same.   You are good for my hit %.   :neener:

I own you more than any player in this game and it isn't even close.   Now get back to your fever dream, scrub.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: GOAT
« Last post by mERv on Yesterday at 11:58:15 PM »
You are beneath Fin3time in every category outside of BnZ  P.E.R.I.O.D.

FT has shot down more aircraft in bombers in the last year than you have in the last 5 years.

You are nothing more than a turd stain on FT's man panties.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: GOAT
« Last post by Vraciu on Yesterday at 09:43:04 PM »
And by the way,  saying I don't wipe out two complete sets is a stupid example any way.   You are hacking the system by using two sets to begin with.   That's the same as me using two Mustangs.  I can EASILY kill 6 bombers with two Mustangs.   I kill you at a rate of 5, 6, or 7 to one as it is.   

I've killed six of your bombers multiple times with one re-arm, btw.  It's easy.   You are a legend in your own mind.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: GLOAT
« Last post by Vraciu on Yesterday at 09:39:26 PM »
LoL living on fantasy island....

The only time we are ever engaged is when I am throwing set after set against a wall of rooks under 8k.....

Every single time you do not have a 2 miles alt advantage you always disengage...

If you are trying to use dozens of kills as an example against sets of b17s need I remind you I have tens of thousands of engagements against enemy fighters in every scenario, every environment, from every altitude.

You are only effective in  51D with a 2 mile alt advantage doing +550mph in your pass AND you never finish a set because I either smoke your engine or PW you. If I were to rate you in terms of all time buff interceptors your probably top 20 👊💪

You and I dont play enough anymore for your "numbers" to work. You have no influence on my effectiveness in-game even when you are on. I dont remember ever you wiping a set let alone even attacking both sets when I fly them in close proximity because I always send you to tower wounded if I'm paying attention. I dont blame you for celebrating every kill on the GOAT Fin3time but your not factoring in whether or not I'm afk flying on the other account or not.

I encourage you to post the videos you say you have.

You have been smoking way too much crack.   You may get an oil hit one in five engagements and even in those I usually kill all your bombers.

You are not so tough.

My tactics are superior to yours.   That's why I dominate you.

Now go cry about it in the corner and tell yourself more lies to assuage the pain of LOSING,  GLOAT.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: Operational debrief for 27-May-2024
« Last post by capera on Yesterday at 09:15:58 PM »
Thank you Fugitive
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Operational debrief for 27-May-2024
« Last post by The Fugitive on Yesterday at 09:12:36 PM »
Typical Lazer....always here to spin negative.

Was a fun report to post. Sorry you're so bent on conflict....that you have resorted to being a troll.

Time to start displaying a little

It was written in a comical spin, trying to be a fun AAR, but I think everyone did see you "whining" about how others played that day.
This is is why I have limited my play time.  It's getting harder and harder to find good fights.  Run, gang, HO. Rinse and repeat.

I guess Ive been pretty lucky. I only get to fly on Saturday nights. For the most part I get to fly with my squad. We grab a few bases, we defend a few bases and we always have fun. I guess its what you are looking for in a game is how you decide if its worth it to stay. It blows me away that some want to play a game where you have to spend 10 minutes to flip the right switches in the right order just to get off the ground.  But that is what they like. The same goes for those who fly here who only want to fight in a fighter. There is so much more to this game. But if thats all you want, you'll find many times where that wont be available.
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