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Aces High General Discussion / Operational debrief for 27-May-2024
« Last post by capera on Today at 09:58:44 AM »
Operation Debrief:

Tropical Thunder Squadron's Dishonourable Raid on the Rooks

0600 EDT / 1000 UTC ZULU

In an unprecedented and controversial early morning operation, the Tropical Thunder squadron, alongside select pilots from the Knights, executed a raid on Rookland knowing they had no opposition. The following is an official debrief report of the events that transpired on this fateful mission.

Composition of the Horde: The operation was led by a coalition of eleven pilots, predominantly from the Tropical Thunder squadron.

The following pilots participated:

NikonGuy (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
Tortoise (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
Vertis (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
Chute (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
Jaggy (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
Mr Cart (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
MrJousts (Tropical Thunder Sqn)
TechWrek (Tropical Thunder Sqn)

Raid Overview

At 0600 EDT, the Tropical Thunder squadron, in coordination with their Knight allies, launched an extensive and unopposed raid on the territories held by the Rooks. The operation took advantage of a sparsely defended landscape, with only one active Rook player present and two inactive players from the Bishops.

The operation was meticulously planned to maximize territorial gain while the Aces High community was largely inactive. Over the course of the operation, the coalition captured a total of 19 undefended bases.

Tactical Execution

The raid began with precision strikes on Port 31, while I (99cap) tried to slow down the horde, there were just too many of them. The Tropical Thunder squadron, renowned for their early morning hording of the map, swiftly overran the undefended bases. Their actions were marked by a strategic efficiency that has drawn widespread condemnation for its timing and apparent disregard for the spirit of fair play.

Key Points of Contention:

Lack of Active Opposition: The raid occurred when the majority of the Aces High community, including the Rooks and Bishops, were offline. This strategic timing has been viewed by many as exploitative.

Territorial Gains: The capture of 19 bases, while a tactical success, has raised ethical questions regarding the integrity of the operation.

Community Response : The raid has ignited a firestorm within the Aces High community. Many players have expressed their outrage at what they perceive to be a dishonorable action, undermining the competitive integrity of the game.

Statements from Key Figures:

“This kind of behaviour tarnishes the spirit of Aces High. Winning without competition is hollow.” – 99capera.
“While the operation was within the rules, it goes against the camaraderie we value.” – Veteran Rook pilot.


The Tropical Thunder squadron's early morning raid, and continuous hording while refusing to balance teams, has left an indelible mark on their reputation. The operation, characterized by its  taking advantage of low numbers in the MA, only serves as a stark reminder of the fine line between tactical brilliance and unethical game-play.

End of Report 
VR of course for the visuals. Then maybe strap yourself in with some tie down straps and turn up the thermostat.  :D
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Airwarrior.....
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 09:01:04 AM »
I’m now glad my 286 wouldn’t pull AW during dos, 12fps.  I played very little. I flew as Arrow in Dos/pre-AOL. I heard of some were at i er $500. 500 in the late 80s was a mortgage payment. Today thst would be about $1500.

And we were going to play no matter what. Divorce may have followed.

Amazes all of us that people complain about $15 flat rate, which is 50 cents per day. Reminds me of old timer stories of “I had to crawl through a desert of crushed glass and razor blades just to walk 5 miles to school.”
Did Heatblur capture the immersion level needed for the F4?

To an extent. The multitude of physiological aspects are obviously hard to simulate.  For instance, the Rhino air conditioning was pretty much non existent on the ground but, would do well at 20,000’.  Imagine the effect of that in Egypt with the temperature on the ground of 120 degrees. Then, the flight gear (flight suit, g suit, parachute harness, ejection seat leg garters, 5 point harness, etc, etc) each had their own level of effect on “comfort”. All part of the reality that simulation can only go so far to replicate.
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Lazerr on Today at 08:47:38 AM »
I must've been in the tower when you and 2 others remarked on their absence.

Still waiting for you to back up your claims as to what I said and the question of how you ever served your country. 

You should know full well I don't misrepresent or lie.  Just like I know you and your type do - it's a given.

You aren't worth the time.  There is a reason half the arena reported you.  I wasn't one of them.  I don't have to serve my country to call out you being a disrespectful like you are.

Seeing you fly on a different country is great by the way, nice and quiet on country channel.

It also puts your flying habits on full view.  Reminds me alot of Splasher/Quiet/00PK.  Just as easy to kill on the overshoot too when you come barreling down from your perch.

The amount of times you get muted.. do you ever step back and consider that maybe it's not everyone else that's the problem... it's you?
Aces High General Discussion / Re: New IP Download Speed
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 08:45:34 AM »
Not balancing, shaping. Normal way to do it is you reserve bandwidth for important stuff/real time services like gaming or voip, then dynamically allocate the reminder depending on priorities.

If you do the numbers 2Gb is heaps. Remember AH used to (actually probably still does) run off dial up, which was at most 56kbps. If you got generous and said 256kbps per user, reserving for 300 users gives you 75Mbps.

Something is not right, I tested some downloads (skins and game) and get to a peak of around 40Mbps then it drops down to between 16-20Mbps.

I have a rough understanding, pretty much what you stated.

DLing 1.9g from BigR cloud it was done in 20-30 sec, through game it took over 30 min.

I’m not complaining, just making note.

When I was DLing terrains it was literally 1-2mbps on my end, according to the data shown. Its slow. It’s also new, tweaks come in time.
Custom Skins / Re: Magic Carpet
« Last post by Devil 505 on Today at 08:40:04 AM »
Most excellent.
Custom Skins / Re: Magic Carpet
« Last post by Vraciu on Today at 07:53:00 AM »
Unusual.  Well done. 
The level of switchology detail is amazing.  Try not to get too deep in all of that.  Focus on flying and employing.  The schoolhouse for 2nd Lts right out of pilot training was six months long, a month or so of ground school, another in the simulator, and then to the jet.  Very complex and takes a great deal of training.  The schoolhouse for previous fighter guys was about half that length.

Did Heatblur capture the immersion level needed for the F4?
Hardware and Software / Re: Need your advise on a new keyboard
« Last post by Meatwad on Today at 06:24:32 AM »
I found a pile of the mechanical clicky keyboards that I saved that were going to be thrown away that have the big 5 pin din connector on them
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