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Sig line.

You failed.

“Do as I say, not as I do”

“sigline” translated: “ you nailed it”

Sig line.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by Skyyr on Today at 10:45:00 AM »
The plane we were "talking" about is 109K4. From any ever experience.

Actually the scenario was a 109K4 in AH3. I believe you arbitrarily introduced any and every experience.

If the masses had a say in a vote, you and this would be gone, yesterday. You only have a fan club if other dcs players.

Again, you are under the shallow notion that its just me. No wonder you hate people, its the responses you cause yourself from them is what you really hate.

Standing in that report button? How many times have you stood on that due to your own actions?
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by CptTrips on Today at 10:42:29 AM »

I'll believe it when I'm actually launching it.

of course one must always manage expectations.


Double talk.
“You can’t stop us” from being arshats.
“Sexual Predator” selective aren’t we?
4- Flame baiting, flaming, being abusing, being disrespectful, trolling, spamming or posting to incite or annoy is not allowed. If you cannot make a positive contribution to the thread, then just stay out of it.

5- Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". If you feel a post violates the forum rules, the use the "Report to Moderator" link in the post to report it.
Exactly, especially the thermostat.  Never came back from flying with a dry flight suit.

Nothing to see here.  You can move along.

Reminder, this is AH bbs, DCS needs to move along. I am NOT out of line. DCS players are. You have a thread, use it.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: The Damned and Accounts
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 10:23:40 AM »
I do it all the time in a 163, since we're talking about anything from any experience ever.

The plane we were "talking" about is 109K4. From any ever experience.
VR of course for the visuals. Then maybe strap yourself in with some tie down straps and turn up the thermostat.  :D

Exactly, especially the thermostat.  Never came back from flying with a dry flight suit.

Gud lord!

All this just to fly?

This is way over the top. This could also been posted under the other sim posts .

But no dickwood being who he is thrives on as much damage and negative attention as possible.

However, thanks for proving that sim is a major PITA and how easy it is to fly almost any other sim.

The ither non-AH thread is slowing so start another? This is dipshtville

Nothing to see here.  You can move along.
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