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Aces High General Discussion / Re: Back from the dead
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 02:23:41 PM »
Many of us have done the same.
Welcome back.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Memorial Day
« Last post by capera on Today at 02:19:34 PM »
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Memorial Day
« Last post by Devil 505 on Today at 02:15:21 PM »
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 02:10:26 PM »
Pretty sure I killed you there - after calling you a ram weeb.  And yeah, people do intentionally spin their planes to avoid dying because they don't know what else to do - it's visually disconnected from how it would appear if the coding could keep up with it.  Of course, people do hit snaprolls unexpectedly, I do at times when I'm on someone's 6 (like lazemo here) and it messes up my kills.   But, play enough and you'll see the same players doing it as SOP.   
I am not one who intentionally rolls and I'm sure there are others that you accuse of it that don't either. I have seen the lame people that you are referring have even had one of these "good players" explain to me how they do it. I'm not interested in attempting to  exploit the flight model. But then again you would know that if you knew anything about me before running your mouth.

When I callout someone for being a ho/ram weeb it's because it's all they do, joust for that solution and hope they get lucky instead of actively trying to work a more survivable solution that leads to a win.  That's exactly what I do, generally, but it's so prevalent that sometimes I just say, ok, lets joust. Your first ho/ram shot is a prime example - it led to your loss.  If not for the pw, I'd not have played joust for the win and instead worked a less risky solution. Again, diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. It's not "all I do"However if you're coming directly at me and we are not dueling then I treat it as you are intending to ho and I WILL defend myself.

You keep shifting your "point" - why does this tactic sound familiar?  You also present strawman and red herrings as logical fallacies in this regard. Really? Do I have to start all my "points" with "Another point or in addition to that point?" Are you really that petty?

People leave because they get bored (or some mod butthurts them) not because someone calls them a name - do you even look at the buffer's vulgarity and ludicrous political commentary or are you just latched onto my ankle because I called you a ram weeb?  You've been around, you're not new. And there are actually a few new faces popping in (I don't go after newbies) and if anything, the gameplay and learning curve simply doesn't satisfy and they leave before 2 weeks are up. I have no interest in you or your ankle. I merely pointed out that you do the same kind of trash to multiple people and in my opinion I can see why people dislike you. This "learning curve" that you speak of challenging for any sim pilots from DCS or IL2 or any other sim. The skills they have there pretty much translate to skills here once they figure out the flight model.

So instead of flying in ways that bore people to the point they leave, why not try to do better?
I play the game for fun when I have a few minutes. I have very much more important things in my life then to become the top dog in a cartoon plane game. If you're so board with the competition that you plan to leave, why don't you fight Skyyr, Judge, Stig and all those other guys that you seem to think are near your level?

That said, I'm done here. It's obvious there will be no positive outcome here and  you will continue berating players that you feel are not at your skill level. You have fun with your bad self :)
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by RichardDarkwood on Today at 02:02:10 PM »
You’re nothing but a pc warrior who would learn very quick how to mind your manners had you met anyone. Your pc is the shield of a coward. You have zero fan club here. You have a few who tolerate your needy arrogance. You thrive on negative attention. Then gaslight to excuse away your actions that draw it.

I’d save a cat before I’d save you. A cat has more dignity. <shrug>

I met everyone from Aces high at the dayton events.

Don't you have a Liberal fund raiser to go pass out pamphlets at?
Aces High General Discussion / Memorial Day
« Last post by ZE on Today at 02:01:39 PM »
<S> Remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice..
 :salute :salute :salute :salute

The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 01:51:53 PM »
don't you have cats to go poison?

You’re nothing but a pc warrior who would learn very quick how to mind your manners had you met anyone. Your pc is the shield of a coward. You have zero fan club here. You have a few who tolerate your needy arrogance. You thrive on negative attention. Then gaslight to excuse away your actions that draw it.

I’d save a cat before I’d save you. A cat has more dignity. <shrug>
Films and Screenshots / Re: Some people rely on alternate facts
« Last post by Shane on Today at 01:47:09 PM »
My point is that you always have excuses when you get killed, you always have to talk trash and belittle people. You make assumptions like somebody intentionally rammed your, or that they intentionally spun their plane. Have you ever thought that it is possible that everybody is not as skilled as you and Skyyr and may have spun the plane unintentionally?

I don't know the reason that you feel that you have to belittle people with your "Ramboi" "Spinboi" and all the other comments you make. Does that give you some sense of satisfaction? Do you think that makes people want to continue playing the game?

Pretty sure I killed you there - after calling you a ram weeb.  And yeah, people do intentionally spin their planes to avoid dying because they don't know what else to do - it's visually disconnected from how it would appear if the coding could keep up with it.  Of course, people do hit snaprolls unexpectedly, I do at times when I'm on someone's 6 (like lazemo here) and it messes up my kills.   But, play enough and you'll see the same players doing it as SOP.   

When I callout someone for being a ho/ram weeb it's because it's all they do, joust for that solution and hope they get lucky instead of actively trying to work a more survivable solution that leads to a win.  That's exactly what I do, generally, but it's so prevalent that sometimes I just say, ok, lets joust. Your first ho/ram shot is a prime example - it led to your loss.  If not for the pw, I'd not have played joust for the win and instead worked a less risky solution.

You keep shifting your "point" - why does this tactic sound familiar?  You also present strawman and red herrings as logical fallacies in this regard.

People leave because they get bored (or some mod butthurts them) not because someone calls them a name - do you even look at the buffer's vulgarity and ludicrous political commentary or are you just latched onto my ankle because I called you a ram weeb?  You've been around, you're not new. And there are actually a few new faces popping in (I don't go after newbies) and if anything, the gameplay and learning curve simply doesn't satisfy and they leave before 2 weeks are up.

So instead of flying in ways that bore people to the point they leave, why not try to do better? 

Aces High General Discussion / Re: Back from the dead
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 01:39:24 PM »

There is a list somewhere of people who are no longer with us. I know DR7, AKAK, Betty and more are on the list.
I just set up the front seat and got in some test flights.

took out two migs, one per flight. Was able to land one time out of two attempts.

Thanks, Puma, for putting that in perspective. The noise Heatblur simulates the afterburner kicking in is amazing so I cannot imagine how that was in real life.

The acceleration when burners are selected doesn’t feel quite as aggressive but, it has been a couple of years.  The Rhino has a “soft” burner light vs the “hard” light of the F-06, meaning the Six produced a significantly loud and instant, window rattling,  BOOM when lit.  The Rhino, not so much.  Not the BOOM but, loud enough.
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