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My guess is a gaming laptop is gong to be your best bet as they are pretty much optimized for power.
Have to start with a disclaimer to hopefully avert a dumpster fire. Non of these should be construed to be an attack on a person or squad.
(these are my observations and opinions. I am not saying that everything I say is in fact true in ever situation, it is just what I have observed in no order of importance)

It seems that some squads are now focusing so much on their k/d ratio and stats that they are kicking out members that fall below this level and that at least one of those members is leaving the game now. (I'm guessing because they got kicked out of the squad)
**This seems to encourage picking, flying the latest rocket planes and running as soon as there is a threat. I guess it's their $15 so they can fly how they want but it's very discouraging when you're in a great 1vs1 fight low and slow and you get picked by some 550mph pony or if you're the other guy in the fight, you get your 12 "cleared" by the same kind of player on your side.

It seems that there are many more people and squads that are only focused on their stats then before. I saw more then 6 "squads" on the the squad ranking for the last melee campaign that were less then 2 members or otherwise not legitimate "squads"
**This seems like it would preclude actual squads from the list and looks like a desperate attempt for someone to get their "name in lights"
I'm not sure why the list couldn't/wouldn't just exclude such players to give legitimate squads a spot on the list.

Another observation is this 2 vs the lowest number country thing that I've heard about lately is a real thing.
I've seen where two countries will have over 20% of the lowered numbered countries bases and both countries continue to attack.
**I've also seen the drop in numbers it causes when people log off because they get tired of being double teamed. (don't expect anything to change, just an observation)

The maps seem to be too big for the current numbers.
**I know this has been said many times and I don't expect this comment to change anything.

It appears that there are many more people now with multiple accounts.
**Obviously this can be used to pad stats or create an unfair advantage. I'm sure that this has never happened. /cough

Also the communications between players on country seems to be lost. (I think somebody described it in another post as "camaraderie")
Yesterday there was a base take in progress and a guy was asked by multiple players if he had troops or was in a tank. He completely ignored everyone so a second person got a set of troops. After the second set of troops were on the way, another teammate stated that the player that had been asked multiple times did in fact have troops.
**To me this seems like it creates a snowball effect because people will remember this guys name and when he needs help or says something, most likely they will ignore him the same way the ignored them.

On a positive note. I have noticed that there are still a good number of "old school" players and players left that actually like to "fight" and are not constantly worried about their "stats". I've had some great fun with HlyWd, BSB, LilMak, TheStig, Maniac1, TA57, LatinLuv, Pearly, Animl, NoTar, Oysters, BigDawg, and many others who's names aren't on the top of my head in melee and with the AKs in FSO. I'm really glad these guys are around as they make the game enjoyable for me no matter the downsides. <S>
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Operational debrief for 27-May-2024
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 10:34:50 AM »
Wasn't there to see it, but I remember from not so distant past many times being alone or with 1, max 2 other knits against similar size or even bigger hoards of both bish and rooks. Many times. And often double teamed, when numbers were like 10-2-8 B-K-R.

Might have also something to do with locations, time zones. You see, Europeans and Aussies for example are living according to the suns situation on the sky in their residence. But anyway, when others do it, its just strategy and tactics, but when knights, it's a WAR CRIME..!    :rofl
For what I recently read you can't trust the TDP values as such. They're correct but don't take peak power into account. And with good cooling you can keep the peak running quite a long time.

Underclocking a decent system might be the best alternative for low energy consumption.
Hardware and Software / Re: Anyone using NV RTX 4060?
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 10:12:12 AM »
After a quick search and not much research it looks like the A770 has about the same performance as the 1080TI for just over $300 on amazon.
This appears to be around 80% faster then the 1660 TI
Looks like it also has 16GB of VRAM.

The 4060 TI shows to be around 30% faster then the A770 and is showing around $370 on amazon.
I only see a 8GB VRAM version of this one.

(I used the 1080TI for reference as I have it and have an idea of it's performance) Like I said previously it will run AH3 in VR at max detail and maintain the 70FPS refresh of my VR headset. It will also maintain the 165 refresh on my monitor at 3440 x 1440.
Hardware and Software / Re: Anyone using NV RTX 4060?
« Last post by Max on Today at 09:51:35 AM »
Peak budget is $400 tho $350 would be the sweet spot +/-.

MSFS2024 is due August so there's no rush. My current card runs the current version with a average FR of 30. Time is on my side  :old:
Hardware and Software / Re: Anyone using NV RTX 4060?
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 09:39:54 AM »
I think it might be a better idea to say what your budget is and then see what people recommend in that price range.

For example: My budget was around $500 and after a bunch of research I ended up buying a 4070 Super for a bit over $500. From all the research I did it appeared to be the best bang for the buck in this price range.

My previous upgrade budget was $200 and I ended up going with a 1080 TI from ebay and I'm still using this one in my backup computer and I can run all the games I play on it without a problem. (including AH3 in VR with max detail)

6GB of memory seems rather low for current cards and the performance of this card appears to be around the same as the 1070.

Also depending on your time frame the next gen cards should be coming out in the not to distant future which will hopefully push prices down on the current cards.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: GLOAT
« Last post by Vraciu on Today at 09:39:03 AM »
11-0 against AFK/engaged with other fighters :rofl

You see anyone can claim to "have my number." In every engagement I have faced against Vraciu this year I am under 8k in gunship mode. If I am on one account while AFK on another OF COURSE you are going to wipe a set of bombers hence why I do not have any recollection of you wiping a set. For me it's as easy as re-upping when that happens on that account once I notice while still remaining active on the other :old:

You never achieve the level of dominance your describing when I'm present. You always get 1, sometimes 2 before I smoke you. Your attack is the hardest to defend but it is always in a non-strategic environment where I'm throwing set after set of bombers against a wall of red at very low altitudes. Vraciu, you can try to talk your way into this discussion but there is no comparison in terms of stats of what I'm doing in the MA versus your climb to 5-10k above everyone and pick with your BnZ pony D.

Truly I am the GOAT :old:

You are 1:12 against me.   All you have are made up excuses.

I own you,  GLOAT.

Aces High General Discussion / Re: GOAT
« Last post by Vraciu on Today at 09:37:07 AM »
Fin3time and cheater are the main ones he flys under these days. Vraciu is the others ingame name.

In a quick look over the last 6 months,

Vraciu 11-0 vs cheater

Vraciu 1-1 vs Fin3time

Thank you,  Fugi.   I remember that death.  I had already engaged other people so I was low on ammo.  Killed one bomber then RTB'ed to get a new plane.  He pinged me.    With only one kill I decided to ditch in order to re-up faster.   I got that weird water landing flip flop thing that sometimes happens and it killed my pilot before I could .ef the sortie. 

12:1 K/D any way. 
The O' Club / Re: Prebuilt PCs
« Last post by AKIron on Today at 09:27:59 AM »
For me, a consistent frame rate is more important than a high frame rate. But getting both is best.
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