Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: JOACH1M on May 26, 2011, 03:50:20 PM
Nuff said :airplane:
LOL search is your friend. And if you really want to get me started, I can talk Spit XIIs forever :)
While it's my favorite bird of all time and I'd love to see it, I'd rather the modeling time went to other birds as HTC has done a good job with a nice representative Spitfire line up with the I, Vb, IIc, VIII, IX XIV and XVI.
Think Spit XVI performance in 1943 with the XII. The XII was clipped from the start in production and had the tall tail to fight the torque of the Griffon III/IV engine it carried.
what you want to be able to fly all 7 at once...... :headscratch:
I've corresponded with or met in person 5 of the 7 pilots flying those XIIs in that photo. A real cross section of the Allies in that pic.
EB-B is Don Smith an Aussie, EB-D is Don Tebbit an Englishman, EB-H is Ross Harding, another Brit, EB-E was Bill Stowe's bird, He's Canadian, and EB-K was Herb Wagner's bird, a Yank with the RAF.
I'd love a XII! But I'd also like to see other birds to fill out the plane set first :)
:) I don't like To use search button...
Spit 12 is one of my favorite planes of all time
I just had a model of a Spit XII turn up that I bought on e-bay, I'll post some pictures in a few weeks when I get it done.
I understand you want the HE177, but no need to turn every thread into an HE177 discussion. If you want to remind us that you want it so bad all the time than feel free to put it in your sig.
I understand you want the HE177, but no need to turn every thread into an HE177 discussion. If you want it feel free to put it in your sig.
Yes go hijack another thread
MB882 EB-B coming over the top :)
I understand you want the HE177, but no need to turn every thread into an HE177 discussion. If you want to remind us that you want it so bad all the time than feel free to put it in your sig.
Check location :neener:
A spit16 with Griffon engine :cry
god save us
we've got enough Spits imo
A spit16 with Griffon engine :cry
god save us
definitely perked. I wouldn't mind it replacing the useless spit14 :lol
definitely perked. I wouldn't mind it replacing the useless spit14 :lol
You're greatly overestimating the Spit XII. Perked in mid-war, sure. Late war, why?
When the RAF was testing the Merlin 25 Mosquito VI they used a Spitfire XII as the opposition. The Mosquito was able to accelerate from a fast cruise and escape before the Spitfire XII could get into firing range.
The Griffon III and IV produced, IIRC, ~1,700hp, not the 2,050hp that the Spitfire XIV's Griffon 65 produced.
The Griffon III and IV produced, IIRC, ~1,700hp, not the 2,050hp that the Spitfire XIV's Griffon 65 produced.
Ok but at what altitudes? The engine on the XIV is a beast but at high altitudes, and I understand that the XII was optimised for low to medium alts like the spitXVI, I'd like to see how the XII compares with the XIV at 10K.
The Griffon III and IV produced, IIRC, ~1,700hp, not the 2,050hp that the Spitfire XIV's Griffon 65 produced.
Wait a second... so the spit12 with its bid and heavy Griffon engine wasnt more powerful than the spit8/16 with their merlins?
Then its speed would be close to the spit8/16, would climb worse than them and would turn worse and with a bigger radius than the spit14?
Then thats definiately not perked, not even ENY 5.
Nuff said :airplane:
spits are a game breaker in here. we dont need anymore of them.
spits are a game breaker in here. we dont need anymore of them.
Game breaker? Please use exquisite details as to why you say that.
Game breaker? Please use exquisite details as to why you say that.
Game breaker is when you get enough points in NFL street to be able to run everybody over and get a touchdown :D
no we already have enough spits. -1
'nuff said.
no we already have enough spits. -1
'nuff said.
No, do you how many variants that we don't have?
Same goes to 109's
And many American bombers
No, do you how many variants that we don't have?
Same goes to 109's
And many American bombers
109's and bombers arent the point right now. im saying that too many people fly this dweebplane. dont need more with the spit12
109's and bombers arent the point right now. im saying that too many people fly this dweebplane. dont need more with the spit12
Spit is not easy to fly! Jeese, fly it agresivly and I garentee that you wont be able to. It tailcoats everywhere.If anything spits should be easy to kill. If it is so good then only the noobs will fly it and if you cannot beat a noob...sorry for you
Spit is not easy to fly! Jeese, fly it agresivly and I garentee that you wont be able to. If anything spits should be easy to kill. If it is so good then only the noobs will fly it and if you cannot beat a noob...sorry for you
uh...hate to disagree but, when i want to dirty myself a bit, i'll grab a seafire or spit8 and fly just as aggressively as i do in a 109...i rarely if ever make it back to base either way just because i'm too aggressive but, i find spits very much easier to fly than any luftwaffe planes.
uh...hate to disagree but, when i want to dirty myself a bit, i'll grab a seafire or spit8 and fly just as aggressively as i do in a 109...i rarely if ever make it back to base either way just because i'm too aggressive but, i find spits very much easier to fly than any luftwaffe planes.
I'm complete opposite, I suck in spits can't fly them, only reason I would fly a spit is because the 9 is the squad plane.
I'm complete opposite, I suck in spits can't fly them, only reason I would fly a spit is because the 9 is the squad plane.
:lol then you need to come to my squad...i could use a good 109 wingman or flight lead... :D
:lol then you need to come to my squad...i could use a good 109 wingman or flight lead... :D
:) while back before I joined the few 11bang was trying to get me in, but to young..
The 12 is a real monster at the low alts most people are fighting at in the MA, the whines it create would be deafening. If they add the Spit12, at least the Spit16 whines would go away, I suppose that is favorable. :D
Game breaker? Please use exquisite details as to why you say that.
go into the DA, and tell me what plane you see the most hording of. then my point will be proven.
The 12 is a real monster at the low alts most people are fighting at in the MA, the whines it create would be deafening. If they add the Spit12, at least the Spit16 whines would go away, I suppose that is favorable. :D
Why? It would be closer to the 190a5 in handling, with a lil bit more powerful engine. Very far from the dweeb16.
go into the DA, and tell me what plane you see the most hording of. then my point will be proven.
the K4 or the P51.
i dont see that many spits where im at in the DA usually... :rolleyes:
and there easy to shoot down, you of course, wouldnt know how because whenever you die from one you whine and whine.
the K4 or the P51.
i dont see that many spits where im at in the DA usually... :rolleyes:
and there easy to shoot down, you of course, wouldnt know how because whenever you die from one you whine and whine.
:rofl i dont know wether to call you a failtroll or just plain dumb.
theres allways a spit16horde in the DA at all times other than early morning.
you wouldnt know tho, i havent seen you in there sense i owned that little hellkitty of yours :ahand
Step 1 : go to the oclub
Step 2 : make a new topic and name it to "Tyrannys and Scorpion"
Step 3 : troll each other there, have fun, but let the people discuss unhijacked PLZ
END of the hijack
dont see why not.
dont see why not.
There we go!
theres allways a spit16horde in the DA at all times other than early morning.
funny, i know youve seen me there in the past week. and i fly mainly during late night or early morning. usually no spit "hordes" there.
and it wasnt even a troll, i was saying that you do whine constantly when your shot down.
your probably gonna get this thread shut down so id stop if i were you.
skorpion, if you're really flying at dweeb lake you're either flying as bish or getting on long after the spit/tempdweebs are done giving each other wtg's and decided to sleep.
get in there when there are 40-50 people...then see how many spits and temps you run in to compared to the population.
funny, i know youve seen me there in the past week. and i fly mainly during late night or early morning. usually no spit "hordes" there.
and it wasnt even a troll, i was saying that you do whine constantly when your shot down.
your probably gonna get this thread shut down so id stop if i were you.
nope, i havent seen you in there since our little 1v1.
in which you whined about for a whole 30mins on 200.(so its pretty ironic your saying i whine when i get shot down lol)
skorpion, if you're really flying at dweeb lake you're either flying as bish or getting on long after the spit/tempdweebs are done giving each other wtg's and decided to sleep.
get in there when there are 40-50 people...then see how many spits and temps you run in to compared to the population.
skorpion, if you're really flying at dweeb lake you're either flying as bish or getting on long after the spit/tempdweebs are done giving each other wtg's and decided to sleep.
get in there when there are 40-50 people...then see how many spits and temps you run in to compared to the population.
i cant really do that because i have lots of things goin on in the day when theres that many people.
#1-i have a job at the corner market 4-6
#2-i go to school daily...7-3
so i kinda cant.
nope, i havent seen you in there since our little 1v1.
in which you whined about for a whole 30mins on 200
funny...didnt know there was people on 200 in the DA. stop trying to turn it on me. you whine and you just havent noticed me in the DA.
im done with you troll.
funny...didnt know there was people on 200 in the DA. stop trying to turn it on me. you whine and you just havent noticed me in the DA.
im done with you troll.
channel 200 can be used in the DA, just most people use all. :rolleyes:
i rarely "whine". last time i every "whined" about something was last week when me&eace was having a rly nice 1v1 (his g6 vs my p51B) and 2 spit16s picked me just as i was getting the upper hand.
proving what you say wrong=/= trolling :rolleyes:
go into the DA, and tell me what plane you see the most hording of. then my point will be proven.
Spits. Ok? It's honestly not hard to beat spit in a 1v1. Maybe if you didn't fly bombers in the lake it wouldn't be a problem.
Spits. Ok? It's honestly not hard to beat spit in a 1v1. Maybe if you didn't fly bombers in the lake it wouldn't be a problem.
1v1 at dweeb lake? you're kidding right? :rofl have plenty of time after school and work to get into the da when there are more than 10 people there.
1v1 at dweeb lake? you're kidding right? :rofl
Yes it is hard to find them, but early eastern time around 11pm there is a bunch of loners in spits and are quite nobbish
Yes it is hard to find them, but early eastern time around 11pm there is a bunch of loners in spits and are quite nobbish
was in there last night got on a spixteen and ended up getting picked by 2 others...all bish
Spits. Ok? It's honestly not hard to beat spit in a 1v1. Maybe if you didn't fly bombers in the lake it wouldn't be a problem.
1. you rarely run into a lone spit in the DA. its usually spit16s running in a dweeb pack, or a single spit16 backed up by 3 temps ready to pick you while your trying to fight off the noob16.
2. i flew bombers in there fore the sole reason of nocking the alt monkeys back down to a respectable altitude. especially the tempdweebs. and so the spithorde could all gang up on me& expect to survive. worked for awhile. especially when the b29 came out, but i dont like how buff gunning is now. so i havent flown them in there for awhile.
in short, no. me flying buffs in there isent the problem. :)
1v1 at dweeb lake? you're kidding right? :rofl have plenty of time after school and work to get into the da when there are more than 10 people there.
so...1 hour is a good amount of time to play AH when i should be doing homework...
yeah thats it.
so...1 hour is a good amount of time to play AH when i should be doing homework...
yeah thats it.
how do you know it's an hour when you're supposedly doing homework?
how do you know it's an hour when you're supposedly doing homework?
well i just said i get home at 3:00 pm and i have to go to work at 4:00 pm.
thats an hour, not hard to figure it out. and HW usually takes about 15 minutes for each class that i get HW in.
1. you rarely run into a lone spit in the DA. its usually spit16s running in a dweeb pack, or a single spit16 backed up by 3 temps ready to pick you while your trying to fight off the noob16.
2. i flew bombers in there fore the sole reason of nocking the alt monkeys back down to a respectable altitude. especially the tempdweebs. and so the spithorde could all gang up on me& expect to survive. worked for awhile. especially when the b29 came out, but i dont like how buff gunning is now. so i havent flown them in there for awhile.
in short, no. me flying buffs in there isent the problem. :)
So we're basing plane wishes on the DA now? LOL
So we're basing plane wishes on the DA now? LOL
I would rather see other, more glaring, gaps in the plane set filled first. Beyond that, I don't see why not. If an aircraft meets all of HTC's requirements for inclusion, I see no reason why it shouldn't be added eventually.
well i just said i get home at 3:00 pm and i have to go to work at 4:00 pm.
thats an hour, not hard to figure it out. and HW usually takes about 15 minutes for each class that i get HW in.
and i did say after school and work...afraid to admit you're full of poop?
i've seen you in the bish spixteen dweeb horde at dweeb lake recently too...while there was a good crowd.
and i did say after school and work...afraid to admit you're full of poop?
i've seen you in the bish spixteen dweeb horde at dweeb lake recently too...while there was a good crowd.
tell me, when did you say AFTER work and school?
tell me, when did you say AFTER work and school? have plenty of time after school and work to get into the da when there are more than 10 people there.
reading is fundamental...
reading is fundamental...
before that...where did you say that...
you're kidding right? i don't even want to know what your reading comprehension scores would not be a good testament to your school district.
you're kidding right? i don't even want to know what your reading comprehension scores would not be a good testament to your school district.
i swear your argument gets more and more idiotic with each post.
So we're basing plane wishes on the DA now? LOL
not entirely, but the DA should be taken into consideration.
i personally feel all spit numbers above 5 should be banned from the DA.
not entirely, but the DA should be taken into consideration.
WHAT? :rofl :lol :rofl :lol i'm guessing you're serious... :huh
WHAT? :rofl :lol :rofl :lol i'm guessing you're serious... :huh
yes i am.
believe it or not but some people dont come on aceshigh to fly around a giant map taking half an hr to find a proper fight thats worth sticking around for all the time.
the DA is a fun place to jump straight into the action, do 1v1's, home your skills in your preferred plane, and otherwise have a good time with fast paced action.
just because you might not take the DA serious enough to be counted into the equation, doesnt mean others dont ether.
and it zaps the fun out of the DA when overmodeled planes get put in that excel over everything else, and of course they get horded. (spit16)
im not saying the DA should be counted into the equation when putting it in the GAME.
i think it should be counted into the equation wether it should be put in the DA or kept out, for balance issues.
i swear your argument gets more and more idiotic with each post.
funny thing is i'm trying to be ridiculous in my're not trying to be stupid but you're succeeding...the answer to your question is brutally obvious but for whatever reason, you don't see it.
i personally feel all spit numbers above 5 should be banned from the DA.
yes i am.
believe it or not but some people dont come on aceshigh to fly around a giant map taking half an hr to find a proper fight thats worth sticking around for all the time.
the DA is a fun place to jump straight into the action, do 1v1's, home your skills in your preferred plane, and otherwise have a good time with fast paced action.
just because you might not take the DA serious enough to be counted into the equation, doesnt mean others dont ether.
( that's just too funny...
oh, p.s. the word is "hone" in to perfect or make more intense or effective
yes i am.
believe it or not but some people dont come on aceshigh to fly around a giant map taking half an hr to find a proper fight thats worth sticking around for all the time.
the DA is a fun place to jump straight into the action, do 1v1's, home your skills in your preferred plane, and otherwise have a good time with fast paced action.
just because you might not take the DA serious enough to be counted into the equation, doesnt mean others dont ether.
and it zaps the fun out of the DA when overmodeled planes get put in that excel over everything else, and of course they get horded. (spit16)
im not saying the DA should be counted into the equation when putting it in the GAME.
i think it should be counted into the equation wether it should be put in the DA or kept out, for balance issues.
You've got to be kidding. the lake in the DA is not a 1 v 1 setting. And where do you get the idea that the Spit XVI is overmodeled? The whining of the anti-Spit crowd in flight sims has always been epic. doesn't mean they're right.
It's enough to make ya weep some times... :bhead
You've got to be kidding. the lake in the DA is not a 1 v 1 setting. And where do you get the idea that the Spit XVI is overmodeled? The whining of the anti-Spit crowd in flight sims has always been epic. doesn't mean they're right.
It's enough to make ya weep some times... :bhead
hit the nail on the head. +1
You've got to be kidding. the lake in the DA is not a 1 v 1 setting. And where do you get the idea that the Spit XVI is overmodeled? The whining of the anti-Spit crowd in flight sims has always been epic. doesn't mean they're right.
It's enough to make ya weep some times... :bhead
1 big thing wrong with what you said.
i mentioned the DA. as in the WHOLE DA. not JUST the lake. in which yes there are 1v1 fields in it i expected you to know this.
2. its overmodeled in the sense that it can outperform allmost any plane in the DA. now add the giant spit16 hordes that are allways roaming the lake, and thats enough of a fun breaker to cause me to log off for the night.
i come in there to have fun engagements, not fight hording spit16s.
2. its overmodeled in the sense that it can outperform allmost any plane in the DA.
:rofl :rofl
try flying a 109F4 against it. the F4 can really give it some trouble, that is, if you know how to fly.
:rofl :rofl
try flying a 109F4 against it. the F4 can really give it some trouble, that is, if you know how to fly.
109f can outturn a spit8
:rofl :rofl
try flying a 109F4 against it. the F4 can really give it some trouble, that is, if you know how to fly.
if you want, we can go to the DA tomorrow, and you can try to prove this point. your f4 vs my spit16.
give you a chance to back those big words up. ;)
if you want, we can go to the DA tomorrow, and you can try to prove this point. your f4 vs my spit16.
give you a chance to back those big words up. ;)
:bhead idiot.... :bhead
i said that the F4 is a good turner, try it. it also has WEP that lasts all day. even ask some people that have flown the F4 for a bit. they'll say that the F4 is a good turner and is capable of giving the spit some trouble.
and normally...its the pilot. not the plane.
if you want, we can go to the DA tomorrow, and you can try to prove this point. your f4 vs my spit16.
give you a chance to back those big words up. ;)
what's wrong with tonight tyrannis?
:bhead idiot.... :bhead
i said that the F4 is a good turner, try it. it also has WEP that lasts all day. even ask some people that have flown the F4 for a bit. they'll say that the F4 is a good turner and is capable of giving the spit some trouble.
and normally...its the pilot. not the plane.
i can see skorpion isn't going to willing to put up... ah well.
The 109F is a great turner. I would take it up against a Spit. Biggest problem with the 109F is the guns don't hit as hard as a Spit's Hispanos.
:bhead idiot.... :bhead
i said that the F4 is a good turner, try it. it also has WEP that lasts all day. even ask some people that have flown the F4 for a bit. they'll say that the F4 is a good turner and is capable of giving the spit some trouble.
and normally...its the pilot. not the plane.
i flew it alot in EW, so im aware of its capabilities, yet your saying it could give a spit16 some serious "Trouble", so im offering you a chance to back up what your saying. but you seem to be backing out of a 1v1 with me about the subject.
btw, i like your "its the pilot" remark, thnxs for calling me the better pilot ;)
what's wrong with tonight tyrannis?
i can see skorpion isn't going to willing to put up... ah well.
im on red dead redemptions online for tonight spending it with friends on there, ive passed them up alot of nights so tonights my "making up for it".
in the right hands, 109F will have no issues with any spit.
I've stated before im by no means a top stick, but i fly the 109F quite frequently (check stats if u want) it can hold its own vs any spit.
if you want, we can go to the DA tomorrow, and you can try to prove this point. your f4 vs my spit16.
give you a chance to back those big words up. ;)
LOL you want the 16 but you don't want the 16? Hmmmm
1 big thing wrong with what you said.
i mentioned the DA. as in the WHOLE DA. not JUST the lake. in which yes there are 1v1 fields in it i expected you to know this.
2. its overmodeled in the sense that it can outperform allmost any plane in the DA. now add the giant spit16 hordes that are allways roaming the lake, and thats enough of a fun breaker to cause me to log off for the night.
i come in there to have fun engagements, not fight hording spit16s.
So you want to limit someone elses fun so you can have yours by deciding what they can fly? I spend my time in a 38G and 39D or Q. I sure don't mind Spit 16s. They tend to stick around and fight. I'm not really dying anyway so why not fight em? You going to remove the Tempests, D9, C Hogs and every other BnZ bird that interferes with a furball?
That's just silly. You know what you are upping into when you go to Furball lake. And if you are 1 v 1 fighting away from it, a Spit 16 horde is irrelevent.
LOL you want the 16 but you don't want the 16? Hmmmm
you obviously dont understand what was discussed, i'll sum it up for you.
i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.
skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.
so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.
i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.
So you want to limit someone elses fun so you can have yours by deciding what they can fly? I spend my time in a 38G and 39D or Q. I sure don't mind Spit 16s. They tend to stick around and fight. I'm not really dying anyway so why not fight em? You going to remove the Tempests, D9, C Hogs and every other BnZ bird that interferes with a furball?
That's just silly. You know what you are upping into when you go to Furball lake. And if you are 1 v 1 fighting away from it, a Spit 16 horde is irrelevent.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular :uhoh
you obviously dont understand what was discussed, i'll sum it up for you.
i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.
skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.
so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.
i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular :uhoh
DA regular? :rofl
you obviously dont understand what was discussed, i'll sum it up for you.
i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.
skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.
so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.
i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular :uhoh
You still don't get it. When I go into the DA to furball lake, I expect to see high Temps, C Hogs, and lots of guys in their 'squads' trying to dominate single planes with a crowd. When I go to the DA to fly against someone 1 v 1, I don't worry about Furball lake.
You are talking out of both sides of your face. You argue that the Spit 16 is a pain in a crowd. So are a bunch of 38s, or Hurricane Is for that matter. Then you say that you'll beat an 109F in a Spit 16. Good for you. A 1944-45 bird beating a 41-42 bird. So what. I am sure there are some 109 drivers who'd mop the floor with most of the Spit drivers in game. I'm sure there are some Spit drivers who'd do the same to the majority of 109 drivers in game.
This still comes down to you wanting to eliminate a bird that gives you problems. Take away someone elses fun so you can feel more uber? Who cares. Just shoot em down and quit worrying about it.
Having done the flight sim bit for a long time, I'm so sick and tired of the Spit whines I can hardly stand it anymore. Could be some of the players in this game have an investment in Spitfire history and getting a chance to fly a bird that is one of the most well known if not most well known fighters of WW2?
Could be it's just a game and if you are that worried about Spit 16s beating you then start flying one yourself. If your ego is so fragile that dying to a cartoon horde ruins your day, that's kinda sad.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular :uhoh
... and you are? You have ducked out of so many DA challenges, it is akin to asking Don King to host a real fight.
You still don't get it. When I go into the DA to furball lake, I expect to see high Temps, C Hogs, and lots of guys in their 'squads' trying to dominate single planes with a crowd. When I go to the DA to fly against someone 1 v 1, I don't worry about Furball lake.
You are talking out of both sides of your face. You argue that the Spit 16 is a pain in a crowd. So are a bunch of 38s, or Hurricane Is for that matter. Then you say that you'll beat an 109F in a Spit 16. Good for you. A 1944-45 bird beating a 41-42 bird. So what. I am sure there are some 109 drivers who'd mop the floor with most of the Spit drivers in game. I'm sure there are some Spit drivers who'd do the same to the majority of 109 drivers in game.
This still comes down to you wanting to eliminate a bird that gives you problems. Take away someone elses fun so you can feel more uber? Who cares. Just shoot em down and quit worrying about it.
Having done the flight sim bit for a long time, I'm so sick and tired of the Spit whines I can hardly stand it anymore. Could be some of the players in this game have an investment in Spitfire history and getting a chance to fly a bird that is one of the most well known if not most well known fighters of WW2?
Could be it's just a game and if you are that worried about Spit 16s beating you then start flying one yourself. If your ego is so fragile that dying to a cartoon horde ruins your day, that's kinda sad.
and yet YOU still dont get it.
im merely giving skorpion the oppurtunity to prove what he's saying, not make myself look "uber" so your taking that totally the wrong way.
and if i had my choice, i'd prefer a hurricane/p38 horde than a spit16 horde. they have more notable disadvantages.
grumpy wether you agree with me or not, i dont really care, but the majority who do fly in the lake agree, the spit16s are a menace, who ruin good fights. just because youve never ran into a spit16 horde doesnt mean others havent.
... and you are? You have ducked out of so many DA challenges, it is akin to asking Don King to host a real fight.
not really, i answer allmost every 1v1 sent to me in the DA, i regularly participate in the 1v1 duels with the POTW and sometimes the few when there in there.
and if your referring to ack ack's challenge, i offered to 1v1 him, fighter to fighter after he mentioned his little stalker stunt in mid war, which he still hasent responded back to me about.
so really, who's ducking out of what again? :headscratch:
grumpy? i think its GUPPY35
and yet YOU still dont get it.
im merely giving skorpion the oppurtunity to prove what he's saying, not make myself look "uber" so your taking that totally the wrong way.
and if i had my choice, i'd prefer a hurricane/p38 horde than a spit16 horde. they have more notable disadvantages.
grumpy wether you agree with me or not, i dont really care, but the majority who do fly in the lake agree, the spit16s are a menace, who ruin good fights. just because youve never ran into a spit16 horde doesnt mean others havent.
Sheesh is right. it still comes down to you not wanting to fight something that has an advantage over your bird of choice. I'd like to know who this majority is too. Get over yourself and start shooting the 16s down, or go somewhere else.
Glad you aren't in charge
Sheesh is right. it still comes down to you not wanting to fight something that has an advantage over your bird of choice. I'd like to know who this majority is too. Get over yourself and start shooting the 16s down, or go somewhere else.
Glad you aren't in charge
yes, because running into a pack of nothing but 6-7 spit16s is so much fun :rolleyes: you get over yourself, go in the DA during a busy day, ask around. fly a little. instead of coming in here and making your assumptions off what? i go in the DA alot. and i dont believe ive ever seen you in there. your like a critic who rates a movie solely by what they've heard about it, instead of going in &finding out for themselves.
tyrannis hasn't gotten the idea yet...stick to dweeb lake and you're going to get ho'd or picked, you get what you get...better off in the late war arenas...dweeb lake should just be a place to mess around or try some new tricks to see how long you can survive.
yes, because running into a pack of nothing but 6-7 spit16s is so much fun :rolleyes: you get over yourself, go in the DA during a busy day, ask around. fly a little. instead of coming in here and making your assumptions off what? i go in the DA alot. and i dont believe ive ever seen you in there. your like a critic who rates a movie solely by what they've heard about it, instead of going in &finding out for themselves.
LOL went in there tonight to see what the fuss was about. All I saw groups of C Hogs. Spit 16s would have been more fun :)
tyrannis hasn't gotten the idea yet...stick to dweeb lake and you're going to get ho'd or picked, you get what you get...better off in the late war arenas...dweeb lake should just be a place to mess around or try some new tricks to see how long you can survive.
no, i get what your saying. the point im trying to make tho is whats not being understood. im saying some planes should be banned from being flown from the furball bases. due to balance issues. get rid of the spit16&temp, and the furball lake would be so much funner. (before someone repeats what gumpy is whining about, ive shot down plenty of temps/spit16s. im saying they should be banned because whenever furball lake gets crowded, and a good furball gets going, it seems the people who get shot down run straight for the 16/temp. its ether spit16s hording 1 plane at a time. or temp alt monkies 10k above you waiting to pick you while your trying to fight off the spits)
LOL went in there tonight to see what the fuss was about. All I saw groups of C Hogs. Spit 16s would have been more fun :)
LOL, so you decide to go into the furball lake after midnight when its passed most of the spitdweebs bedtimes? wtg, thats a 100% accurate observation of the DA without any bias thrown in. :rolleyes:
no, i get what your saying. the point im trying to make tho is whats not being understood. im saying some planes should be banned from being flown from the furball bases. due to balance issues. get rid of the spit16&temp, and the furball lake would be so much funner. (before someone repeats what gumpy is whining about, ive shot down plenty of temps/spit16s. im saying they should be banned because whenever furball lake gets crowded, and a good furball gets going, it seems the people who get shot down run straight for the 16/temp. its ether spit16s hording 1 plane at a time. or temp alt monkies 10k above you waiting to pick you while your trying to fight off the spits)
LOL, so you decide to go into the furball lake after midnight when its passed most of the spitdweebs bedtimes? wtg, thats a 100% accurate observation of the DA without any bias thrown in. :rolleyes:
LOL I see there is a Spit centric time and I missed it. I got in there for C Hog hour then? I was told quite specifically by the DA furball lake guys that anything goes, and that they don't fight alone. It's all SA you know :)
no, i get what your saying. the point im trying to make tho is whats not being understood. im saying some planes should be banned from being flown from the furball bases. due to balance issues. get rid of the spit16&temp, and the furball lake would be so much funner. (before someone repeats what gumpy is whining about, ive shot down plenty of temps/spit16s. im saying they should be banned because whenever furball lake gets crowded, and a good furball gets going, it seems the people who get shot down run straight for the 16/temp. its ether spit16s hording 1 plane at a time. or temp alt monkies 10k above you waiting to pick you while your trying to fight off the spits)
and your point is completely ridiculous...if your fun is being spoiled at dweeb lake, don't be a dweeb and whine about it...go to the late war arenas. it takes as much or less time to get into a fight in the lwma's as it does to fly from one the rook base at dweeb lake to the point directly between the knit and bish bases.
if the 16 wasn't there you would be wanting to ban the spit14s, or the spit8s, then the 5s...stop your whining, and learn to fly better.
and your point is completely ridiculous...if your fun is being spoiled at dweeb lake, don't be a dweeb and whine about it...go to the late war arenas. it takes as much or less time to get into a fight in the lwma's as it does to fly from one the rook base at dweeb lake to the point directly between the knit and bish bases.
if the 16 wasn't there you would be wanting to ban the spit14s, or the spit8s, then the 5s...stop your whining, and learn to fly better.
ok, oh wise one.
tell me how to fly better against a spit horde of 6-8 spit16s and win without saying stuff like "dont go into the DA" or "dont engage them"
i cant wait to hear your responce. ;)
If I may make an observation about the furball lake, removing any of the Spitfire marks would only make the prison gang-centred players pick the next best aircraft for their activities. It still doesn't address the underlying motivation for the prison gang approach.
If I encounter the Spitfire Mark XVI at the lake, especially a pair winging together at least I know they are going to stick it out and give a proper ACM / turnfight. In my humble opinion the typical Tempest pilots are a considerably larger nuisance, endlessly looping through a cluster of fighting aircraft and taking pot shots on other engaged aircraft at little danger to themselves. This pattern is the real fight spoiler.
However I don't suggest the Tempest be removed either, then you would deny the masters such as Diktater, who will turn with anything. I would recommend anyone to try and fight him to see what that aircraft is actually capable of.
Tailoring the planeset will not shift the paradigm of behaviour at the furball lake. That would take something like removing the landed victories system messages or disabling the score or a cultural change. This discussion however should really be a separate thread.
+1 on any new fighter aircraft!
If I may make an observation about the furball lake, removing any of the Spitfire marks would only make the prison gang-centred players pick the next best aircraft for their activities. It still doesn't address the underlying motivation for the prison gang approach.
If I encounter the Spitfire Mark XVI at the lake, especially a pair winging together at least I know they are going to stick it out and give a proper ACM / turnfight. In my humble opinion the typical Tempest pilots are a considerably larger nuisance, endlessly looping through a cluster of fighting aircraft and taking pot shots on other engaged aircraft at little danger to themselves. This pattern is the real fight spoiler.
However I don't suggest the Tempest be removed either, then you would deny the masters such as Diktater, who will turn with anything. I would recommend anyone to try and fight him to see what that aircraft is actually capable of.
Tailoring the planeset will not shift the paradigm of behaviour at the furball lake. That would take something like removing the landed victories system messages or disabling the score or a cultural change. This discussion however should really be a separate thread.
+1 on any new fighter aircraft!
actually, i have fought diktator in my p38.
he himself is not above the dweebish antics temp pilots perform.
about a month&half ago, was in furball lake around noonish. diktator& a friend(footloose i think) were paired up in temps. they stayed way above the fight zone, circling until they found a lone plane, than BnZ that one plane until it was down.
i had a fellow knight in a pony trying to fight this all off at the time, i had just upped in my 38. i saw 3 dots going at it at the edge of the lake so i flew in that direction, in which i saw 2 temps BnZ'ing my countryman. so i flew over to assist him.
i guess footloose got nervous about another plane evening the odds, because he broke from there usual BnZ tactic, and proceded to chase the mustang into a dive, the mustang pulled up, hanging footlooses temps allmost right infront of my gunsight, short burst&he was down. sadly tho as i was downing footlooses temp, diktator had zoomed down at the mustang. so now it was pretty much 1v1.
the fight started out in the vertical which escalated to a turn first i started to get the upper hand on him, but he switched back to the vertical real fast, i stalled out. he got a quick shot on me shooting off an elevator.
it turned back into a turning fight. i guess from the lack of an elevator i couldnt turn as well, because he started to outturn me.
but then he suddenly just broke off, dived down and headed straight for his base on the deck, i gave chase. hitting WEP to try to keep up with the running tempy. i couldnt figure out why he was running home until
i checked my 6 and realized footloose was back up in his tempy &coming in to pick me. i played dumb, acted like i didnt know. waited till he came screaming down at me, happened to pull a hard left to dodge his pick as diktator was actually turning left. had him in my gunsights, took the shot& downed him by shooting his wing off.
after i downed him i didnt really have enough ammo left to deal with footloose, so i went low to the water&booked it for home, he saw me, but luckily i had friendlies in the area who engaged him before he could get to me.
ive flown with&against diktator. he's allright. but not without his own dweebery.
I can't really discuss the specifics of an engagement I didn't witness. My experience of Diktator is that he generally adapts to the magnitude of lameness currently in operation, or rather prevalent for the session he is flying. If you find him alone and merge you will generally get a very good fight, of course he's not going to engage in a sustained turn fight with a superior turner. I have had him disengage when one of his fellow countrymen joined in so as to not turn it into a 2 on 1. He is a skilful, wily and respected opponent.
My point was there are those who rely on skill and intelligence that even fly the Tempest, thus it is difficult to generalise according to plane choice. I would redirect my energies from campaigning against specific aircraft and focus on your ACM Tyrannis, if I were you.
The answer to your question to Gyrene about how fight against 6-8 Spit16s and win is that you accept you are going to die, and make them work very very hard for it in the hope that at least one of them will realise the difference between results and skill.
i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.
Learn to counter a Spitfire (any model) and they won't be such a problem.
skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.
so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.
A properly flown Bf 109F (or any other plane for that matter) is more than able to give a Spitfire XVI "serious trouble" in a fight, especially if the Bf 109F driver is more experienced. If equal pilots, then the Spitfire XVI should come out on top as long as the Spitfire driver doesn't get suckered into flying the Bf 109F's game.
The mistake that you are making and others make it too, is that you seem to think it's the plane that will decide the outcome of the fight regardless of who is at the controls. Your assumption that the Bf 109F will not be able to offer any serious challenge to the Spitfire XVI just proves that point. In your mind, you think that since the Spitfire XVI is the better plane on paper that it would automatically win. This is the reason why you die so easily when you hop into a fighter because your line of thinking is incorrect.
It's the pilot, not the plane. Once you come to realize this and start to make an effort to learn basic flight maneuvers and then ACM, you'll find that the Spitfire XVI isn't the Boogie Man you thought it was and you woulnd't feel the need to request to have to all Spitfire Mks removes save the Mk I
i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.
It's not going to prove anything because he's not very good, neither are you but I don't know which of the two of you are better than the other so I'm giving the one driving the Spitfire edge in your duel. Find someone like Eagler or AKElfy and ask them for a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI duel.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular :uhoh
Whether or not Corky is a DA regular isn't even germane and just an attempt to try and avoid his point. Corky knows what he's talking about, he's been leaving plane parts all over the virtual unfriendly skies far longer than you've been alive.
ok, oh wise one.
tell me how to fly better against a spit horde of 6-8 spit16s and win without saying stuff like "dont go into the DA" or "dont engage them"
i cant wait to hear your responce. ;)
i don't know if you've ever heard the term "realistic expectations" or not but, from everything you have state in this thread, it appears that you have unrealistic expectations. i despise spixteens as much as you do...and anyone i encounter in one i consider a noob because i know how easy it is to get kills in...funny thing is, the 8 and 9 are even easier but, i wouldn't expect the noobs in dweeb lake to know that.
how do you fight any horde? doesn't matter if it's 16s or stukas...if you're alone against numbers, with very few exceptions, unless you're flying the aircraft to its advantages, and forcing the opponents to fight on your terms, you're going down. as nrshida said, go into the horde expecting to get shot down and do your best to show them the difference between skill and dweebery.
you need to know your plane, the p-38 like many others is an energy fighter, not a turn n burner...the fact that you allow yourself to be drawn into turn fights tells me you don't know the 38 very well. ack ack and guppy give good advice, you should pay heed...especially considering they are far better than your or i are.
btw, i like your "its the pilot" remark, thnxs for calling me the better pilot ;)
you, are the biggest idiot on this earth. i never said you were the better pilot.
learn to read.
Learn to counter a Spitfire (any model) and they won't be such a problem.
what ack said, you can counter them with almost any plane, wether its a brew in turning or a K4 in roping. its possible.
try that for once? maybe you wont get your sorry arse beaten so hard next time?
Me and yarbles have a 100 duals set in my 109f and his spit 5! We have done about 6 so far, and I have won all but 1. I changed his whole world wit a 109f, he calls it the the spit of 109's. And I have Dualed tndep in a spit8 and f4u4 in my 109f, and came out on top. I'll post films when home...
109f is a plane that I am truly scared of...
Now guppy, could you post some of the spit12's performance! :D
Me and yarbles have a 100 duals set in my 109f and his spit 5! We have done about 6 so far, and I have won all but 1. I changed his whole world wit a 109f, he calls it the the spit of 109's. And I have Dualed tndep in a spit8 and f4u4 in my 109f, and came out on top. I'll post films when home...
109f is a plane that I am truly scared of...
Now guppy, could you post some of the spit12's performance! :D
thank you joachim, maybe that will get the point across to tyrannis? get those films quick! id actually like to see them.
I don't mind Spits in the MA (I stay away from dweeb ball lake in the DA). At least the Spits will usually mix it up and fight. It's all the 190s and P51s that I find tiresome in the MA. It's pick attempt, extend a sector...
and yet YOU still dont get it.
im merely giving skorpion the oppurtunity to prove what he's saying, not make myself look "uber" so your taking that totally the wrong way.
and if i had my choice, i'd prefer a hurricane/p38 horde than a spit16 horde. they have more notable disadvantages.
grumpy wether you agree with me or not, i dont really care, but the majority who do fly in the lake agree, the spit16s are a menace, who ruin good fights. just because youve never ran into a spit16 horde doesnt mean others havent.
If spit 16s are such a meanace learn how to kill them. Every plane ruins good fights. I'm pretty sure in that ole 38 ;) he's ran into a horde of 16s.
Overall stop complaining about one of the notable planes as he's stated and play the game.
you, are the biggest idiot on this earth. i never said you were the better pilot.
learn to read.
what ack said, you can counter them with almost any plane, wether its a brew in turning or a K4 in roping. its possible.
try that for once? maybe you wont get your sorry arse beaten so hard next time?
skorpion, im not "challenging" you to a 1v1, your 109f4 vs my spit16. im giving you the oppurtunity to prove what you said about the f4 because ive never seen one outturn a spit, so i wanted to see if you could make your own statement true.
but it seems your not up to it, pity. :)
Ignore the kids...
It would be the least dweeby and the most elegant spit IMO
I would like to see it added right after the russian rides and the ju188.
Ignore the kids...
It would be the least dweeby and the most elegant spit IMO
I would like to see it added right after the russian rides and the ju188.
Sounds good to me :)
skorpion, im not "challenging" you to a 1v1, your 109f4 vs my spit16. im giving you the oppurtunity to prove what you said about the f4 because ive never seen one outturn a spit
look at joachims films when he puts them up, the F4 can outturn a spit depending on whos flying it. ive done it before and i have vids of it.
look at joachims films when he puts them up, the F4 can outturn a spit depending on whos flying it. ive done it before and i have vids of it.
JOACH1M is also one of the best sticks in the game. The average Joe proabably wouldnt be able to manage that.
JOACH1M is also one of the best sticks in the game. The average Joe proabably wouldnt be able to manage that.
me and joachim have had a few fights in 109's before, im sure of that. we were fairly well matched, even though i always ended up augering.
me and joachim have had a few fights in 109's before, im sure of that. we were fairly well matched, even though i always ended up augering.
- 109f vs. spit 5.... g2 vs. spit8
these are just a couple will search for more
Anyview these?
any plane can out turn any plane here. I have out turned f4u's and 109's with a b26 at low speed. I have killed tbms with my spit and not new guys but seasoned players. and also have been killed twice in a row by a new guy in a c47.
It's not really the plane that makes the player, but how a player uses a combination of stick set up, trakir (sa), skill(experience) and plane.
ok, oh wise one.
tell me how to fly better against a spit horde of 6-8 spit16s and win without saying stuff like "dont go into the DA" or "dont engage them"
i cant wait to hear your responce. ;)
You aren't going to win, in particular if they are working together and they are above you. Winning meaning coming out the other side with 6 kills and 'alive'. You do win if you dive in and see how long you can last.
I don't know that there are any uber sticks that can tell you they can beat 6-8 planes of any type by themselves.
The other option is take a 51, D9 or another good BnZ bird, get above them and bore them to death til they run out of fuel while you try and pick them off one at a time on the edges of their group.
Now if you define 'winning' like some of us do, in that you make that crowd come down, look silly mugging you while you get a couple of them in the process, then it's not that hard to win. How foolish must those guys feel knowing it takes 6 of them to take one bird.
You aren't going to win, in particular if they are working together and they are above you. Winning meaning coming out the other side with 6 kills and 'alive'. You do win if you dive in and see how long you can last.
I don't know that there are any uber sticks that can tell you they can beat 6-8 planes of any type by themselves.
The other option is take a 51, D9 or another good BnZ bird, get above them and bore them to death til they run out of fuel while you try and pick them off one at a time on the edges of their group.
Now if you define 'winning' like some of us do, in that you make that crowd come down, look silly mugging you while you get a couple of them in the process, then it's not that hard to win. How foolish must those guys feel knowing it takes 6 of them to take one bird.
when I have a day that I am "on" 3vs1 are easy......I have also killed 6 out of 20 plus planes before all trying to get me,...killed all 5 out of 5 trying to attack me....what really sux is I am not "on" very often :(
most of the fights were I am out numbered and "won" I had ALT on them, ALT is your friend, using it is the way to attack the hourd the only way to truly "win" against them...some people think "winning" is about returning home alive...some find a great fight all depends on what "winning" to said person is.
JOACH1M is also one of the best sticks in the game. The average Joe proabably wouldnt be able to manage that.
Which actually goes to prove Skorpion's point. JOACH1M is a good pilot that would be able to hold his own in a Bf 109F and thoroughly outfly someone like Tyrannus in a Spitfire XVI. Whereas Tyrannus wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell if he was in a Bf 109F against someone in a Spitfire XVI.
Which actually goes to prove Skorpion's point. JOACH1M is a good pilot that would be able to hold his own in a Bf 109F and thoroughly outfly someone like Tyrannus in a Spitfire XVI. Whereas Tyrannus wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell if he was in a Bf 109F against someone in a Spitfire XVI.
gotta love people like this who feel they need to judge others skills when they've never flown against &/or with the person they are trying to judge.
and people say i have an ego. :huh :uhoh
gotta love people like this who feel they need to judge others skills when they've never flown against &/or with the person they are trying to judge.
and people say i have an ego. :huh :uhoh
me, ack and tons of other people have flown against joach. im very sure that they cant say it if they havent done it.
yes, you do have an ego. dont hurt it...
me, ack and tons of other people have flown against joach. im very sure that they cant say it if they havent done it.
yes, you do have an ego. dont hurt it...
you completely missed what i was saying.
i wasent saying about his judgement of jo, i was talking about his judgement of me.
How many threads are you two gonna swing purses at each other in?
How many threads are you two gonna swing purses at each other in?
I don't know, by I'm gonna have to hit up bruv for some extra large canopies to fit my head in it :D
How many threads are you two gonna swing purses at each other in?
if i post in it, he makes sure to get it started.
I don't know, by I'm gonna have to hit up bruv for some extra large canopies to fit my head in it :D
you are behind everyone knows the few fly planes with canopy`s removed :neener:
if i post in it, he makes sure to get it started.
:rofl :bhead
you are behind everyone knows the few fly planes with canopy`s removed :neener:
Ya, but they have awsome mullets that flow through the air nicely...sadly I dont :lol
gotta love people like this who feel they need to judge others skills when they've never flown against &/or with the person they are trying to judge.
and people say i have an ego. :huh :uhoh
I have flown against you and I know what kind of quality you bring to the table (table scraps). I have also flown against JOACH1M and he's a good stick, far better than you will ever hope to be or can ever be. It's not a slight against you, there are just some players that get it and some that think they do but don't. You fall into the last category. Because JOACH1M is the better pilot, he will not have any troubles at all flying a Bf 109F against you in a Spitfire XVI or in any other plane. Why? Because JOACH1M has taken the time not only to learn what the plane he flies are and aren't capable of, he's extended his knowledge to know what his opposition's plane is capable and not capable of. In addition, the guy has practiced and taken the time to learn the fundimentals of BFM and ACM (something you don't do, hence your lack of knowledge in the most basics of aerial combat), which gives him the upper hand going against a player like yourself that probably doens't even know what BFM or ACM stands for, let alone mean.
It's the same reason why I had no troubles at all beating the crap out of you in that silly duel challenge you threw down awhile back and why I wouldn't have any troubles at all doing it in a P-38J against you in a Spitfire XVI or any other plane you flew. Again, it's not a slight on you, it's just that like the majority in this game, I just have that much more experience and ability than you do.
Truth be told, a two week n00b that has spent his two week trial under the tutelage trainer to learn the ropes would be easily able to best you in a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI fight. Knowledge beats lack of knowledge every time and I hate to say it but when it comes to fighting and the art of dogfighting, you are one of the most ignorant players that has ever graced this game. I know I've said this before but kingcobradude would offer a far better fight than you would and that is saying quite a lot.
So, yes. I am able to judge your flying because I have witnessed the abortion you call flying and your posts are also a very accurate indicator of your grasp of fighting. Your posts alone in this thread just highlight your ignorance in the matter.
I have flown against you and I know what kind of quality you bring to the table (table scraps). I have also flown against JOACH1M and he's a good stick, far better than you will ever hope to be or can ever be. It's not a slight against you, there are just some players that get it and some that think they do but don't. You fall into the last category. Because JOACH1M is the better pilot, he will not have any troubles at all flying a Bf 109F against you in a Spitfire XVI or in any other plane. Why? Because JOACH1M has taken the time not only to learn what the plane he flies are and aren't capable of, he's extended his knowledge to know what his opposition's plane is capable and not capable of. In addition, the guy has practiced and taken the time to learn the fundimentals of BFM and ACM (something you don't do, hence your lack of knowledge in the most basics of aerial combat), which gives him the upper hand going against a player like yourself that probably doens't even know what BFM or ACM stands for, let alone mean.
It's the same reason why I had no troubles at all beating the crap out of you in that silly duel challenge you threw down awhile back and why I wouldn't have any troubles at all doing it in a P-38J against you in a Spitfire XVI or any other plane you flew. Again, it's not a slight on you, it's just that like the majority in this game, I just have that much more experience and ability than you do.
Truth be told, a two week n00b that has spent his two week trial under the tutelage trainer to learn the ropes would be easily able to best you in a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI fight. Knowledge beats lack of knowledge every time and I hate to say it but when it comes to fighting and the art of dogfighting, you are one of the most ignorant players that has ever graced this game. I know I've said this before but kingcobradude would offer a far better fight than you would and that is saying quite a lot.
So, yes. I am able to judge your flying because I have witnessed the abortion you call flying and your posts are also a very accurate indicator of your grasp of fighting. Your posts alone in this thread just highlight your ignorance in the matter.
until you can learn your plane you cant do much with it. ive pretty much mastered my P47-M and i can say that i can easily beat any tard in a spit. ive done things with knowlegde, not quick guesses in hopes of shaking that red guy. its like hunting without knowing your target. if you want to go deer hunting you cant just go out and assume a deer is a turkey. until you get to know what your doing you cant do it right.
I have flown against you and I know what kind of quality you bring to the table (table scraps). I have also flown against JOACH1M and he's a good stick, far better than you will ever hope to be or can ever be. It's not a slight against you, there are just some players that get it and some that think they do but don't. You fall into the last category. Because JOACH1M is the better pilot, he will not have any troubles at all flying a Bf 109F against you in a Spitfire XVI or in any other plane. Why? Because JOACH1M has taken the time not only to learn what the plane he flies are and aren't capable of, he's extended his knowledge to know what his opposition's plane is capable and not capable of. In addition, the guy has practiced and taken the time to learn the fundimentals of BFM and ACM (something you don't do, hence your lack of knowledge in the most basics of aerial combat), which gives him the upper hand going against a player like yourself that probably doens't even know what BFM or ACM stands for, let alone mean.
It's the same reason why I had no troubles at all beating the crap out of you in that silly duel challenge you threw down awhile back and why I wouldn't have any troubles at all doing it in a P-38J against you in a Spitfire XVI or any other plane you flew. Again, it's not a slight on you, it's just that like the majority in this game, I just have that much more experience and ability than you do.
Truth be told, a two week n00b that has spent his two week trial under the tutelage trainer to learn the ropes would be easily able to best you in a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI fight. Knowledge beats lack of knowledge every time and I hate to say it but when it comes to fighting and the art of dogfighting, you are one of the most ignorant players that has ever graced this game. I know I've said this before but kingcobradude would offer a far better fight than you would and that is saying quite a lot.
So, yes. I am able to judge your flying because I have witnessed the abortion you call flying and your posts are also a very accurate indicator of your grasp of fighting. Your posts alone in this thread just highlight your ignorance in the matter.
Thank you, perfectly said.
I also have the drive to lose, I try whenever I can to get bruv kaz bone Micky grizz suns to beat the crap out of me. Only reason why, is because I want to be the best I can ever be and by loosing I learn from mistakes and tweak my tactics and come back better.
I have flown against you and I know what kind of quality you bring to the table (table scraps). I have also flown against JOACH1M and he's a good stick, far better than you will ever hope to be or can ever be. It's not a slight against you, there are just some players that get it and some that think they do but don't. You fall into the last category. Because JOACH1M is the better pilot, he will not have any troubles at all flying a Bf 109F against you in a Spitfire XVI or in any other plane. Why? Because JOACH1M has taken the time not only to learn what the plane he flies are and aren't capable of, he's extended his knowledge to know what his opposition's plane is capable and not capable of. In addition, the guy has practiced and taken the time to learn the fundimentals of BFM and ACM (something you don't do, hence your lack of knowledge in the most basics of aerial combat), which gives him the upper hand going against a player like yourself that probably doens't even know what BFM or ACM stands for, let alone mean.
It's the same reason why I had no troubles at all beating the crap out of you in that silly duel challenge you threw down awhile back and why I wouldn't have any troubles at all doing it in a P-38J against you in a Spitfire XVI or any other plane you flew. Again, it's not a slight on you, it's just that like the majority in this game, I just have that much more experience and ability than you do.
Truth be told, a two week n00b that has spent his two week trial under the tutelage trainer to learn the ropes would be easily able to best you in a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI fight. Knowledge beats lack of knowledge every time and I hate to say it but when it comes to fighting and the art of dogfighting, you are one of the most ignorant players that has ever graced this game. I know I've said this before but kingcobradude would offer a far better fight than you would and that is saying quite a lot.
So, yes. I am able to judge your flying because I have witnessed the abortion you call flying and your posts are also a very accurate indicator of your grasp of fighting. Your posts alone in this thread just highlight your ignorance in the matter.
ack, when have you ever flown against me in a fighter? youve only engaged me in a bomber, are you saying your such a god at this game that you can tell my performance in a fighter by how well i fly a bomber on autopilot? :rofl
the fact that youve NEVER faced me 1v1, and had to stalk me through midwar to try to instead of just saying "hey tyrannis, 1v1?" pretty much just threw that giant all of txt you just wrote out the window.
my apologies ack for not being a 10 yr vet with a flightstick/rudders/throttle/etc and supposidly a hand in making this game, but i do well enough with using just a mouse&keyboard.
oh, and i like you mentioned that challenge, the challenge that was supposed to be best out of 3, but you backed out after the first round because i flushed your stradegy out.
ack, get over your ego. you cant judge anyone youve never flown against fighter v fighter. otherwise your just talking out your backside.
ack, when have you ever flown against me in a fighter? youve only engaged me in a bomber, are you saying your such a god at this game that you can tell my performance in a fighter by how well i fly a bomber on autopilot? :rofl
the fact that youve NEVER faced me 1v1, and had to stalk me through midwar to try to instead of just saying "hey tyrannis, 1v1?" pretty much just threw that giant all of txt you just wrote out the window.
my apologies ack for not being a 10 yr vet with a flightstick/rudders/throttle/etc and supposidly a hand in making this game, but i do well enough with using just a mouse&keyboard.
oh, and i like you mentioned that challenge, the challenge that was supposed to be best out of 3, but you backed out after the first round because i flushed your stradegy out.
ack, get over your ego. you cant judge anyone youve never flown against fighter v fighter. otherwise your just talking out your backside.
you are the biggest fail right now. i need a facepalm. i remember a while back when YOU offered a duel against ack and backed out. if i can find that thread ill post.
(your ego is hurting...)
you are the biggest fail right now. i need a facepalm. i remember a while back when YOU offered a duel against ack and backed out. if i can find that thread ill post.
(your ego is hurting...)
why are you humping acks ankle now? :headscratch: skorpion, i 1v1 you, and shot you down instantly after the merge, in which you cried for over an half hr about.
plus i just gave you the opurtunity to prove what you were saying earlier which im guessing your not up too, because you ignored it.
you have no say in this discussion skorpion. everyone in this room could shoot you down, i allready have, jo could, ack could.
so shoo, isent it your bedtime anyways? :headscratch:
(waits for the typical "i can do what i want when i want!" responce)
All the reasons needed for the Spitfire XII. Much more relevant then the discussion that derailed the thread.
Tangmere Spitfire XII Wing October 1943 shortly after they claimed 9 109s and 190s for no loss, October 20, 1943. As classy a bunch of pilots as you could ever hope to meet.
All the reasons needed for the Spitfire XII. Much more relevant then the discussion that derailed the thread.
Tangmere Spitfire XII Wing October 1943 shortly after they claimed 9 109s and 190s for no loss, October 20, 1943. As classy a bunch of pilots as you could ever hope to meet.
As a squad how many people did they rack up
why are you humping acks ankle now? :headscratch: skorpion, i 1v1 you, and shot you down instantly after the merge, in which you cried for over an half hr about.
you have no say in this discussion skorpion. everyone in this room could shoot you down, i allready have, jo could, ack could.
i have every right to say what i want in this discussion, its the "freedom of speech" try reading our constitution. and trust me, im not humping acks ankle. you just assume that i am whenever i agree with someone other than you. so go run along and go paTROLL some other part of the BBS for a while. i find it obvious that you dont aim to be of any use here and are just a waste of space here. until you can learn a real retort other than "its past your bedtime" then you can try again. until so, your argument is nil.
i have every right to say what i want in this discussion, its the "freedom of speech" try reading our constitution. and trust me, im not humping acks ankle. you just assume that i am whenever i agree with someone other than you. so go run along and go paTROLL some other part of the BBS for a while. i find it obvious that you dont aim to be of any use here and are just a waste of space here. until you can learn a real retort other than "its past your bedtime" then you can try again. until so, your argument is nil.
so much wrong with this.
1. the constitution doesnt matter on a discussion board. you must follow the rules that the creators of board lay out (that being said, people have the freedom to comment in any thread they want, but because of hitechs rules. not the constitution)
2. your humping the ankle of anyone who disagrees with me because your still sore about me shooting you down, evidence is the bf3 thread, i simply point out your mistake and fix it, and you blow up like its a personal attack.
3. what have you contributed to this board to be calling others a waste of space? :headscratch:
if im the villian for pointing out your idiocy, then by all means call me the "bad guy". but dont blame me just because you make it so easy to do.
back on the spit discussion:
honest question: what makes this spit special from all the others that we allready have in game? does it have something that makes it stand out from the pack?
2. your humping the ankle of anyone who disagrees with me because your still sore about me shooting you down
im not "sore" about you shooting me down. in fact, i honestly dont care. its about you when you started this whole hate between us. ever since then you havent let it go. and this has nothing to do with a duel that happend a long time ago. im not humping ankles at all. in fact thats the best "insult" you could think of. and your the "bad guy" because you have to absolutly make sure you get an insult in. if you can only insult people on a forum maybe you should get a new hobby. being a jerk all your life wont get you anywhere. just because you can call some people names online doesnt mean your the king of the world. i bet if you and me met in real life id smash your face in with my baseball bat if i had the chance. but i wouldnt. i know that if i did it wouldnt get me anywhere so i keep it back. but you somehow manage to slip that past your mind and go ahead and do it. you get your satisfaction by thinking your better because you can get a few insults in here and there. trust me, if this BBS was real life you wouldnt have a chance.
and to your question, it would be a gap filler in FSO and AvA. thats as much as i can think of it being.
As a squad how many people did they rack up
The Spitfire XII was flown by 41 squadron and 91 Squadron. They made up the Tangmere Wing in the Fall of 43. The XII was on Ops from March 43 to September 44. They flew 9,344 Sorties. They claimed 54 E/A destroyed and 84 V-1s. 42 Spit XIIs were lost to all causes.
It was the first Griffon engined Spit to become operational. The Tangmere Wing was the high scoring Spit Wing in the Fall of 43.
im not "sore" about you shooting me down. in fact, i honestly dont care. its about you when you started this whole hate between us. ever since then you havent let it go. and this has nothing to do with a duel that happend a long time ago. im not humping ankles at all. in fact thats the best "insult" you could think of. and your the "bad guy" because you have to absolutly make sure you get an insult in. if you can only insult people on a forum maybe you should get a new hobby. being a jerk all your life wont get you anywhere. just because you can call some people names online doesnt mean your the king of the world. i bet if you and me met in real life id smash your face in with my baseball bat if i had the chance. but i wouldnt. i know that if i did it wouldnt get me anywhere so i keep it back. but you somehow manage to slip that past your mind and go ahead and do it. you get your satisfaction by thinking your better because you can get a few insults in here and there. trust me, if this BBS was real life you wouldnt have a chance.
and to your question, it would be a gap filler in FSO and AvA. thats as much as i can think of it being.
irony at its most obvious :bhead
im done with this, your proving your own ignorance is getting boring to me. im out.
irony at its most obvious :bhead
im done with this, your proving your own ignorance is getting boring to me. im out.
Back to Spit XIIs
Please don't get this thread locked before I finish my model Mk XII.
Doing the Airfix kit Phatzo? If so, note that the gun bay cover doesn't have that goofy diagonal line that the kit has. Great kit otherwise from all I have seen.
Some detail :)
Only ID striped Spit XII photo I've ever come across. August 44 just on the fuselage.
Sure is a pretty bird
One sexy plane... :aok :banana:
Sure is a pretty bird
It sure is. I've always loved the lines on the Spitfire, it's just a nice smooth flow like the designers wanted to make a piece of art that was just as deadly as beautiful.
i like the griffon humps myself
I only buy this stuff if its cheap on e-bay, this is a 1/72 "Merlin Models" variety