Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: RedBull1 on July 05, 2012, 07:56:35 PM
Someone, I am willing to offer you $14.95 per month to give us the 1 hour side switch back! :old:
Skuzzy, I am willing to offer you $14.95 per month to give us the 1 hour side switch back! :old:
The hordelings will whine some of us "spy" in reality we just want a fight (for those who furball). Not likely to happen, the whiners will cry as usual about it.
Skuzzy, I am willing to offer you $14.95 per month to give us the 1 hour side switch back! :old:
Psssst.... Skuzzy has nothing to do with it... :noid
Psssst.... Skuzzy has nothing to do with it... :noid
Better? :old:
Someone, I am willing to offer you $14.95 per month to give us the 1 hour side switch back! :old:
-1 Did the 12 hour rule make a difference? I guess it may have calmed some things down, however I feel the spy's will find a way of communication irregardless.
+1 I like the idea of switching countries to find a fight and one hour seems like a fair amount of time between alienation.
-1 + 1 = 0 .
Coogan <<---awaiting further discussion
-1 Did the 12 hour rule make a difference? I guess it may have calmed some things down, however I feel the spy's will find a way of communication irregardless.
+1 I like the idea of switching countries to find a fight and one hour seems like a fair amount of time between alienation.
-1 + 1 = 0 .
Coogan <<---awaiting further discussion
What is the point of making it 12 hours? Stop spies? 90% of spies have shade/2nd accounts so they don't have to switch sides
So basically you have to stay on one side for an ENTIRE DAY
The other day I accidentally switched knight while my squad was still rook...So I had nothing to do in the MA for 12 hours!
if it had been the 1 hour rule still it would have been NP, I could switch back in an hour and fly with friends/my squad again...
12 hours is just over kill and pointless IMHO, at the very least cut it down to 6, I highly doubt making the side switch 12 hours did anything what so ever for spies, but partially ruined the game for some of us furballers :(
Is the 12Hr switching rule specifically to combat spies, or is that assumed?
Is the 12Hr switching rule specifically to combat spies, or is that assumed?
HTC never said it was to get rid of spying he said that's the way it was when there was one arena...there is now one arena so they went back to the 12 hr rule.
I agree get rid of should be able to switch to the lowest numbered side at will.
I don't think it has much to do with spying. My guess is it has more to do with trying to retrict wide swings in country population.
You must be on the "winning" side for 12 hours to get the "win the war" perkies.
I'd say 3hr side switch limit. Still keeps the spies from switching soon enough to affect most battles, and lets people switch if theres a lack of fighting.
To hell with the whole 007 stuff. If anything, spies actually make people fight instead of running around NOE missions and attacking undefended bases. 1 hour side switch so those of us who wants to fight and find one whenever, wherever.
And no, I do not spy nor do I support it, I just don't see what the big deal is. If it's a hidden CV in the corner of the map, then yay, maybe we can actually use it the way it was intended to. If it's a NOE mission that gets busted, oh wells, now we at least have a furball. And if it's any other mission, it's not like there isn't a giant bardar that screams "Here I am, come and get me".
Spies don't help get CV's back, because if a carrier has been MIA for more than about 4 hours, theres a good chance that you'll need a dedicated mission to get it back, and the level of caring isn't high enough to put one together from scratch. Generally you'll need a fairly large squad to form the backbone of the mission, with whoever else joins just adding their weight to whats already there.
They also report the location of CV's that were orgionally your country's when you don't hold the port, so they can sink it and go hide the CV in a different corner, and not let it out even if they end up capturing all the bases your country has.
However, spies do help bust those stupid NOE missions, so that earns them about a +100. If we could instantly disconect everyone who joins one of those stupid things, I'd say go for it.
On the other hand, they also bust legitimate missions that intend to use tactics and skill to take a base, which generally start good fights, where the advantage goes back and forth, and actually moves. The busting of those missions also tends to start a big counter-horde, that generally ends up plastering the hangers at nearby bases, and swarming the town with M3's.
Everything all totaled up, you've got about a -200 for spying, which means if we can discourage it, we should.
3hrs would let people change countrys for fights, and it would also discourage spying by country-swapping, as after 3hrs, you can't really bust a mission that started 15 minutes after you changed countries.
I will, along wiht 99.9% of the community settle for 3 hours! :rock
side switchers are the work of the devil and should use the other 11 hours to consider their actions. :old:
-1 Did the 12 hour rule make a difference? I guess it may have calmed some things down, however I feel the spy's will find a way of communication irregardless.
+1 I like the idea of switching countries to find a fight and one hour seems like a fair amount of time between alienation.
-1 + 1 = 0 .
Coogan <<---awaiting further discussion
Your horde will not get touched by the "changing of countries" we still dont get perks for winning the war - although we make them 100% faster then you in one sortie, so how does spies even help period? they don't. Dar was reduced to 50 ft? or whatever - there is no need for Spies anymore since hardly any squad let alone mission is going to be able to stay under the radar anyhow.
Spies are over exaggerated enough, your mission failed NOE because a bunch of idiot newbs in your 50 man raid popped above radar, and exposed the entire run - pretty sure if i go back in enough films i busted a few NOE's in my time - Devils Brigade were the best since they left c-47s ABOVE radar and
the rest of the raid below radar with people ocassionally popping above radar enough to expose a dar giving away the mission.
Think about this - if someone wants to spend an extra $15 to keep a "shade" on another country, how does that effect anything? you won't know who it is - the only people that it hurts are those who switch sides to combat the horde daily.
Then again with your resistance, you clearly want me joining the horde since if I can't stop them I might as well join them since I can't find a fight I might as well hop on the bandwagon.
Oh btw Lusche showed the data a while back, most players are in fact country loyal, which means a high percentage of players do not switch countries to "Win the war" or "join the horde". This brings us back to the horde style of play, why would I need to switch from bishop then? maybe to find a fight?
side switchers are the work of the devil and should use the other 11 hours to consider their actions. :old:
I would explain but the bbs rules prohibit commenting on what needs to be said.
The 12 hour rule hasn't calmed down the paranoid lunatics at all. I only played a few minutes last night and at the very minute I logged on, a player was asking everyone to report a player he thought was a spy. He had quite a few agree with him too. "His squad is on the other side". Apparently, it never occurred to these people that he may have been on hours ago and switched sides to find a fight (gasp!).
These paranoid horde mongers should be grateful that their "secret" missions get discovered. Otherwise, they only get a few vulches by the one or two enemies that happened to be watching the map; while the rest of the lot circles the flattened field in vain, hoping for gang vulch kills they can land to great fanfare.
The 12 hour rule has all but eliminated me from switching sides. If you play at different times during the day and switch to the low numbered side, you are punished later when they become the high numbered side. It makes you regret switching at all, which should make the paranoid horde mongers happy. Fact is though, they still aren't happy. There are as many spying whines as before.
I wanted to be reasonable before and proposed trying a 2 hour switch limit. Well eff that. Even eliminating switching would not quell the spy cries.
Please reinstate the perfectly sensible 1 hour switch limit so at least some people can fight where they want.
To those who are against side switching:
So if I log on during the non prime time hour and find 1/4 of a darbar at the front lines but notice that the other side have 2 full darbars, I'm supposed to fly 10 sectors to it? Or circle around my strats looking for milk runners? Yawn.
I'll never get why people are so afraid of combat in a Combat Flight Sim. Spies create combat, they might be against Hitech's rules, but at least they do something positive, ie Creating a fight. Quit being paranoid, the only thing you're gonna lose to "spies" is maybe a CV if you don't defend it. If your mission is half way decent, even against defenders, you SHOULD be able to take a base or at least get a cap so the second wave can take it.
I will, along wiht 99.9% of the community settle for 3 hours! :rock
most of the community don't want anyone to switch.
most of the community don't want anyone to switch.
then they should be randomly assigned a country and never be able to change. :uhoh
side switchers are the work of the devil and should use the other 11 hours to consider their actions. :old:
I have meesed up by accidentally switching sides so +1 for the 1 hour side switching
Spies don't help get CV's back, because if a carrier has been MIA for more than about 4 hours, theres a good chance that you'll need a dedicated mission to get it back, and the level of caring isn't high enough to put one together from scratch. Generally you'll need a fairly large squad to form the backbone of the mission, with whoever else joins just adding their weight to whats already there.
They also report the location of CV's that were orgionally your country's when you don't hold the port, so they can sink it and go hide the CV in a different corner, and not let it out even if they end up capturing all the bases your country has.
However, spies do help bust those stupid NOE missions, so that earns them about a +100. If we could instantly disconect everyone who joins one of those stupid things, I'd say go for it.
On the other hand, they also bust legitimate missions that intend to use tactics and skill to take a base, which generally start good fights, where the advantage goes back and forth, and actually moves. The busting of those missions also tends to start a big counter-horde, that generally ends up plastering the hangers at nearby bases, and swarming the town with M3's.
Everything all totaled up, you've got about a -200 for spying, which means if we can discourage it, we should.
3hrs would let people change countrys for fights, and it would also discourage spying by country-swapping, as after 3hrs, you can't really bust a mission that started 15 minutes after you changed countries.
Typically moronic.
Typically moronic.
Completely agree.
then they should be randomly assigned a country and never be able to change. :uhoh
we were when we first loged in.
yada yada yada
The change back to the 12 hour rule has nothing to do with spying.
The change back to the 12 hour rule has nothing to do with spying.
And... ??
Back to the 1 Hour Side Switching Rule
Please do not change this back to 1 hour. Spies are one thing. Spies taking control of an entire task force is another.
Please do not change this back to 1 hour. Spies are one thing. Spies taking control of an entire task force is another.
-1 Lower your rank then, its not entirely hard to do.
-1 Lower your rank then, its not entirely hard to do.
+1 I wish folks would realize that tg contol is about as fair as it can be the way things are now.
we were when we first loged in.
I say do it again, right now.. see how they'd like it.
+1 I wish folks would realize that tg contol is about as fair as it can be the way things are now.
I honestly cannot remember the last time someone from another country's major squad switched sides just to control a CV. Yes one or two random idiots will do that, but they get called out for it just like those who vulch a second account.
I say do it again, right now.. see how they'd like it.
so you are ok with being stuck in one country after all. me I will go to whichever country the pigs go. I have friends in all 3 countries, some of whom I have never flown with but nevertheless we are still friends. and switching to the lowest country doesnt even guarantee that you will find the "fight" that you like.
that is the truth. I used to switch countries back when it was one hour and 1/2 the time we would switch to a country that was worst that the one we just came from. to be honest we never switch countries to "help" anybody, we switched to get even easier kills to the easy ones we were already getting. and it was never about the fight or to help the low side bs it was about the kills. now that i dont switch and I havent in about 2 years, I really have no trouble finding a fight. I can just as easy fly with a horde or against horde or just a few on a few. you cant bs and tell me that it's hard to find any kind of fight. unless of course I play on a different aces high that you guys do.
and the "spy" thing is always being brought by the guys who want to shorten the time switch. rest of us couldnt care less with one exception, specially me. it gets old helping a guy fighting next to you only for him to go land switch and kill you as you are about to land. that is the only reason I hate people who switch.
and it was never about the fight or to help the low side bs it was about the kills.
But... by getting the kills you're helping the low side, and you're finding the kind of fight you want.
Most of what I see HTC do has thought put into it, and pretty clear reasons behind it. I just can't see any benefit to having 12 hour side switching.
so you are ok with being stuck in one country after all. me I will go to whichever country the pigs go. I have friends in all 3 countries,
No, people who say nobody should ever be able to switch, should be randomly assigned and never be able to switch so they can see what it's like.. I'm more ribbing the ridiculous country loyalty you hear from time to time ie. "started a bish, always a bish!". which is BS. they had a choice.. I can only imagine the whines from them if they were sent to another country and not allowed back to their normal green country.
I have friends in all 3 countries also. I went lone wolf a year or so ago, because I realized my objectives were diverging from the squad's. less desire to take bases, hating ganging up on the weak strategically and tactically.. so now I mostly spend time killing vultures who forget to deack first with said ack. So I'd want to be on a country actively being attacked.
But... by getting the kills you're helping the low side, and you're finding the kind of fight you want.
Most of what I see HTC do has thought put into it, and pretty clear reasons behind it. I just can't see any benefit to having 12 hour side switching.
see the thing is that just because you switch to the low side it doesnt mean you will find any kills. I learned that 2 years ago when I used to switch. I switched to the side that will give me easier kills than what I was already getting.
No, people who say nobody should ever be able to switch, should be randomly assigned and never be able to switch so they can see what it's like.. I'm more ribbing the ridiculous country loyalty you hear from time to time ie. "started a bish, always a bish!". which is BS. they had a choice.. I can only imagine the whines from them if they were sent to another country and not allowed back to their normal green country.
I have friends in all 3 countries also. I went lone wolf a year or so ago, because I realized my objectives were diverging from the squad's. less desire to take bases, hating ganging up on the weak strategically and tactically.. so now I mostly spend time killing vultures who forget to deack first with said ack. So I'd want to be on a country actively being attacked.
so you mean to tell me that at any one time there is a country that isnt being attacked? i smell bs, cant see it but sure can smell it.
The change back to the 12 hour rule has nothing to do with spying.
Doesn't mean it hasn't had a negative impact on those that spied by switching countries.
Doesn't mean it hasn't had a negative impact on those that spied by switching countries.
most of the community don't want anyone to switch.
I guess you've personally polled "most of the community"?
:rofl :rofl
Has anyone identified a single spy, much less this mass of spies that are so pathetic in that they think you are winning the war in AH? What are they spying on? Are they in Silat's closet again? Letting air out of the tires of Spitfire drivers? What's their crime? And who are they? I really want to know so I can laugh loudly at them for taking this so seriously as to think it matters enough to 'spy'
Doesn't mean it hasn't had a negative impact on those that spied by switching countries.
The "negative" effect is miniscule if there is any at all.
The "negative" effect is miniscule if there is any at all.
Still worth it
Still waiting on that list of spies.
Can't really prove that type of thing, but I'm fairly certain the V-dweebs occasionally engage in those types of shenanigans.
Still waiting on that list of spies.
We're in for the wait of a life time.
Can't really prove that type of thing, but I'm fairly certain the V-dweebs occasionally engage in those types of shenanigans.
Of course you can't prove it because it's most likely the fantasy dreamed up like everyone else has.
I recall one time the v guys had switched to control a carrier or get it sunk - that player got pretty good amount of backlash and called out on it - I haven't seen it since.
There is spotted cases of squads using this tactic, and they get called out and busted for it, same with vulching a shade account.
The reality is most don't need "Spies" to sink a carrier, for example today I hunted down a Knight carrier on the map we have now, I was told it was just used within the hour to take a rook base and upped B-26s to sink the carrier.
I assumed someone went to take the long route hoping to keep the carrier safe so I figured within an hour it didn't move far - found it at the edge of the sector of the map, it got sunk and nothing came of it.
Most of the time the carriers stay in combat far to long, all it takes is one half decent buff driver to sink a carrier with one pass. Doesn't mean spies are needed especially when it only takes one person off a CV in the middle of an ocean with no dar around it to make it obvious.
Now I have busted one Alchemist member who rook hide a cv in the middle of no where - came to sink it from almost 9 sectors away, Fishy but no real proof since he probably used a shade account to find it.
One person in hundreds is numbers I can deal with, if it goes to dozens per hundreds then its a problem, not everyone is shameless.
As Guppy says, can we see a list of anyone caught spying? I certainly never have, how can you? You actively must tell someone you have a "Shade account" and name it - otherwise it goes unnoticed. I think if a person is abusing to often they probably would get banned by HTC, but it would be done hush hush.
Been asked bazillion times.
Many better alternatives were brought up.
Looks like it wont get changed even tho it sux big time.
p.s. I found that there are worthy people on both sides and i liked winging with them. Thank you for taking this away, thank you very much indeed.
<disappointed sigh> again
p.s. I found that there are worthy people on both sides and i liked winging with them.
Only reason to switch or to find a fight. - fixed for ya D :)
I guess you've personally polled "most of the community"?
:rofl :rofl
just as much as redbull1 did
I will, along wiht 99.9% of the community settle for 3 hours! :rock
There's no reasoning with the inquisition Butcher.
the only thing I like about the 12 hour switch time is the paranoid psychos on my channel who cry spy when things go south cried it less when we first switched to 12 hour switch time.
-1 Lower your rank then, its not entirely hard to do
I don't fly to influence my rank\score. Not gonna start. :old:
so you mean to tell me that at any one time there is a country that isnt being attacked? i smell bs, cant see it but sure can smell it.
I've seen it from time to time, not a single friendly base flashing.. yep. or maybe 1 or 2 flashing, but single bar/no bar.
I've seen it from time to time, not a single friendly base flashing.. yep. or maybe 1 or 2 flashing, but single bar/no bar.
Especially in the early hours, 9AM-12PM EST (maybe even earlier but I've never logged that early), and even more so on big maps like Trinity. You'll see the typical milk runner over a base or 2 guys duking it out between a field. Boring. 11 hours later, after you switched in the morning because you were bored out of your mind, all your friends come on and are on the other side and you can't do anything.
12 hours is just way too long. 6? Ok. 4? I'll be happy with that. 2? Perfect. 1? A little too short.
so you mean to tell me that at any one time there is a country that isnt being attacked?
Happens quite a lot. All green darbars all over the country's front line, with only an occasional dot here and there. Of course it happens much more often at off peak times. The less population an arena has, the more likely it is to encounter such an effect.
just as much as redbull1 did
Oh, well that makes you more valid, :rolleyes:
My bad :lol
The arena split :uhoh
The arena caps :mad:
Posts saying "deal with it" :rolleyes:
back to 1 areana :D
back to the 12 hour switch time :mad:
Posts saying "deal with it" :rolleyes:
Sometimes it takes a while to get it right.
There's no reasoning with the inquisition Butcher.
the only thing I like about the 12 hour switch time is the paranoid psychos on my channel who cry spy when things go south cried it less when we first switched to 12 hour switch time.
LOL now you make me want to switch bish for a day just to drive those paranoid nutjobs over the edge.
Still waiting on that list of spies.
Don't hold yer breath Corky, if you are waiting for an intelligent response.
Happens quite a lot. All green darbars all over the country's front line, with only an occasional dot here and there. Of course it happens much more often at off peak times. The less population an arena has, the more likely it is to encounter such an effect.
Just at this very moment, there are >300 player in the arena. There are 3(!) enemy cons over friendly bases (each with a couple of green dots already chasing them), and the only "battle" at our front lines has greens all over them with notable enemy defenses.
Guess I will join the horde...
Oh, well that makes you more valid, :rolleyes:
My bad :lol
apology accepted :salute.
1 hour side switching can work if Hitech imposes some rules.
1. - You cannot command any CV for 12 hours.
2. - You can only communicate on local and ch1xx channels for 12 hours. No cross country (.S xxx), PM's and ch2xx text or voice.
3. - You have to be a member of a country for 12 hours before eligible to recieve War Win points.
4. - Any player changing countries in less than 12 hours, a RED HOST text message will be generated naming the player and destination.
5. - You cannot fly or drive any perk rides for 12 hours.
6. - Any attempt to protest HTC by staging mass country jumps every hour or multiple groups staged inside of 60 minutes each time to swamp the HOST text messaging system results in expulsion for 24 hours.
7. - Jumping countries at 12 hours, none of the above applies to you.
This will result in making jumping countries every hour a little less fun than being limited to 12 hours. It covers the most abused of reasons to jump along with eliminating even using the salute command for a simple code back to your squad. And the uber furballers will still have their Mighty K4 to dazzle the baby seals with as they club em. Sadly you will have to stay somewhere for 12 hours to get your 262.
You country loayalists are on your own for all the other trouble that is exploited by those who never jump countries or follow the 12 hour rule.
1 hour side switching can work (FOR ME) if Hitech imposes some rules.
FOR ME it could work if simply changed back to 1 hr.
1 hour side switching can work if Hitech imposes some rules.
1. - You cannot command any CV for 12 hours.
2. - You can only communicate on local and ch1xx channels for 12 hours. No cross country (.S xxx), PM's and ch2xx text or voice.
3. - You have to be a member of a country for 12 hours before eligible to recieve War Win points.
4. - Any player changing countries in less than 12 hours, a RED HOST text message will be generated naming the player and destination.
5. - You cannot fly or drive any perk rides for 12 hours.
6. - Any attempt to protest HTC by staging mass country jumps every hour or multiple groups staged inside of 60 minutes each time to swamp the HOST text messaging system results in expulsion for 24 hours.
7. - Jumping countries at 12 hours, none of the above applies to you.
This will result in making jumping countries every hour a little less fun than being limited to 12 hours. It covers the most abused of reasons to jump along with eliminating even using the salute command for a simple code back to your squad. And the uber furballers will still have their Mighty K4 to dazzle the baby seals with as they club em. Sadly you will have to stay somewhere for 12 hours to get your 262.
You country loayalists are on your own for all the other trouble that is exploited by those who never jump countries or follow the 12 hour rule.
I have a lot of problems with a lot of those rules, I however am too lazy right now to list all the reasons, but a few of them seem pointless and/or unnecessary, As i've said before I will happily settle for even 6 hours between countries!
1 hour side switching can work if Hitech imposes some rules.
1. - You cannot command any CV for 12 hours. should be like this now
2. - You can only communicate on local and ch1xx channels for 12 hours. No cross country (.S xxx), PM's and ch2xx text or voice. usless, HTC has no control over outside coms like teamspeak
3. - You have to be a member of a country for 12 hours before eligible to recieve War Win points. already in place
4. - Any player changing countries in less than 12 hours, a RED HOST text message will be generated naming the player and destination. Why tag someone who switches? Are you looking to create targets for abusive behavior?
5. - You cannot fly or drive any perk rides for 12 hours. Most likely not an issue any way as most of the people who switch looking for fight fly middle of the road equipment any way, but why hinder a newb whos looking for a fight?
6. - Any attempt to protest HTC by staging mass country jumps every hour or multiple groups staged inside of 60 minutes each time to swamp the HOST text messaging system results in expulsion for 24 hours.I don't see where this would be happening, but instead creat a "que" and only allow a certain number to jump every 5 minutes.
7. - Jumping countries at 12 hours, none of the above applies to you.
This will result in making jumping countries every hour a little less fun than being limited to 12 hours. It covers the most abused of reasons to jump along with eliminating even using the salute command for a simple code back to your squad. And the uber furballers will still have their Mighty K4 to dazzle the baby seals with as they club em. Sadly you will have to stay somewhere for 12 hours to get your 262. the only reason there is a 12 hour limit is to help the ENY numbers not to have big swings due to a quickly changing population. While I don't think it's that big a problem I'm inclined to think HTC may know what they are doing. I certainly wouldn't be upset if someone from HTC gave us a strait answer to why the time is set as it is other than "that's the way it was before".
You country loayalists are on your own for all the other trouble that is exploited by those who never jump countries or follow the 12 hour rule.
I got an even better idea.
Dont even allow side switching at all! Once you got an account, that should be predestinated for ever. Even more, dont allow cross-country communication at all!
It would have many advantages, just think about it.
-no beyotching about spying (wheres my CV???)
-no whining on 200 (thats my personal fav, muwhaha)
-no PMs from vDALLAS (heeheeeee)
-if you wanna try the other side, you would need an nother account (more $$ for HTC)
-players wouldnt be able to organize some good fights (MA is not for the ACM, it has been told many times, you know)
-war winning would be even more inportent (vOOHOO)
-no salute for the good fights, ergo taking away the reward discourages the good fights (the only reward would be gotten from the countrymates, ergo "go hordes, go, you a bettah team player organized BS")
-the ones on the other sides wont be players anymore but evil doer red dots (thats the goal, isnt it?)
-therefore the only way would be the hordnig (its super cool, makes the newbies think they are good and they keep playing longer, again, more $$ for HTC)
Edit: nope, im finally not drunk :lol
I got an even better idea.
Dont even allow side switching at all! Once you got an account, that should be predestinated for ever. Even more, dont allow cross-country communication at all!
It would have many advantages, just think about it.
-no beyotching about spying (wheres my CV???)
-no whining on 200 (thats my personal fav, muwhaha)
-no PMs from vDALLAS (heeheeeee)
-if you wanna try the other side, you would need an nother account (more $$ for HTC)
-players wouldnt be able to organize some good fights (MA is not for the ACM, it has been told many times, you know)
-war winning would be even more inportent (vOOHOO)
-no salute for the good fights, ergo taking away the reward discourages the good fights (the only reward would be gotten from the countrymates, ergo "go hordes, go, you a bettah team player organized BS")
-the ones on the other sides wont be players anymore but evil doer red dots (thats the goal, isnt it?)
-therefore the only way would be the hordnig (its super cool, makes the newbies think they are good and they keep playing longer, again, more $$ for HTC)
Edit: nope, im finally not drunk :lol
Sorry But I dont think HTC will do it in other words NO!!!!! DEB NO!!!!!!!!!!
The 12 hour rule hasn't calmed down the paranoid lunatics at all.
I'm online for one hour now, and basically every single minute it's "spies here" "spies there". Every CV sunk is a victim of 'spies', even when it was shelling an enemy base for extended times "they could never have known without inside information".
Another CV was parked between two friendly base frequently under attack. Of course "spies called it out", not the enemy fighter that suddenly came under puffy ack 15 minutes before the bomber showed up...
I got an even better idea.
Dont even allow side switching at all! Once you got an account, that should be predestinated for ever. Even more, dont allow cross-country communication at all!
It would have many advantages, just think about it.
-no beyotching about spying (wheres my CV???)
-no whining on 200 (thats my personal fav, muwhaha)
-no PMs from vDALLAS (heeheeeee)
-if you wanna try the other side, you would need an nother account (more $$ for HTC)
-players wouldnt be able to organize some good fights (MA is not for the ACM, it has been told many times, you know)
-war winning would be even more inportent (vOOHOO)
-no salute for the good fights, ergo taking away the reward discourages the good fights (the only reward would be gotten from the countrymates, ergo "go hordes, go, you a bettah team player organized BS")
-the ones on the other sides wont be players anymore but evil doer red dots (thats the goal, isnt it?)
-therefore the only way would be the hordnig (its super cool, makes the newbies think they are good and they keep playing longer, again, more $$ for HTC)
Edit: nope, im finally not drunk :lol
In another time in our culture this would be concidered sheer genius.
Unfortunatly Ike is no longer in the White House and rules are only suggestions strewn along the road to a hot place for many today. While some of this audience try to convice HTC rules are irrelvant to having unrestricted fun in the game since everyone in the game is a good and wonderful boyscout. And girlscouts should personaly deliver cookies alone to inmate's jail cells when they give their word they will do no wrong while faced with that temptation. Agreeing to rules now days is only a formality.
Team Speak was how a mission I was in a few years back got hit by 4 NOE 262 just at launch low, slow and heavy. No rule covers that one in the game nor does the 12 hour rule stop a single player from scouting the enemy side for the evening describing everything back to their squad on Team Speak. So I doubt the 12 hour rule is in place to stop spys. But, my rule -2 would make the amount of abuse more transparent. And we use peer preasure in so many other negative ways in the game. A red side switching message would be nothing in the face of ch200 bantor. But, in Texas vs. Lawrence it was ruled we do have the right to screw each other in private......
Lol this is funny..and I think I know why you are asking for this
I think I know why he's asking.
Because 12 hours is a big commitment in online gaming.
i think someone just cant get it, doesnt matter how hard i try :rofl
i think someone just cant get it, doesnt matter how hard i try :rofl
Inactive account be damned!
He MUST be a SPY!
I'm online for one hour now, and basically every single minute it's "spies here" "spies there". Every CV sunk is a victim of 'spies', even when it was shelling an enemy base for extended times "they could never have known without inside information".
Another CV was parked between two friendly base frequently under attack. Of course "spies called it out", not the enemy fighter that suddenly came under puffy ack 15 minutes before the bomber showed up...
you flying bish this tour? :)
12 hour side switch is crap. I see no point in paying $15 a month for a game that i can't play 30% of the time.
1 hour :aok
1 hour side switching can work if Hitech imposes some rules.
1. - You cannot command any CV for 12 hou
Just that is enough to work for me. I don't care if someone switches every 5 minutes. I accept that there were spies in war.
It is\was just the CV command exploit thing that need tweaking.
I would prefer to see an 18 or 24 hour limit. :noid
I would prefer to see an 18 or 24 hour limit. :noid
Skuzzy, don't listen to him, somehow he got out of the funny farm, don't worry we'll get him back in his nice soft room where he can't hurt himself! :rock
I would prefer to see an 18 or 24 hour limit. :noid
Should be once per map rotation maximum, imho. Two birds, one stone.
Should be once per map rotation maximum, imho. Two birds, one stone.
You never change but once per tour, how would any of this effect you?
I don't suppose you guys have ever compaired collectively what all of you know about why with 2 - LWMA, HTC set the side switching time so low versus 12 hours for a single LWMA?
1. - What about 2 LWMA was so different, shorter switch times had a low probability of causing the problem 12 hours controls?
2. - Leaving out the spying non issue for a moment. What does 12 hours in a single LWMA really control?
3. - What conditions can a 3 sided game population create that HTC wants to avoid in terms of gross numbers.
If we were all christian boyscouts, players who follow the fights would have their switch at will or shorter than an hour. So the time rule is not in place to control a minority as much as gross numbers. Most rules imposed on us by HTC are for the good of the whole game and their bottom line to keep us slightly leashed contrary to the impression the rules and changes are only for those who complain the loudest in these forums. Then there is the prevaling wisdom some of you really couldn't give a hairy kester about anything but what only you want out of this game and HTC's rules are an impediment to scream about becasue you personaly don't like any rule between you and your fun.
JSO proved squads could organise on a large scale behind the sceans and 300+ players on a single side dominated the map and totaly screwed the game for the 90 or so players left in the two other countries on those single nights JSO was launched. Usualy on one of the three Fri-Sat-Sun night. You can assume many of those players did not log back in until later in the week and first thing jumped back to another country. We got ENY from that use of gross numbers becasue back then they did it in all the late war uber rides.
How mad did vDallas get at everyone all the time? What could the vTards with their 30 plus hoard have been doing in the MA for the past few years with sub 60 minute or 60 minute side switching as the rule? The exact same greif the other 200 or so bored non boyscouts would dream up and execute to entertain themselves by whizzing on everyone else.
You describe the vTard missions as Whack-a-Mole raids. So throw in a short waiting period to jump countries. Now you have Super Mario Bros Whack-a-Mole vTard missions all over the three countries. Helping defend your feild from a CV attack this moment, then dissapereing and suddenly an NOE raid from the next island helping capture your feild the next. 60 minutes later off to another country with a hearty "Swoow You Too Fools" where a forward group has been already looking for the next greif target to bait and switch.
With a 12 hour rule things like this are not as entertaining becasue once you do it you are stuck for 12 hours. No 60 minute short wait to the next greif hop. It's only fun for the griefers while POing the majority of players not so inclined while introducing disillusion, uncertainty, confusion and anger that it's being allowed to happen. Over the years I've seen a smaller scale of these same feelings over the "Fights" focused squads jumping around to follow the fights.
I've given up explaining to the players grousing on country channel about the "Fights" guys, the country hop was to the side of the furball with lower numbers. What mattered was the impression of being taken advatange of and disillusion, uncertainty, confusion and anger over the action happening where they could see it.
Everyone swears they care about this game until it's their cow that can't have it's fun........
You never change but once per tour, how would any of this effect you?
not true he changes at least twice a day. he doesnt like to wear the same set of clothes more than 4 hours. rest of the time he hangs out with dadkev.
After a quick analysis of the facts I have found a solution to the 12 hour switch problem.
Fact 1: I know that I will not behave in an inappropriate fashion while switching countries, this I have proven to myself again and again while switching sides that I do not care about who wins the war and aside from knowing the base I took off from and occasionally the base # I'm flying to I have no clue what's going on. I do not spy, communicate private information to the other sides or engage in any other nefarious shenanigans detrimental to the overall health of Aces High.
Fact 2: Other people could switch sides to do bad things, or would other wise engage in behavior that would result in an unhealthy arena.
Therefor I've come to the conclusion that all you other miscreants are the problem and I should be able to switch whenever I want to while everyone else can wait 12 hours.
There I have finally solved the issue once and for all.
After a quick analysis of the facts I have found a solution to the 12 hour switch problem.
Fact 1: I know that I will not behave in an inappropriate fashion while switching countries, this I have proven to myself again and again while switching sides that I do not care about who wins the war and aside from knowing the base I took off from and occasionally the base # I'm flying to I have no clue what's going on. I do not spy, communicate private information to the other sides or engage in any other nefarious shenanigans detrimental to the overall health of Aces High.
Fact 2: Other people could switch sides to do bad things, or would other wise engage in behavior that would result in an unhealthy arena.
Therefor I've come to the conclusion that all you other miscreants are the problem and I (and Cactus) should be able to switch whenever I (and Cactus) want to while everyone else can wait 12 hours.
There I have finally solved the issue once and for all.
I support your well thought out and most wise conclusion.
If you have a good idea and want HTC to change the game with it, try this to see if it will pass the smell test for HTC.
A. - My Great Idea
B. - How many ways can it be exploited??
1. - ....................
If you reach (1.), everyone else in the arena will find or create more than that from the one you came up with. It's like the rule of thumb about cockroaches. You see one, 100 are hiding in the same room for someone else to find.
Someone should create a war game that's not about winning the war with the rules and toys provided. But, instead the winner is the best at finding all the holes to leverage and cheating the game. Then everytime the war is won the programers make new holes and introduce counters to the previous cheats. Or am I describing the alpha testing period of a new game.......
After a quick analysis of the facts I have found a solution to the 12 hour switch problem.
Fact 1: I know that I will not behave in an inappropriate fashion while switching countries, this I have proven to myself again and again while switching sides that I do not care about who wins the war and aside from knowing the base I took off from and occasionally the base # I'm flying to I have no clue what's going on. I do not spy, communicate private information to the other sides or engage in any other nefarious shenanigans detrimental to the overall health of Aces High.
Fact 2: Other people could switch sides to do bad things, or would other wise engage in behavior that would result in an unhealthy arena.
Therefor I've come to the conclusion that all you other miscreants are the problem and I should be able to switch whenever I want to while everyone else can wait 12 hours.
There I have finally solved the issue once and for all.
Can I come along? :cheers:
<S> Soul!
1 hour side switching can work if Hitech imposes some rules.
1. - You cannot command any CV for 12 hours.
2. - You can only communicate on local and ch1xx channels for 12 hours. No cross country (.S xxx), PM's and ch2xx text or voice.
3. - You have to be a member of a country for 12 hours before eligible to recieve War Win points.
4. - Any player changing countries in less than 12 hours, a RED HOST text message will be generated naming the player and destination.
5. - You cannot fly or drive any perk rides for 12 hours.
6. - Any attempt to protest HTC by staging mass country jumps every hour or multiple groups staged inside of 60 minutes each time to swamp the HOST text messaging system results in expulsion for 24 hours.
7. - Jumping countries at 12 hours, none of the above applies to you.
This will result in making jumping countries every hour a little less fun than being limited to 12 hours. It covers the most abused of reasons to jump along with eliminating even using the salute command for a simple code back to your squad. And the uber furballers will still have their Mighty K4 to dazzle the baby seals with as they club em. Sadly you will have to stay somewhere for 12 hours to get your 262.
You country loayalists are on your own for all the other trouble that is exploited by those who never jump countries or follow the 12 hour rule.
Ventrilo Teamspeak ?
I think the switch time should be about equal to the time it takes bustr to make a post.
I take that back. Anything over an hour is too long.
Ventrilo Teamspeak ?
Changeup page 5 is preaty far back....but,
From page 5:
Team Speak was how a mission I was in a few years back got hit by 4 NOE 262 just at launch low, slow and heavy. No rule covers that one in the game nor does the 12 hour rule stop a single player from scouting the enemy side for the evening describing everything back to their squad on Team Speak. So I doubt the 12 hour rule is in place to stop spys. But, my rule -2 would make the amount of abuse more transparent. And we use peer preasure in so many other negative ways in the game. A red side switching message would be nothing in the face of ch200 bantor. But, in Texas vs. Lawrence it was ruled we do have the right to screw each other in private......