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The O' Club / Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Last post by AKIron on Today at 12:24:15 PM »

I agree 16 lbs would be ...excessive. ;)

Maybe not for everyone.

The O' Club / Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Last post by CptTrips on Today at 12:13:29 PM »
16 lbs of beef would make two dinners for me and my wife, the shrimps and scallops making a third one. Oh, but you didn't mention carrots and broccoli that my wife likes have on the side, for me you could also add a couple of egg size potatoes (not the sweet ones) to every portion.

I typed 16 oz rib-eye, not 16 lbs. 

450g to you. ;)

I agree 16 lbs would be ...excessive. ;)

The O' Club / Re: Everything Starts With Nutrition
« Last post by Bizman on Today at 12:08:39 PM »
Well, sometimes that's my one meal of the day.
16 lbs of beef would make two dinners for me and my wife, the shrimps and scallops making a third one. Oh, but you didn't mention carrots and broccoli that my wife likes have on the side, for me you could also add a couple of egg size potatoes (not the sweet ones) to every portion.
Films and Screenshots / Re: Dreams
« Last post by nopoop on Today at 12:02:37 PM »
Try too small for a change.. We have enough too big...
All things VR / Re: Is there any way to record in high res?
« Last post by Spikes on Today at 11:54:57 AM »
It does, that's what I've used for the handful of VR clips I've made. Works quite well too.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Dwnundr map
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 11:33:39 AM »
Yup, that is too small, half of the map is water. The placement of bases is what makes or breaks a map. Too far apart, or big mountains in the way or large water areas to cover all add to that "10 minute flight" some people complain about. This map looks like 20 bases per side, figuring about one for each sector, but if you bump it up to 25 or 30 per side your going to have to tuck them in closer and it will give you that small map feel. Im not sure how close a base can be to another base to fit into HTC rules for an MA map, but pushing that limit can make those flights shorter.

I agree, as stated on the other forum. 256 may work snd still be nice and tight.
Remember, we’ve all been begging for smaller maps to condense battles. 512 might be too big for what we’re asking for.

Isn’t it like 1 base per sector rule? Asking
Hardware and Software / Re: Game Freezes When Using Voice
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 11:27:19 AM »
I may have picked up on a pattern.

Going to test the theory for 3 days. Not going to to hex myself talking about it
The O' Club / Re: Reviews on Meta Store are ridiculous!
« Last post by The Fugitive on Today at 11:24:14 AM »

Not sure if anyone has seen the aces high reviews on the meta store for oculus rift...could be a huge reason why player base isn't growing so rapidly...there were 236 reviews...and a lot of them one star, because of hardware issues. I would imagine a lot of people would just be turned off from reading them.

 Is there something we can do about this? Would love to see more players come to this game, like the old days!

Its unfortunate that there are some people who, for what ever reason hate AH and spend an inordinate amount of time crapping on it. I posted over at "hoggit" on the reddit forums about AH running a "Battle of Britain" scenario and if your into the history of WWII air combat now is the time to join up on AH and get up to speed for one of the best scenarios to come around.

Now "hoggit" is mostly DCS people, but some guys seemed interested or at least didnt crap on the post but this one guy.... WOW! all he did was crap on anything to do with AH. "The 20 year old graphics suck! (technically the last graphics update was about 10 years ago so that would make them only 10 year old graphics  :x ) Flight models suck!  I'd rather fly in an arena with 12 other guys in jets then in AH with a 100 guys with those crappy graphics!"

I ended my posts with I was just letting some like minded sim guys know that AH is putting on a big scenario and linked Animls video of Masters of the Air as an example of what an AH scenario looks like. He stopped posting and Animls video got a bunch of views. Will that translate into some more guys joining up? I hope so.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Rye Games
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 11:19:25 AM »
It hurts watching how completely new he is to flight sims haha. Not knowing about using views is a huge disadvantage and makes it so much harder. Playing with a mouse and key board is also really tough. It seems he was trying to take off a lot right at bases being vulched. Not sure if he knows about dar bars. He shows how hard it really is for a total newbie but damn he has a lot of basic things to learn. I'm glad the community was good to him though. Hey we all started there  :rofl

 I agree that that the MA is such a tough place to learn the game and then having to pay the sub after only 2 weeks is really tough for most who aren't totally into it yet. I really wish there was a quick action arena for these types of folks like H2H use to be but I can only dream.

If only he knew about the special events too...

You seem to enjoy spreading experience and training. Why don’t you look into being a trainer?
Aces High General Discussion / Re: Rye Games
« Last post by Animl-AW on Today at 11:17:52 AM »
A demonstration that this community is doing better and can attract more young players. Just being friendly and enjoying the game without drama can make the difference.

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