Author Topic: Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?  (Read 7314 times)

Offline Bingolong

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #315 on: December 23, 2007, 10:52:50 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
bingalong..  I am sorry if I haven't answered your questions to your satisfaction..  I honestly can't understand what you are asking tho.   Are you saying that if we allow teachers and/or citizens to carry at schools and that it only eliminates most of the shootings it is a bad thing?

I am saying if the next 5 school shooters or mall shooters get shot by an armed citizen and end up in a pool of blood in their own excrement (soiling their ninja outfit) before they even get started on their "dark avenger" BS....  

That the shootings fad will simply end...  like skyjacking ended when concealed firearms entered the picture.

The semi auto thing..   bad idea... simply grab a bunch of brass at the range and throw it around the crime scene..  make the cops chase their tails.. after a month of that.. the criminal is about home free.  

"fingerprint"?  I assume that you mean fingerprint reading or some sort of personal reading trigger..  cops don't use em.. good reason why.. they don't work well.. they can get you killed when they don't work when you need em.. and what about all the older and historic and valuable guns?  you want to melt them all down or butcher em?

I will be glad to speak to any question you have but you have to be clear as to what that question is.


Know what your saying is "it's okay for me and others to own guns that get stolen and end up in the hands of gang members and sucidal kids that kill them selfs so I can keep my rights" " If more people carried guns less kids would get shot"  and "I dont want any saftey anything for guns..guns arnt safe you know."
You dont look ahead you dont care about others it all about you laz. Guns kill people. A police officer got shot last night...bye who, a gang member with a stolen gun. You say I dont trust my fellow human beings? while your the one walking around with a gun. Thats laughable:rofl

Offline john9001

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #316 on: December 23, 2007, 10:58:47 AM »
what makes you think that all guns used for crime are stolen? Some may have been "imported" and sold out of a car trunk.

BTW, i have never had a gun stolen, ever.

Offline Bingolong

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #317 on: December 23, 2007, 11:06:52 AM »
Originally posted by john9001
what makes you think that all guns used for crime are stolen? Some may have been "imported" and sold out of a car trunk.

BTW, i have never had a gun stolen, ever.

Knock on wood!

Offline lazs2

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #318 on: December 23, 2007, 11:11:29 AM »
bingie...  are you saying now that if you made it illegal for the rest of us to have guns that the 250,000,000 guns or more that are floating around would all of a sudden just dry up and go away?

That is beyond silly.   even in england it is nothing for crooks to get guns if they want em.

There are 4,000,000 firearms floating around  in england..  crooks are still using them even tho there is a 5 year prison sentence attached to even touching one...  This in a country that never really cared about firearms in any case and was always lilly white and non violent (except when abroad).


Offline Twister2

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #319 on: December 23, 2007, 06:44:34 PM »
Originally posted by Maverick Omaha does have a concealed carry but not allowed in public buildings like the mall.

I don't know about where you live Tigress but I have seen several malls that list themselves as gun free zones, just like schools. If, and I have to say if since I don't know, Nebraska does not have a CCW permit and if the mall is listed as gun free then there wouldn't be anyone there carrying outside of Mall security if they are even armed. There are too many unknowns to be able to say if it is even possible (legally) for anyone to have been able to stop this nut job.

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Offline Toad

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #320 on: December 23, 2007, 07:13:08 PM »
For those who fell for the microstamping red herring, preferring the semblance of doing something over the actual fact that it does nothing.

National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action

Micro-stamping has repeatedly failed in tests. In 2006, a study by forensic experts and researchers at the University of California (Davis) concluded, “At the current time it is not recommended that a mandate for implementation of this technology in all semiautomatic handguns in the state of California be made.”2 Results of the study were consistent with earlier peer-reviewed tests published by the Association of Firearms and Toolmarks Examiners.3 Firearms examiner George Krivosta, of the Suffolk County, N.Y., crime lab, found that the “vast majority” of micro-stamped characters in the alphanumeric serial number couldn’t be read on “any of the expended cartridge cases generated and examined.”

Micro-stampings are easily removed. In the tests noted above, firing pins were removed in minutes, and serial numbers were obliterated in less than a minute, with household tools.

Most gun crimes cannot be solved by micro-stamping, or do not require micro-stamping to be solved. Most gun crimes do not involve shots being fired, thus there are no cartridge cases left at crime scenes for police to recover. Also, a large percentage of crimes involving guns, involve guns that don’t eject fired cartridge cases. Notwithstanding TV shows that portray crime-solving as impossible without high-technology, most crimes can be solved by traditional means. For example, of murders in which the victim-offender relationship is known, 77% involve family members, friends and other acquaintences. Only 23% involve strangers.4

Most criminals who use guns, get them through unregulated channels. According to the BATFE, 88% of of crime guns are acquired through unregulated channels, and the median time between a crime gun’s acquisition and its use in crime is 6.6 years.5 According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, most criminals get guns via theft or the black market.6

Micro-stamping may increase gun thefts, home invasions and other burglaries, and expand the black market in guns. Criminals will be further encouraged to get guns illegally, if they believe that guns bought legally will be linked to them in a computerized database.

Most guns do not automatically eject fired cartridge cases. Revolvers can fire five or more rounds without any fired cases being ejected. Pump-action, bolt-action, lever-action and other types of guns eject fired cases only if the user manually operates the gun’s unloading mechanism. If a fired case is not ejected at a crime scene, it cannot be recovered for examination.

Only a small percentage of guns will be micro-stamped. There are about 250 million guns in the U.S. already.7 New guns sold annually account for only 2% of that total, new semi-automatic pistols less than 0.5%,8 and guns to which AB1471 applies will account for a tiny fraction, at most.

Most violent crimes are committed without guns. According to the FBI, ¾ of violent crimes, including 1/3 of murders and 3/5 of robberies, are committed without guns.9

Micro-stamping wastes money, including that which is better spent on traditional crime-fighting and crime-solving efforts. It will require a costly computerized database to track micro-stamped handguns, costs that will be passed along to all consumers, including law enforcement agencies. It will require a redesign of the handgun manufacturing process, and could require payment of licensing fees to the sole-source micro-stamping patent holder.

Problems for law enforcement. Micro-stamping exposes police departments to lawsuits if officers fire “unsafe handguns” at suspects. Departments will have to spend money destroying all cases fired in training, to prevent cases from being reused at crime scenes. Criminals can obtain fired cases from practice ranges, and use them to “seed” crime scenes, to confuse investigators.
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Offline Bingolong

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #321 on: December 23, 2007, 11:08:20 PM »
the first rockets thought about space :D

Offline lazs2

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #322 on: December 24, 2007, 10:30:43 AM »
bingie...  this is yet another example of where you think that "the end justifies the means"

The means are very restrictive and unfair at this point.. the "end" is nothing but a concept.. just like signing for ammo purchases never worked... the means was restrictive and expensive and.. the end...  after 20 years was..  no crooks got arrested.  No crimes got solved.

just like welfare.. the means is expensive and unconstitutional and the end... is that we have more poor people created than before..  

Any way of identifying anything can be destroyed or tampered with.  crooks get caught because they are lazy or someone turns em in.   You can (lots of times) tell which bullet was fired from which gun.. everyone knows this.  

Any crook who cares gets around this in dozens of ways.. all simple.. the ones who get caught this way will get caught no matter how strict or lax the way to identify is.. the ones who don't... same thing.. they will not get caught by some gimmick.


Offline AKIron

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #323 on: December 24, 2007, 10:39:00 AM »
The gun phobic left cannot just simply take away everyone's guns as they most earnestly want to do. They are therefore whittling away at our second amendment right by teaching fear and loathing of guns in our publicly funded schools and making it more troublesome to both sell and own guns. If they are not fervently resisted in this, they will win, just a matter of time.
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