Author Topic: Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?  (Read 7320 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #270 on: December 10, 2007, 10:34:18 PM »
Originally posted by SteveBailey
Lazs, give it up.  Tell Rich that  all cops are supermen and every one of us civilians couldn't possibly take care of ourselves because we aren't cops. This will end the argument.  Your personal life experience, personality, and knowledge do not count because you  aren't a cop, you big silly.    :aok

                        Steve your babbleing. And nobody was talking to you. You seem to have a propensity to babble nonsense so Im going to put you on ignore.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Maverick

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #271 on: December 10, 2007, 10:52:55 PM »

Don't waste the effort. It seems Steve has a real problem with Police. He probably got a ticket or something and isn't adult enough to move on after getting his hand spanked.
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Offline john9001

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #272 on: December 10, 2007, 11:07:01 PM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
And nobody was talking to you.

sorry, if you want a private conversation there are ways to do that, but when you post on a open forum you are talking to everyone that can access that forum and the reason you do post on a open forum is so you can tell everyone your view point.

in summery, you cannot post on a open forum and then tell someone " i wasn't talking to you", you are talking to all of us.

Offline SteveBailey

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #273 on: December 10, 2007, 11:30:41 PM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
Steve your babbleing. And nobody was talking to you. You seem to have a propensity to babble nonsense so Im going to put you on ignore.

Looks like my point his dead on.  Not bad for a civilian, huh?

Offline Tigeress

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #274 on: December 11, 2007, 08:13:25 AM »
Although I don't believe it is anyone's intention to talk down to anyone on the thread, there may be those who perceive it like that.

We are all on the same side, after all, right?

All you guys are men, after all, regardless of training and experience.
Some of you have tactical training and some don't but you all have things on your side regardless.

I am interested in hearing what the professionals have to say as well as the non-professionals.

A movie I saw once spoke of some things Rich and Mav have been talking about... keeping a cool head and calmly doing what needs to be done when the bullets start flying and why people become ineffective when stressed and/or untrained.

That movie was Unforgiven. It struck me in many ways I didn't expect and was very powerful.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 08:21:49 AM by Tigeress »

Offline lazs2

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #275 on: December 11, 2007, 08:28:15 AM »
Oh... I believe that the more you use cover and the better your tactics are the better your chance for success but.. that woman.. she charged a carbine with a revolver and won.   she hit the guy.  My guess is that she seen that he wasn't aware of her.

I think that I understand cover and flanking as well as any cop..   I would love to see the out of shape fat women that pass for cops here and can't hit anything not 3 yards away... I would love to see a team of them go against a team of teens in a paintball match.

I am aware that I am getting older...  not as fast.. I went against some kids in paintball.. it is difficult.   If they don't see you.. you get em.  if you can get cover and a defensible position.. they don't get you as quick... they are quicker than you tho... better eyes too...  

I am glad that the woman CCW civilian did not wait for backup.  I am glad she did not believe that a revolver was useless against a semi auto carbine and I am glad that she was accurate.

In EVERY gunfight I have read about.. the training may have been touted but it was always the character of the man that won the fight.   If you must be absolutely safe.. you will be worthless.


Offline Rich46yo

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #276 on: December 11, 2007, 08:40:53 AM »
Originally posted by Maverick

Don't waste the effort. It seems Steve has a real problem with Police. He probably got a ticket or something and isn't adult enough to move on after getting his hand spanked.

                              Naw, I put him on ignore. Which is a useful feature when you think about it. One click and the person stops existing.

                           Laz nobody is more Pro-CCW then I am, or pro gun. You are misconstruing my words here. As to the lady who charged the BG? I dont know a thing about it but Ive seen a lot of brave people in my day so it wouldnt surprise me. I myself have to drive or run to the sound of gunfire all the time. When Police get a call of "shots fired" its not like we drive the other way.

                        Paintball?? C'mon Laz.

                       And while I hate to disagree here but people with low character win gunfights all the time. Training and tactics is everything.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Maverick

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« Reply #277 on: December 11, 2007, 08:47:21 AM »

She fit the description of the situation I was talking about in the mall shooting and tried to get across to steve. She was in a position that she was able to fire outside of the prime tactical  position of the shooter. In other words she was close enough and in position to hose the BG without just having to hunt for him, He came into her deadly zone rather than the other way around.
A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Offline lazs2

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #278 on: December 11, 2007, 09:04:30 AM »
mav.. she fit the description I said about the mall too and what I would have done... she had a revolver... she got into a position to fire.   I am sure that if she had failed she would have tried something else... Like get cover.

rich.. yep.. tactics are everything..  scum bags can be brave too tho and they can have "character" least the kind that wins gunfights.. happens all the time.. they take a risk and they win.

I am sure that you have studied gunfights from real life.  no matter what the "tactics" you don't win without some risk.. not unless you mean.. run and hide and wait for enough backup that you can't lose... I really hope you are not saying that.

paintball is bad but police training is good?  one is realistic and the other is not?   hell... I don't know.. I seen a lot of police training but never one with even the tiniest little chance that the guy would be shot at or even injured.

What training is gonna make em brave?  give em the character to do the right thing?   What training will make em not fall apart when real bullets fly?  Hell.. at least with paintball  you get stung a little.

My point with tactics and CCW is that cop or not.. concealled is an advantage.. a tactical one.   you take out the uniform first.   You identify him as a threat no matter what.   you shoot him and then you head shoot him cause of the body armor.  

The cop or civilian with a CCW is not so easy... which one of the 100 people around you is a CCW?   is that guy just hiding behind the statue or looking for cover to take the shot?   Is that a cell phone or a gun..

In my opinion.. the more CCW the worse for the bad guy.. a uniformed cop is not so good.    he is a neon sign.

The woman proved my point.    I know you have read about gunfights enough to know that in almost every case.. the training and tactics pretty much went out the window after the shooting started.

Look at the LA shootout.. all them cops.. the bad guys just standing there.   not one cop could get a simple headshot from 25 to 50 yards away.

You might have wanted some "paper puncher" with an antique revolver there eh?  least the instructors I talked to admitted that.

I have seen the fat ladies and losers they run through the courses and call cops these days... they are far from supermen... I wouldn't trust em to pull me out of a wrecked car much less take out a bad guy...

Admit it.. the people they accept these days should never have been allowed to be cops.   not all but.. too many.


Offline Tigeress

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #279 on: December 11, 2007, 09:10:36 AM »
Hi Lazs,

Regardless of how it is sliced... Jeanne Assam killed that bastard and didn't wait for backup even though it put her at a disadvantage.

This woman, by her act of bringing down this mass-murderer, brought the power and need for ccw to the forefront of the nation.

I have read criticism that she was a criminal in the minds of some for bringing a gun to church.

I think some men (not speaking of you nor the other men here) can not accept a woman shooting and killing a man even when the playing field was uneven against her.

I have read praise that she is a true hero and had the guts, the means, and the calm presence of mind, to take down that shooter who was wearing body armor and had vastly superior fire power.

Jeanne Assam, you kicked bellybutton dear...


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #280 on: December 11, 2007, 09:10:58 AM »
and.. facts are facts.    the cops did not stop any of these shootings.  they never do.. the cops get their and get "set up" with "tactics" way too late to do anyone any good...

The best you can say is that when the bad guy...after killing a couple of dozen... sees that he is surrounded by armor covered cops everywhere... you guys force him to shoot himself before he kills any more.

That may be too was not meant to be.   my only point is that a well trained cop who is the best gunfighter that modern training and tactics can provide is useless if he is 6 minutes away...

a civilian with a revolver who has the guts to do what is right and is on the scene.. is what I would rather see.

The cops can sort it all out later.

I have to say.. as I have pointed out.. cops are a neon target... uniform.. being in bad situations with bad guys... they absolutely need different training and equipment than a civilian CCW.

The fact that they are obvious changes everything.  


Offline Rich46yo

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« Reply #281 on: December 11, 2007, 09:28:51 AM »
Let me ask you this Laz, and be honest. Have you ever been in a shooting situation? A real life one? And Im not asking this to demean you in any way.

Who here, besides the LEOs, ever have?
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline Tigeress

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #282 on: December 11, 2007, 09:47:19 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
and.. facts are facts.    the cops did not stop any of these shootings.  they never do.. the cops get their and get "set up" with "tactics" way too late to do anyone any good...

The best you can say is that when the bad guy...after killing a couple of dozen... sees that he is surrounded by armor covered cops everywhere... you guys force him to shoot himself before he kills any more.

That may be too was not meant to be.   my only point is that a well trained cop who is the best gunfighter that modern training and tactics can provide is useless if he is 6 minutes away...

a civilian with a revolver who has the guts to do what is right and is on the scene.. is what I would rather see.

The cops can sort it all out later.

I have to say.. as I have pointed out.. cops are a neon target... uniform.. being in bad situations with bad guys... they absolutely need different training and equipment than a civilian CCW.

The fact that they are obvious changes everything.  


The police obviously act as they are trained and directed to act, and to live to fight another day regardless of the outcome.

I also believe there is a seperation between police and non-police in violent crime situations. If it's happening to their own family or friends or fellow LEOs, LEOs will risk more to attempt to stop it.

A cop-shooter is in greater danger from the police, is what I am saying.

That is not intended whatsoever to offend the LEO's here or elsewhere... its just human nature to defend you own with less regard for your own safety.

I believe a ccw civilian amongst a crowd of victims during a mass-murder spree feels the same as a cop seeing someone murdering defenseless cops because they are cops.

It brought me to tears watching video of the scenes outside Virginia Tech while the massacre was in progress... I could hear shots being fired inside the building with police outside, obviously on orders, not acting to stop the carnage at that point, even though I understood it.

A ccw civilian in the midst of ongoing carnage around them have no reason to wait for back up.

They ARE the on scene back-up for victims around them who have no means of defending themselves, and if they are anything like Jeanne Assem, will wade in to shoot or be shot to save lives to the best of their common sense, training and ability.

There is power in that, in my mind. The police must do as they are trained and thus are predictable to a mass-murdering gunman in the planning stages and during the scenario.

The wild-card is the ccw civilian who is in the right place at the right time.

Future perpetrators of this kind of crime are watching and observing and I just hope Jeanne and her ccw license and gun is sending a clear message to them:

"You have more to deal with than you think you do, you coward, and likely as not, out of the crowd of sheep comes an armed defender, male or female, with a bead on you and you won't see it coming."

This is EXACTLY the serious dose of justifiable paranoia I spoke of earlier...

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 10:11:25 AM by Tigeress »

Offline Toad

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Where were the sane licensed carrying gun owners in all this?
« Reply #283 on: December 11, 2007, 12:04:11 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I have been shot at.   I know how I reacted.   I make no gurantees on how I would react the next time or the time after but I am not all shook up about it.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Rich46yo

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« Reply #284 on: December 11, 2007, 12:43:42 PM »
Laz your babbling nonsense. You got this "cop thing" going so im going to bow out of this thread.

                            Ive been some kind of Policeman since I was 18 yo and signed up for the War corp. Im sorry, but when it comes to Police stuff you dont know if your tail end is punched or drilled. I would hazard that your also lieing about getting shot at and having a gun pulled on you.

                          Maybe we'll find our stride on another thread that has nothing to do with cop obsessions. That is if you post in any other kind.

                        Until then....goodby.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"