Author Topic: CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers  (Read 2142 times)

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #45 on: May 11, 2004, 12:25:35 AM »
Originally posted by Shane
so then why are you whining about their external views?

why not fly offline and kill the ai drones with impunity - is this the kind of "action" you're looking for? zero risk?

if you bothered to read, you 'd see i said you might have screened only ftrs and i went on to point out that you usually only go for them with heavily armed cannon planes.

and probably wait til the buff is focused on a squaddie and you swoop down for the kill as  they fall flaming to earth alongside of the buffs you picked off.

but let's pick apart the ki67's since you're so impressive with your k/d on them.

aug  3 kills 2 deaths (f4u1 an dp40b)
sep 7 kills 0 deaths (f4u1- and 1d)
oct 2 kills 0 deaths (f6 and p38)
nov 0 kills 0 deaths
dec 8 kills 1 death (p47d30 and f4u1 and -1d)
jan 0 kills 0 deaths
feb 5 kills 0 deaths (p38)
mar 3 kills 0 deaths (p38, f4u-1)
apr 6 kills 3 deaths (mossie, tiff, 51b)
may 0 kills 0 deaths to date.

let's see...

34 kills 6 deaths seems your math is a little off. , from a 35:0 to a 5.75:1 ratio. still not bad at all.

lets take a look at the more interesting b17 stats..

jan 25 kills 4 deaths all kills in me262/163 and 2 deaths 0 kills in spit9/ki-61 and 2 deaths. where'd the other 23 b17 kills 8 deaths come from? MA? ahh yes you're 16:7 vs them in MA going back to tour 24 (earliest tour on innomin8's stats page.)  in any case, 41-11 - from a 4:1 k/d down to 3.72:1!! close enough for gubmint work.

the point remains, you attacked them with either cannon or 6+  .50's, most likely coming in fast from on high - which is the proper tactic. (but again how many squaddies died to distract those "all seeing death ray buffs?")

I dont use (or didnt mean to use) MA stats and I stand corrected on the 6 deaths not just 1. I am glad you took this time out of your not so bzy life to figure it out for me :rofl :rofl :rofl

Wanna do the Ju-88s for me? We seem to see this bird more than any other bomber in the CT.
153 kills 15 losses 10.2:1.

Now, its kinda hard to kill the Ki-67 in anything without cannons because the other planes without cannons are also much slower than the Ki-67. Also, the 20mm guns in the Ki-67 make one mean con with the slower less powerfull fighters.

Rank the
Spit V vs the Ju88: 23 kills and 2 losses: 11.5:1
Hurri IIC: 12 kills 0 losses: 12.0:0
P-40B: 3 kills 1 loss: 3.0:1
P-40E: 15 kills 0 losses: 15.0:0
Spit MKI: 1 kills 1 loss: ouch!

total: 54 kills 4 losses: 13.5:1

Its not really about "risk" its about "fun" and getting clobbered by a bomber from a straight 6 shot or from 20mm BBs (Ki-67) is not fun and is also rather stupid especialy the Ki-67.

Remove external views and yes, you will see me attck more bombers.

We all have our fun in our own ways. We also pick on each other about them. :aok
« Last Edit: May 11, 2004, 01:39:03 AM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Oleg

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2004, 01:34:23 AM »
How about disabling fire from all guns at once too? Sure it pretty unrealistic - one man cannt to fire from 12 turets in 3 different bombers. Some ppl will be very happy from it :rolleyes:

Leave alone external view for bombers, please.
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Offline BlauK

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2004, 04:56:15 AM »
So are there too many bombers and is their impact too big at CT???

I really love to kill the bombers and it is a pity if there will be less of them around as a result of making them harder to fly.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline wombat

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2004, 09:37:35 AM »
Being mainly a buff driver I’m greatly opposed to the disabling of external views.  The biggest advantage (for me ) of having the  external views is the ability to check general “SA” at the most critical times of a bombing sortie, calibration and release of  bombs (not gunning). Without external views, I would have to conduct more “NOE” missions in heavies like B-26, B-17 and KI-67’s, this would not be historically correct. Another issue with the disabling of external views is C-47 sorties, I would find it tough to drop supplies or troops on target without the views.  I hope the CT staff would reconsider the disabling of external views.

Offline Oldman731

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2004, 11:43:18 AM »
Originally posted by wombat
Another issue with the disabling of external views is C-47 sorties, I would find it tough to drop supplies or troops on target without the views.

C-47s can do it, too?

How do you do this thing?

- oldman

Offline lasersailor184

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CT Arena Change: disabling external views for bombers
« Reply #50 on: May 12, 2004, 12:23:28 PM »
How about the inability to see where a gun isn't?

I.E. A Lancaster can't look straight down in external view.  

An A20 or Boston can't look any direction downwards.
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