Author Topic: New Guy  (Read 1966 times)

Offline flyingaround

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« Reply #75 on: July 31, 2004, 01:23:33 PM »
Originally posted by SoftOpt
Well not to mince words, but yes you are the one looking stupid here....Where exactly did I pooch any facts that I gave?? Where did I BUTCHER what someone else said? The only thing I did was make a MUCH informed desicision to turn game voice off. My perogative. My choice and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do about it. COPE. This is EXACTLY where you look stupid....Not a moment before and not a moment after....THE MOMENT YOU BUTCHERED your post. Deal with it. Again, it is called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY accepting you made a mistake, coping to it, and moving on. Can't be certain here I think it is YOU have ABSOLUTELY NO clue what I am talking about. Your post is simply a shining example of that FACT.

As far as dueling me goes, Do you club baby seals too? Or people just coming into the game becuase that is the ONLY people you can kill? I tell you what I will duel you no problem, but then lets go to MY sim and duel and see who wins. About the same situation I would guess. Give me a month or two and I would be glad to duel you. I am far less than afraid.....sorry.

heh.  bait taken. hook firmly planted.  WOOT! i caught me another one!  looks a wee bit gamey tho'.  Better throw it back so it can hopefuly grow up to have a clue.  

You STILL don't understand my point (duh), but one of these days you will. What YOU seem to have missed is I have perspective on BOTH games, and a wee bit more experience in THIS one.  You can't understand my position, because your a nwbie.

(rant mode on) You don't take advice well.  And seem to have the opinion that you KNOW what your doing, even when it's obvious you don't.  No wonder you don't mingle w/ others in real life.  They prob. all can't stand your "know it all" attitude, 'specially when it's founded in obvious ignorance.  Glad your proud of being a shut-in.  I would venture that is more a forced situation as opposed to choice.  (rant mode off)

oh, and fyi, i tend to only pick fights with the top ranked pilots in here so I can smack 'em around.  I can only think of maybe a dozen that'll give me a run/beat me (possibly 20 if I think real hard).  Only thing I do w/ nwbies is train 'em.  I get my fill of nwbie fights in the TA helping 'em out.

Hop in the TA some time and if i'm there, I'll be glad to help train ya'.

p.s. you DO know this is mostly all in fun.  The offer to train ya' is very serious, as I like helping out the new pilots.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2004, 01:34:34 PM by flyingaround »

III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers

Offline dracon

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« Reply #76 on: July 31, 2004, 03:02:44 PM »
Well, thought I was done here but...........

I say again!  Don't think this guy can't fly and fight.  He can and will back up what he says.

I spent 6 years in WarBirds.  Wanna get you panties yanked and yer behind spanked?  Most of the guys in the WBs Pony Mafia can do it to you.  The 4th, 352nd, and the 31st had/has many good sticks and they teach each other.  Solid squads with good basics and great leadership.  There were plenty of Great Axis squads with the same basis.  JG 2 was among them.  Remember,  Pryo and Hitech made that SIM too.  In many ways the SIMs are the same.  Can Grim be beat?  Yep you bettcha, but he is more than capable of giving as good as he gets.  Not sure how this got from his dislikes and likes in VOX and request for Game Tips to his flying abilities?  But, You been warned!

Gotta admit this is a great entrance.  LOL!  More people know him in one week then knew me in a year.

Hey poop, some of the "bastards" are here under different names.

Offline Mak333

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« Reply #77 on: July 31, 2004, 03:29:45 PM »
Who the hell does this "hotshot" think he is?  So you are a professional audio dude who is criticizing the game before you even play it.

With vox turned off what the hell are you expecting from the game?

This isn't the right way to introduce yourself into a community - especially one that lives and breathes the game lol.

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #78 on: July 31, 2004, 03:35:40 PM »
Originally posted by SoftOpt
That is 3 times the data rate exchange that the 5.1 kbit codec uses, therefore having MUCH superior sound and quality. It actually is quite close to the telephony standard. I suppose I am spoiled :D Being in the sound/music biz, this is VERY important to me personally and I refuse to use the inferior stuff unless I ABSOLUTELY have to, which I don't, thusly the in-game voice stuff is and continues to remain OFF. I will live with the consequences I am SURE! :D

Kind of like 12 years ago saying I dont care if everyone is using Win OS and IBM compatible PCs.  Amiga is much better than those, and better than MAC also.  Im a professional, and refuse to use an inferior product :)
Welcome by the way, see you are making new friends already.

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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« Reply #79 on: July 31, 2004, 03:45:24 PM »
sigh..AH, more morons per square foot than any other online sim in existence.

Offline Murdr

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« Reply #80 on: July 31, 2004, 03:46:38 PM »
Originally posted by _Schadenfreude_
sigh..AH, more morons per square foot than any other online sim in existence.

Well if you wouldnt hog so many square feet....:)

Offline DipStick

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« Reply #81 on: July 31, 2004, 06:28:07 PM »
Let's see you host 400-700 people on your TS server using that codec. :)

Offline Redd

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« Reply #82 on: July 31, 2004, 07:07:29 PM »
Originally posted by SoftOpt

Since there seems to be GREAT speculation about my identity and my personality, a little something about SoftOpt: (LOL!)

I don't go to barbcues with "friends"on the 4th of July

I do not go to "parties"

I don't go to the bar to "hang out"

I VERY purpsosely try to take vacations at Christmas.


I am not a "fun" guy

I am not the life of the "party"

I am NOT what you would call a "people person"

I am A.O.K with myself and all of the above as well.....


Do I know how to make an entrance or what?  :D

Do we take a  guess now ?

I'm guessing

Name: Comic Book Guy.
Real name: Grim/Softopt
Referred to as: Comic Book Guy (by everyone)

Identity: Overweight, sarcastic comic store owner stuffed into a T-shirt 3 sizes too small.

Age: 45 (he is a virgin and still lives with his mother)
Occupation: Purveyor of comic collectables and memorabilia.
Education: Master's degree in folklore and mythology.

Friends: None. Once dated Agnes Skinner.
Loves: Collecting comics, eating burritos by the wheelbarrow-full.
Hates: Getting off his stool for anything other than a cash transaction
I come from a land downunder

Offline WilldCrd

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« Reply #83 on: August 01, 2004, 03:29:12 AM »
Well to be perfectly honest Im glad the newbie aint using vox. If he yacks anything like how he posts and was on my side i'd switch just to be able to shoot em down!
Crap now I gotta redo my cool sig.....crap!!! I cant remeber how to do it all !!!!!

Offline bj229r

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« Reply #84 on: August 01, 2004, 10:12:37 AM »
umm...if ya can hear what the guy is saying without difficulty....HOW much MORE quality is needed? WW2, fairly certain P51 didnt come with dolby; (being able to squelch arguement there)
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers