Author Topic: Urchin  (Read 3174 times)

Offline Redd

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Re: Salutes
« Reply #105 on: September 20, 2004, 12:06:23 AM »
Originally posted by RT
Up until the last year or so, it was customary for the guy who was shot down to send a salute to the victor, and the option of giving the salute or good kill etc belonged to that pilot.  

I believe that was the right way for the custom to work.  Now the custom has somehow become twisted around and the victor is sending salutes to the guy shot down.  It strikes me as a gesture that could be construed as arrogant, as rubbing it in.  

I think the victor would be best served as making no gestures to the downed pilot, and that we return to the custom wherein the option of sending a salute to the victor belongs to downed pilot.


I agree with you

We had a thread on this recently

In this case I think think the guys were clearly exuberant about killing Urchin and Mane - two well known sticks , and saluted. - I don't think they intended badly by it.

Mane and Urchin took it the wrong way - as a "kill call" not a salute , and the resulting messy exchange followed.

The fight didn't warrant a salute  - there was no fight, it was a nicely conducted bounce by the blammo and his wingie.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2004, 12:09:06 AM by Redd »
I come from a land downunder

Offline Vudak

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Re: Salutes
« Reply #106 on: September 20, 2004, 12:08:59 AM »
Originally posted by RT
Up until the last year or so, it was customary for the guy who was shot down to send a salute to the victor, and the option of giving the salute or good kill etc belonged to that pilot.  

I believe that was the right way for the custom to work.  Now the custom has somehow become twisted around and the victor is sending salutes to the guy shot down.  It strikes me as a gesture that could be construed as arrogant, as rubbing it in.  

I think the victor would be best served as making no gestures to the downed pilot, and that we return to the custom wherein the option of sending a salute to the victor belongs to downed pilot.


I don't agree with you.  If someone puts up a fun, close fight, and I beat them, they're getting a salute from me.  It's my way of saying "thanks for not running to friends/dragging to ack/hoing and just putting up one helluva fight that could have gone the other way".
352nd Fighter Group

Offline LSJ

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« Reply #107 on: September 20, 2004, 12:33:48 AM »
I agree with Vudak i salute someone who put's up a good fight whether i am the victor or not. Redd also has a point i think the guys got a little excited about bouncing a couple of vets.

Offline RobMo68

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Enough Already!
« Reply #108 on: September 20, 2004, 01:50:12 AM »
Point------Flame, POInt-----FLAme, POINT---FLAME=======PUNT!!!!:rofl
Special Forces Wing: POTW nUb:"Get outta my mud, biotch"

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Offline RT

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« Reply #109 on: September 20, 2004, 02:19:50 AM »
People have little respect for custom, and tradition.  It's not a question about what I believe, it is a question of having respect for the community and predecessors and exercising the discpline and obedience to do as they do.  

Somewhere along the line this salute business changed from downed pilot saluting victor for a good fight good shot etc ... to what it has become.  I'm not sharing an opinion I'm passing on experience.  

Experience taught us that doing it that way worked, because the gesture was one of good sportsmanship by the downed pilot, and an acknowledgement to the opponent.  When the downed pilot sends the salute, there is no issue of grand-standing or rubbing it in.  

Experience taught us how to do it right, and respect for experience might warrant some holding their tongues until they get some.

Offline TexMurphy

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« Reply #110 on: September 20, 2004, 04:09:25 AM »
Originally posted by B17Skull12
online honor doesn't exist.

I don't get why people don't see that.

Who cares about honestly.  if you do then you are just an over inflated EGO dweeb who is really a tard that needs to get out of Lala land where he is on his high horse.

PvP is a SPORT.

Doing anything it takes to win is ok. You get a 5v1 break in hockey you capitalize on it, no doubt. BUT as to any sport there is good and bad sportmanship.

Showing respect for your opponent is part of beeing a good sportsman.

If the player who got raped in the 5v1 did a damn good job considering the odds, encourage him. If the player who got raped screwed up totally DONT rubb it in.

In my book anyone who participates in a sport (what ever kind if its hockey or PvP games) and doesnt have a clue about sportmanship is the EGO.

Its not about riding a high hourse its just about common decency and respect between people. Since its just a sport and sports are played primarly for FUN (even though some sports are starting to loose touch of that due to all money) its important that the players respect each other so that ALL players can have fun.


Offline Apar

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« Reply #111 on: September 20, 2004, 11:07:56 AM »
Salute custom?? I must have missed something in the game manual when i joined AH in version 1.02. :confused:

I salute players out of respect for a good fight or out of respect for their known achievements or just because they're friends.

I Certainly do not salute players for ganging/hording me, neither for vulching me when trying to land a damaged plane or for trying to HO me 5 times in a row ;)



Offline Vudak

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« Reply #112 on: September 20, 2004, 01:18:38 PM »
Originally posted by RT
People have little respect for custom, and tradition.  It's not a question about what I believe, it is a question of having respect for the community and predecessors and exercising the discpline and obedience to do as they do.  


Experience taught us how to do it right, and respect for experience might warrant some holding their tongues until they get some.

I find it to be a very difficult task to hold my tongue when the experienced take such a tone.  

I stand by my earlier statement.  A fun, fair, close fight, in the MA, where you're hardly likely to find one, is an exceptional moment.   Such a fight, IMHO, deserves salutes to go 'round the table.  It matters not who initiates the salute.  In such a case, I'd figure if someone who just shot me down saluted me, they simply beat me to it, because I was already typing up one for them.

(And I'm not saying that this thread's initial scenario was one of those moments).
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Offline ghi

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« Reply #113 on: September 20, 2004, 03:09:27 PM »
For me, taking or giving  shtt, on chanel 200, or private is part of the fun  in this game, Try to imagine this game without this opption, would be boring

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #114 on: September 20, 2004, 03:37:38 PM »
FWIW, after finally getting around to watching the film, it doesn't look like a massive gangbang to me.  Urchin and Mane appear outnumbered, but at that point the thing is essentially over.  And in any event, I didn't get any sense when watching the film that whoever recorded it knew that he was engaging with greater numbers.  The last thing he looked at before joining the fray was a pair of 109s about 5k back and then a pair of P-47s right in front of him with maybe one or two friendlies visible.  It seemed hairier than it was.

So I don't think that Blammo et al. believed it was a gangbang even if, in fact, that's what it was.  I'm not sure why Blammo felt the need to post a whole topic devoted to Mane's and Urchin's response though.  I see stuff like that every night, and it's not worth getting upset.

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« Last Edit: September 20, 2004, 03:57:49 PM by Dead Man Flying »

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #115 on: September 20, 2004, 04:22:40 PM »
I see stuff like that every night, and it's not worth getting upset.

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