Author Topic: bring back the old buff bombsite  (Read 2508 times)

Offline BGBMAW

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2003, 09:45:46 PM »

First Fester..I will DA anytiem with u ...B-17s vs what ever u want...

I will kill u ...u may kill me...but i guarentee it wont be a "milk run " for u..

yes there are many people who cannot gun very well in buffs...i guess ittakes practice.. me..ur not the only "super Bomer pilot"lolo:)...

i find  very easy to pinpoint from any alt..Im a abig fan of 30k HQ and barraks killn

...fester u are funny too...."the old bomsight was fun"...

ur just stik stirrn now...

move on people..nothing to see

only 1 more thing HTC should change....PLEASE INDICATE WHAT AIRSPEED WE Calibrated at...  then i would be %100 accuracy:)

only 1 more thing ..heheh...

PARTY BUS   PARTY BUSS...dam i wish we had Multi gunned B-17s...

btw..HELL NO on AI Gunners.....Ask a friend to gun if u have any:)


Offline BGBMAW

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2003, 09:48:50 PM »
lolol  moot..fester posts this after a bish raid of about 27+ b-17s at our Knight HQ...

they had no escorts...all spread out...crappy formations..

they got attked by m3 163s - and a coupel 262s' ...was dam fun..escorts would of lowered my kills of buffs..lolo

Offline moot

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2003, 10:10:24 PM »
I'm sorry, but I don't know if I understood what you meant to say.

Either way, this is another example of players not having the spine to actually organize enough to create proper strike forces, and then blaming/asking HTC for gameplay that's better suited to them (ie everything automated for them). That may work, but they can only do so much with limited cooperation by the players.

I don't like dorky reenactments, and maybe this sounds like asking for that kind of effort, but it's really not. Just need to have some common sense when planning strategic movements.

I think it'd be better to simply let the escorts do their job, and the bombers theirs. Escorts take care of escorting, gunners gunning, bombers bombing.
Of course if you have escorts missing, you have to use makeshift solutions, and the "wwii simulation" goes out the window. No surprise.
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running very fast
I squish you

Offline Innominate

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2003, 10:33:17 PM »
The current bombsight is ideal for an MA based on large strat targets.  In our MA however, every target worth bombing is a point target. (Excepting strat targets for bomber score)  

The only targets in the MA worth using bombers to kill is the HQ, and CV's.  

Make strat more important, bigger than it is, move HQ's into a more standard strat design(rather than a single building), and leave the bombsight the way it is.

Or modify the bombsight to auto-calibrate over a period of say, 10 seconds of straight and level flight.  Keep the current restrictions on calibration(i.e. holding a speed and course long enough to calibrate) but automate it.

As the MA is, anything a bomber can do, can be achieved faster and more accuratly with a suicide jabo.(Excepting CV's and HQs)

Offline mrblack

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2003, 10:42:03 PM »
Originally posted by zmeg
Auto tailgunner while in calibration mode would be a good comprimize. A zoom would be good too.

OH GOOD LORD NO as if they aint a damn death star  now LOL.

Offline OverBkil

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Re: bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2003, 04:38:22 AM »
Originally posted by Citabria
...because i would like to see more buffs in the MA.

So, you just want more easy targets to shoot down...

Offline SirLoin

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2003, 04:42:39 AM »
Old bombsite with solo buff.

New bombsite with formation of buffs.

Offline Gixer

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2003, 04:52:30 AM »
Escorts or not Buffs are easy targets in a 262 and especially the 163. Unless the jet pilot is foolish enough to let a prop plane gain enough E or position for a shot.  

Really isn't much they can do once the jets are in the air and upto speed. Unfortunetly for mission planners that only takes a couple mins in the 163.

~Hells Angels~

Originally posted by BGBMAW
lolol  moot..fester posts this after a bish raid of about 27+ b-17s at our Knight HQ...

they had no escorts...all spread out...crappy formations..

they got attked by m3 163s - and a coupel 262s' ...was dam fun..escorts would of lowered my kills of buffs..lolo

Offline Hap

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2003, 05:15:00 AM »
i agree with fester.  the buff ceiling has dropped greatly to the detriment of gameplay in my opinion.  whether or not accurate bombing can be done isn't the issue.  it's not being done as frequently as it used to be.

i say bring back the old bombsite and scrap the current one.

Offline Midnight

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2003, 09:01:43 AM »
No way. Keep the current bombsight, just make the damned thing better. It needs some additions
1. Current Airspeed
2. Current heading
3. some hash-marks and a set angle indicator.

Getting the bombsight calibrated is not a hard thing to do. The fact of the matter is, too many gamers don't have a fugging clue about how to do it, or when to do it. AH has far too many automatic and easy mode things in it now, we don't need more again.

Get a buddy you can trust (you know he can shoot) to be your gunner. RL B17s had a crew of 10. I don't think asking for a crew of 2 (1 pilot, 1 gunner) is asking for too much.

You can calibrate your bombsite at almost any time you want. All you have to do is be at the same altitude and speed again when you drop.

I've dropped speed to 175 level at 15K and calibrated the sight as far away as 30 miles, then gone back to full speed to head into target. Just drop speed back to 175 and be at 15K when you want to drop, and the bombsight calibration is still valid.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2003, 09:47:56 AM »
The bombers got groups of three buffs, and the tradeoff was a tougher calibration system.  So now along with three times the bomb payload and three times the defensive firepower, you'd also like laser pinpoint accuracy?

It would ruin the game for a lot of people.  With the current system, players make a tradeoff between relative safety and accuracy; the higher they go, the less likely they are to be molested by fighters but the less accurate their bomb drop despite calibration.  This is the way it should be IMO.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Ripsnort

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2003, 10:00:21 AM »
Originally posted by BGBMAW
lolol  moot..fester posts this after a bish raid of about 27+ b-17s at our Knight HQ...

Why am I not surprised at this? ;)

Offline SOB

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2003, 10:15:03 AM »
Yeah, the new system is a fun, but could use a little improvement.  Definitely an indication of current speed in the bombadeer position!  That said, I also like the old system of bombing, and if you removed the ability to zoom with the old system, you'd limit the alt of bombers.  I played AH for 6 months before realizing there was a zoom key (yeah, I'm retarded :)), and hitting hangars (and dropping them with the minimum poundage needed) from 10k up was about 80-90%...any higher than that and you weren't hitting squat.

That Bish raid was a bad example.  If they wanted to down HQ, they could have halved the amount of bombers and had each pilot take a gunner.
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Offline Easyscor

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2003, 10:16:38 AM »
If you've looked at AH2, you know the Airfield towns are the size of Cities and suicide jabo runs won't be the best way to drop them.  Not saying those towns will be in the final product but if they are, then bombers and A-20 jabos become the only efficent way to deal with them.
Originally posted by Midnight
No way. Keep the current bombsight, just make the damned thing better. It needs some additions

2. Current heading
3. some hash-marks and a set angle indicator.
I like these two but only because they would make it easier in the Special events when they turn off outside views.
Easy in-game again.
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Offline Easyscor

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bring back the old buff bombsite
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2003, 10:35:16 AM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
...  With the current system, players make a tradeoff between relative safety and accuracy; the higher they go, the less likely they are to be molested by fighters but the less accurate their bomb drop despite calibration.  This is the way it should be IMO.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Actually, the higher you go, the wider your bomb spread on strat targets like Cities and the more damage you do.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001