Author Topic: How many people did Fidel Castro murder?  (Read 3607 times)

Offline Torque

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #90 on: November 27, 2003, 10:46:21 PM »
As i recall and from your own words Grunz you did make a blanket statement aboot Canada from your day pass trip to Vancouver making hypocrisy your forte.

Was that the second country you've actually travelled to? Amazing that you are such a cultural and political expert for one who has never voted and has only one stamps on your passport.

I'm sure Animial will thx you for pointing out his misconception of things he actually saw and experienced for you should know better than him being the armchair expert you are.

Thrawn, obviously not the sharpest one in the shed.:aok


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #91 on: November 27, 2003, 11:22:57 PM »
Yes I did make them, how accurate was my assesment?  I simply reported what I saw in my visit. I saw homeless kids burning trash on the sidewalk to stay warm, prostitutes, signs of car theft and general delapidation. Naturally this is how all of Canada is, of course.  Its no different than the glowing reports animal posted about his travels..


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #92 on: November 27, 2003, 11:24:58 PM »
Originally posted by Torque

I'm sure Animial will thx you for pointing out his misconception of things he actually saw and experienced for you should know better than him being the armchair expert you are.

Well as one who has lived in setting around thousands of tourists like animal I think I know better about how open people are in a communist country.

Anyway Torque you are an idiot for so happily defending communism in cuba.

Offline Glasses

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2003, 11:26:02 PM »
Well I can say this my grandparents lived under Batista and things were better than they were with Castro,when they left . Contrary to what Animal said not all rich people were the ones that left Cuba after Castro came into power,and most every middle class person wanted Batista out . Many middle class families like my grandparents were and  lower income families also left Cuba. You have to understand Castro lived upon the farmers was fed by them and given shelter by them and that's how his support grew.  Not only that but many, many, many, people with University degrees and "rich" people wanted Castro to succeed because they simply hated Batista. Most of them wanted a democratic government which they felt Castro would bring to the country.  Instead they got a  Communist Far Left dictatorship. That went from bad to worse.

Some on my grandparent's extended family and friends fought against Batista with booby traps and gathering intel for Castro. I t was a very frightening time and still my mother and aunt remember vividly the sounds of planes overhead and explosions,they heard when they were very  young children  .  

There's a whole bunch of things that were better in 1950's Cuba ,before Castro than after the Cuba missile crisis and Castro's purges after he took power in 1959.  But still most people not only the poor wanted Batista out,they wanted democracy in Cuba. As you've seen in later years many more people left Cuba during the 1960's after the big exile early in the decade.


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2003, 11:28:50 PM »
Originally posted by Glasses
Well I can say this my grandparents lived under Batista and things were better than they were with Castro,when they left . Contrary to what Animal said not all rich people were the ones that left Cuba after Castro came into power,and most every middle class person wanted Batista out . Many middle class families like my grandparents were and  lower income families also left Cuba. You have to understand Castro lived upon the farmers was fed by them and given shelter by them and that's how his support grew.  Not only that but many, many, many, people with University degrees and "rich" people wanted Castro to succeed because they simply hated Batista. Most of them wanted a democratic government which they felt Castro would bring to the country.  Instead they got a  Communist Far Left dictatorship. That went from bad to worse.

Some on my grandparent's extended family and friends fought against Batista with booby traps and gathering intel for Castro. I t was a very frightening time and still my mother and aunt remember vividly the sounds of planes overhead and explosions,they heard when they were very  young children  .  

There's a whole bunch of things that were better in 1950's Cuba ,before Castro than after the Cuba missile crisis and Castro's purges after he took power in 1959.  But still most people not only the poor wanted Batista out,they wanted democracy in Cuba. As you've seen in later years many more people left Cuba during the 1960's after the big exile early in the decade.

LIES!  Castro is a saint who is loved by his people as gentle father!!!


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2003, 01:07:45 AM »
News from the wonderland of happy people!

Read about Cuba, the land of a happy free people who are happy to openly discuss political issues with just about anyone.


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #96 on: November 28, 2003, 01:14:52 AM »
More lies from evil individuals, who like me grew up in a communist country -  yet pampered naive westerners who lived in relative luxury and freedom their whole lives just wont accept what that means...

For Armando A. Piña, the road from Pinar del Rio, Cuba, to Havana is paved with memories.

The FIU psychology graduate student vividly recalls the excitement and hope associated with the three-hour car trip, which he made with his father roughly a dozen times as a child in the 1980s. Wanting to secure permission to emigrate to the United States, the Piñas left their home before the crack of dawn to ensure a good spot in a long line at a government office.

Today pursuing a Ph.D. amid great research and publishing success—an impressive nine studies will have appeared in top psychology journals by the end of the calendar year—Piña, 29, acknowledges the continuing impact of what he calls his former “double life” in Cuba.

“My parents always trained me to say, when people ask you questions, ‘I don’t know,’” Piña explains of the secretive atmosphere in which he was raised. (His father lost a job for political reasons.) Warned not to discuss religion or politics or let slip that the family had purchased food on the black market, lest a neighbor inform authorities, he quickly learned to think twice before speaking.

“I still do that,” says Piña, who often refers to published research and other sources of hard facts before responding to even casual professional queries. “I realize now I’m very cautious.”

Ironically, Piña’s early education in mistrust has taught him the importance of gaining the confidence of those he helps at FIU’s Child Anxiety and Phobia Program. A research clinic where trained doctoral students work under the direction of experienced faculty, the highly respected program develops and implements state-of the-art treatments for children whose psychosocial development is stunted by anxiety and related problems.

Remembering the pains taken by his own family to show one face while covering up a deeper reality, Piña says that he wants to provide his clients with an important service while putting them at ease during the process. “[I’m] basically trying to . . . give them the freedom to be,” he says. “They’re here inhibited by their fear, just as we were inhibited [in Cuba].”

Animal why do you think this man would tell you truth about cuba if he was still living there and you vistited?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2003, 01:22:33 AM by GRUNHERZ »


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #97 on: November 28, 2003, 01:16:03 AM »
yet more dastardly lies about cuba!

Offline mrblack

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #98 on: November 28, 2003, 01:55:04 AM »
Pretty girls and great CIGARS what the hell else you want?


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #99 on: November 28, 2003, 01:57:51 AM »
Maybe some freedom, you know, that stuff many americans and western europeans take for granted....

Offline mrblack

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #100 on: November 28, 2003, 02:15:10 AM »
Im getting old just give me some poosy some good cigars and booze and I'm a happy man:aok


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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #101 on: November 28, 2003, 02:16:07 AM »

Offline Glasses

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #102 on: November 28, 2003, 02:21:58 AM »
Animal remember Col Barquin , yes the President from AMA(American Military Academy) , well Col Barqiun led a Quo against Batista before Castro's victory but it failed miserably many things went wrong in the process. Ultimately led to him being jailed and many other awful things, even purges by Batista. Then being made a point by Castro when he entered Havana.

There is something that many exiled Cubans have said about castro including Historians that Castro only took Socialism out of convinience since the Kennedy administration didn't recognize Castro's government as legit,and for good reason, so he took upon himself to find allies with the USSR ,and declared himself and his government communist.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2003, 02:28:47 AM by Glasses »

Offline Boroda

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #103 on: November 28, 2003, 11:02:43 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Oh david, as forv the "low crime."

The USSR more or less "offically" had no crime and no prisons in their country.

It isn't even funny.

Grun, you are the best!


Offline Boroda

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How many people did Fidel Castro murder?
« Reply #104 on: November 28, 2003, 11:05:50 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
All the communist countries are more or less the same in what they do to people in spirit - just ask some of the old communist expats here. Like i said unless you lived it you would not understand.  From the outside (your perspective) it looks fine and dandy but from the inside (our perspective) its much more complicated.

I have to agree that indeed it is much more complicated, especially for people like Grunherz, who never lived in "communist" countries.