Author Topic: Friday's set up........  (Read 9140 times)

Offline Tuck

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #105 on: December 11, 2003, 04:06:27 PM »
arlo.  before, i simply suspected it.  now, i'm sure of get your jollies off of making an bellybutton of yourself.

my post in no way affected you, but you just had to go attacking me.  is your life really so pathetic?

if i thought for a second that i'd have a kid that would grow up to be like you, i'd masterbate up against a wall and beat the life out of my own sperm as it trickled down to the floor with a baseball bat.

Offline daddog

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #106 on: December 11, 2003, 04:20:35 PM »
ergRTC where did you view that chart?

I lost the link to that and wanted to use it a week or so again.

Thanks in advance!

Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline brady

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #107 on: December 11, 2003, 04:32:01 PM »

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #108 on: December 11, 2003, 04:42:48 PM »
Originally posted by Tuck

if i thought for a second that i'd have a kid that would grow up to be like you, i'd masterbate up against a wall and beat the life out of my own sperm as it trickled down to the floor with a baseball bat.

Ah .... so life for you wouldn't be any different. Hey, piss and moan all you want about Pac setups and how it means you'll have to beat-off with a baseball bat this coming week to get your jollies instead. If I wanna laugh at you acting silly, I will. Especially if it results in you having to take anger masturbation management classes. Though, personally, I don't think there's such a thing as excessive measures involving you and birth control. :D
« Last Edit: December 11, 2003, 04:55:46 PM by Arlo »

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #109 on: December 11, 2003, 04:53:17 PM »
Oh ... and pfffffft. :p :D

Offline LtMagee

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #110 on: December 11, 2003, 05:09:49 PM »
I have now been playing AH for almost two years or so. I pay my cash just like all you other guys/gals....however, when do we get a chance to fly some planes in the CT thatI have yet to see in here?

The Comet was available a week or so ago but the base capture thing kept it far enough behind the front lines that it didnt get flown.

I would like to see the F4U-C (20mm guns right?) in the CT to be an interceptor against the Ki-67s. Perk it 5 points. If the Ki-67s 20mm will certainly clean out ones perks fairly quick. :aok

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #111 on: December 11, 2003, 05:46:15 PM »
Brady go back and read the quotes I included in my posts from you. Ya bloody well did say that its' JABO and speed were an issue. Then you reversed course and called it Uber. Now your denying that you said it!  :confused:

Put the damn crack pipe down!:eek:

At least your last post shows your true colors...
It isn't going to be added because you said so and nothing anyone can say or point out will change it because it is your sandbox to frickin play in!:mad:

Oh and BTW Shane, Arlo, LTMagee, Tuck... one of you needs to disagree with me and call me an idiot or something cuz it scares me that we are all on the same side of this argument.:aok

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #112 on: December 11, 2003, 05:49:04 PM »
Jazz .... you handsomehunk! Better? :D

Offline TheBug

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #113 on: December 11, 2003, 05:54:25 PM »
Originally posted by brady

 It is not going to be added I dont care what numbers you throw at me, it is a judgment call and I am making it, I dont realy care that your not seeing my way a lot of folks never will nore should they, it is the nature of creating CT set up's not everyone will be happy all the time.

 If you dont like go fly in the MA.

Vote Bug, Vote Eskimo, Vote Arlo.... Hell vote for anybody, doesn't make a difference to me.  Seems apparent to everybody except a few certain CT staffers, that there is a need for CT staff rotation.

Oh yeah, Mr Fork you can go fork yourself.  You don't even fly in the CT, who the hell are you preaching to.   I volunteer for the job, why don't you quit?

Vote Bug!!:aok
“It's a big ocean, you don't have to find the enemy if you don't want to."
  -Richard O'Kane

Offline Arlo

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Attention! Attention!
« Reply #114 on: December 11, 2003, 06:25:53 PM »
(the loudspeaker on the pole in the middle of the compound crackles)

Attention! Attention!

Just to be clear ....

I don't care if Brady stays or steps down.

Hell ..... let's all pitch in and buy him a plaque ... either way.

Just don't try to fill my boots with the "gifted horse" stfu thang.

Que sera sera.

And ....

Tonight's movie is ...

"The Volunteers"[/i]

Wild and zany comedy about peace corps volunteers that sacrifice their time as well as their social life to go overseas and help those ... those who need their time and ... social skills.

Starring Tom Hanks and John Candy.

Bravely dodging bullets, grenades and bayonets ... no wait ... sorry. That was last weeks movie.

Ummm .....

That is all.

Offline Soulyss

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #115 on: December 11, 2003, 07:31:44 PM »
Especially since he seems to understand that paper carriers respawning at the South Pole isn't the answer. Maybe he can come in on "Team Bug?"

I'm not sure what this "Team Bug" issue is but maybe I can clarify why I cannot think of a better way to run this setup/scenario

First off I'm making an asumption

Brady wanted base capture to be possible without being dominating.   To this end he lowered the hardness of the CV's and increased that of the shore batteries.  This effectively keeps the cv fleets from parking off shore and shelling an area into oblivion.  Plus the 8K rule was set with MA standards in mind where most attackers will be carrying in or around 2k of bombs/rockets/whatever.  In this setup the IJN can for the most part carry less than that unless I'm totally off my rocker.  

The flipside of this thinking is that morons are going to drive the ships right up to the coastline anyway because who wants to fly 3 minutes to get to the battle when you can fly 3 seconds.  

and now theyare throwing me out of the office so I will have to edit this after I get home.  :D

.... ok home... now where the hell was I and what in the hell was my point.....

oh right ( I think) anyway the cv's are vulnerable and it is a bit of a pain to lose them and have to drive them up from the south.  But I think the CM's visit the arena enough during peak hours that if need be the fleets can be moved about to facilitate good fun battles.  I guess I consider this a fair compromise the benefits of not having a fleet parked near your base (which drives me up the fall in setups like Guadalcanal) against the possible loss of your favorite plane for a period of time.  

I think the job of the CM is about finding those compromises sometimes it works out and most people are happy others you miss your mark and it takes some tweaking to strike the right balance.  In this case I think Brady has gotten the setup pretty well tuned.  I've flown both sides and had an enjoyable time.  I still don't think the chog/-4 need to be included not that I'm deathly afraid of the 20mm cannons in the chog just that it would regulate the -1D to a secondary role when historically the reverse was true.  It just doesn't add anything to the scenario, neither does the F4u-4.  

I'm not a big Brady cheerleader we've had our arguments in the past and I've quietly disagreed with him on numerous other occasions but in this case I feel that he has arrived at planeset that offers the BEST CHANCE for the MOST people to have a good time.  

I think I made sense just now... maybe not... who knows, it's tough writing a msg over the course of 6+ hours and keeping your point clear, and I tend to ramble.  :D
« Last Edit: December 11, 2003, 08:32:32 PM by Soulyss »
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline scJazz

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #116 on: December 11, 2003, 08:08:38 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Jazz .... you handsomehunk! Better? :D

Jeezus thank you Arlo great lookin out... I could take 1 or even 2 of you guys agreein with me but all 4 wuz freakin me out!

Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #117 on: December 11, 2003, 08:34:27 PM »
Originally posted by Soulyss

Brady wanted base capture to be possible without being dominating.  

Dominating? Brady needs to worry less about the axis "being dominated" and more about the practicality of the map.

 To this end he lowered the hardness of the CV's and increased that of the shore batteries.  This effectively keeps the cv fleets from parking off shore and shelling an area into oblivion.

Sounds like almost a plausible excuse but it really isn't. Unless Brady wants to enable goons on the CVs (and I don't think anyone wants that) LVTs are needed for the allied side to take a base. His setup requires the allies to take a base before several of the planes supposedly available in the setup can be used (as well as the allies getting a shore spawn for the F4U). Launching LVTs from a sector away isn't a practical option. So in the end it sounds more like a "pretense" to making a setup that allows the allies more latitude that really ends up being a setup where the axis can launch from bases that need little defense against the allies who are launching from easy to sink ships. Does this really sound like a practical way to approach things to you?


Hell ... Brady has always gone to extreme measures ... never trying a little bit here or there. Harden the shore defenses AND soften the ships! Hell. On top of that let's mark the F4U fleets for easier elimination.

Does this sound like Brady isn't trying to set up the f4U to be easily eliminated from the equation by a single dedicated axis pilot who's decided the Corsair is "being abused?"

On shelling the shore bases:

That's the obvious main function of the cruiser in Ace's High. That and ship vs ship slugfests. If Brady wants to eliminate shore shelling then he can see about eliminating cruisers. But since a major goal of the allies is to capture at least one base via beach assault, that's kind of silly.

 Plus the 8K rule was set with MA standards in mind where most attackers will be carrying in or around 2k of bombs/rockets/whatever.  In this setup the IJN can for the most part carry less than that unless I'm totally off my rocker.  

On the Japanese "inability" to put ordinance on a fleet:

A single Peggy formation can carry over 4,000 lbs of destruction:

15 50kg bombs or
8 100kg bombs or
3 250kg bombs or
1 500kg bomb or
1 800kg Torpedo ...

per bomber.

Peggy formations are quite resiliant to being attacked, as well. If that's not good enough to sink CVs then there's ineptness involved which shouldn't concern the staff in it's setup.

The flipside of this thinking is that morons are going to drive the ships right up to the coastline anyway because who wants to fly 3 minutes to get to the battle when you can fly 3 seconds.  

Again ... the ships will have to get in range to make a beach assault. If they're in range of that ... they're in range of waves of Peggies. In range of shore batteries as well.


And to all of this you say that there's no better way to it.

But I hardly think that setting up the arena in a way to sink any fleet that approaches the island to make a shore assault (or for that matter ... even a sector away and launching planes to fight in a battle that's definately longer than 3 minutes away) is supporting both side's ability to reach and engage each other in combat and in the planes that are supposedly available for use on a regular basis.

There is no practical reason for softening the fleets of the side that relies competely on them.

I've heard braggadocio from some here that says if the allies can't effectively manage their paper fleets to keep them safe then they have only themselves to blame. My retort is that if the axis can't handle the typical AH shore assault and bombardment then likewise ... no need for a staffer to tie one hand behind the allied side's back to help them.

Oh ...

And no, I don't expect Brady to read this and go "I never considered it that way before, Arlo! You're right. I'm going to 'balance' things a little less now." I just wanted to see if you still think it's all hunky-dory. *ShruG*
« Last Edit: December 11, 2003, 08:47:14 PM by Arlo »

Offline Soulyss

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #118 on: December 11, 2003, 08:46:57 PM »
Some good points there Arlo I'm not convinced that the allies are really that bad off, it's just not the case from my point of view based on the experiences I've had in this setup.  

It seems to me that the allies have had little trouble getting a foothold on the island and the axis sooner or later get the numbers and drive them off.   Occasionally I've been sans my favorite plane because it's cv was at the bottom of the ocean somewhere but that never really bothered me much.  Maybe I'm biased because, (and not making any asumptions about you) I can have a good time flying a F4U, F6F, P47, A6M, N1k, Ki-61, whatever that these things don't bother me too much.  

Based on what I've seen the setup is balanced about as well as anyone could hope for.  If you're experiences haven't been the same then I'm sorry that other people haven't enjoyed it as much as I have, but I can only call 'em like I see 'em.
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Arlo

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Friday's set up........
« Reply #119 on: December 11, 2003, 08:59:48 PM »
Originally posted by Soulyss
Maybe I'm biased because, (and not making any asumptions about you) I can have a good time flying a F4U, F6F, P47, A6M, N1k, Ki-61, whatever that these things don't bother me too much.  


I belong to a dedicated F4U squadron that lives for the occasional moment where the Corsair is available in it's historic setting. We mostly prefer the F4U-1 in it's standard AH paint since it represents the squadron we have chosen to virtualy portray: VF-17. But we're nearly as happy in the F4U-1D if need be. Many of us are fans of that squad ... not just the F4U.

While I'm more than willing to be more flexible when it comes to other setups ... the late Pac setting featuring the Corsair is just too rare. Having it relegated to "token status" when it comes around just because a staffer has unrealistic fears about it "unbalancing" the setup sucks.