Author Topic: GV questions/concerns  (Read 2628 times)

Offline Horn

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Re: GV & code issues
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2004, 09:17:27 PM »
Originally posted by MOIL
But they will tell you the same story, 1 hit from a Panzer to my Tiger....then boom I'm dead!!  

With all due respect to you LTAR guys, I can kill yer tiger, one shot, every time, all the time, in a panzer if I have the correct angle. Almost got a thousand kills+assists last month in GV's and a BUNCH of them were tigers. Ask Topgunz or Whels, they'll tell you true.


Offline MOIL

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« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2004, 10:14:04 PM »
By all means I'll agree with you Horn and NO I know your not cheating, but the whole point is just what you stated "I can kill yer Tiger in one hit IF i have the correct angle"
That being said, the the whine remains, were all out there on the field fighting, I  sneak a flank, they engage me, I hit the target {usually a few times} from whatever angle, nothing.
That enemy tank has to swing his turret to the side, line up a shot, fire once and boom I'm done. So I guess HE has the sweet spot to hit on me, but I don't?
Furthermore, since now that tank was engaged,  on me, my countrymen have been pounding him to no avail, hit after hit, he then swings the turret BACK around, aims and boom someone looses a turret or gets killed.
All because, from what your saying he knows right where to hit on enemy tank? and none of the other 10 tanks out there shooting at him hit that special spot? or angle?
Now see I just dont buy that:confused:

Oh well, still love the battles

Offline Horn

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« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2004, 10:44:55 PM »
I agree with you, I've seen what you are describing; however I submit to you that, using the current damage model, there are places more vulnerable to one kind of shell or another on most all GV's. IOW, if you know where to aim, with what ammo, at a given angle and distance in a particular GV, you can be more successful than those folks who haven't yet figured it out.

I've said elsewhere that some parts of the GV model are FUBAR  but there are definitely things one can do to increase one's effectiveness in the virtual field.


I too love the battles ;)

Offline OOZ662

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« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2004, 01:40:18 AM »
Originally posted by humble
So if I actually hit the driver slit from ~600 tank should die?

I hit a PZ (turret facing away) directly on driver slit 3 times while he rotated turret around to face me (he then got 1 ping kill). This same guy had been hit at least 5 times prior to me getting him (I was "vectored" to him) while others were engaging. He was still alive afterward for a good 2-3 minutes.

Actually, there are four different places to hit a tank that do different things.

1.Front:This is where the thick armor is. HE(On Tigers, Pnzr too?) and ack bounce off into space when they hit this part. Needs to be hit with like 6 AP shells to kill the tank.  Hitting the slot doesn't really help.
2.Sides:Can kill a tank, but usually not.  This is where you get hit to lose your tread and get to spin around in cicles screaming like a little girl (lol). (Can you lose both treads?)
3.Rear:This is where pain ensues. If the shot partially lands in this area and the side, it will kill the engine and make your Ostie life miserable.  If it lands head on(or butt on..whatever) then the shell will go straight through the soft, warm, metal engine and right into your backbone, killing you. Ow. Oops.
4:Turret:Unfortunately, most likily place to get plinked because the shells are falling from the sky. Getting hit here kills off your turret. Well, I guess you could whip out that peashooter stuck to the frontal armor and charge that Panzer, but that's up to you.

Edit:Also, damage doesn't sum together. Say, for instance, it takes four hits(ignoring armor, bla bla)  to kill a tank. If you hit the front three times and the side once, it wouldn't die because the side has one damage and the front has three. I'm guessing that each area of a tank has a certain "HP" coded into it, and there's probably a nutload of variables about damage and yada yada.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 03:10:15 AM by OOZ662 »
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline MOIL

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« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2004, 02:23:00 AM »
Great info from both you guys:)

BTW OOZ,  sounds like ya need a computer upgrade or new system. {no offence}
If I can be of service let me know, I noticed you were in WA also.

Offline OOZ662

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« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2004, 03:00:13 AM »
lol yeah, I'm getting a new compy, it's shipping on the 9th. ty though
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline humble

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« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2004, 05:20:15 PM »
I've been pretty careful to leave the "C" word unsaid. I think alot of it (maybe all) IS the ability to game the game .

I agree with you, I've seen what you are describing; however I submit to you that, using the current damage model, there are places more vulnerable to one kind of shell or another on most all GV's. IOW, if you know where to aim, with what ammo, at a given angle and distance in a particular GV, you can be more successful than those folks who haven't yet figured it out.

I certainly won't ever take someone to task for exploiting an advantage...but I'll take the developer to task if he doesnt correct it. Imagine if someone said I can kill your tempest
every time in my P-40 under these circumstances.

I've spent some time in a tiger and noticed I can't kill a PZ with one hit at ~2800+ (I hit one 4 times without killing him last week). So how does a tiger kill a tiger or a PZ kill a tiger at long range like that in 1 shot?

As a long time player (4 1/2 yrs) I've reached a certain level of expectations. HiTech and Pyro set that bar themselves...and all in all they've done an amazing job. I'm just asking them to expend some of the same effort on the "GV" portion of the game...after all they're the ones who decided to include it. I'd of rather had a Ki-84 & a Mig-3 :aok ....but it's here and actually its a lot of fun...but if your going to do it right.:aok

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Offline Pyro

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« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2004, 05:50:32 PM »
Humble, when you call somebody's work "garbage", it is attacking and it is insulting and it's certainly not constructive criticism.

You sound like you just want a damage model that deals in "hits".  Like 1 hit from Tank A will destroy Tank B.  2 hits from Tank B will destroy Tank A.  Well that's not the way it works.  Tanks aren't evenly armored, projectiles don't always penetrate the same.  You sound like you would prefer a simpler system, yet your arguments run counter to that.

Offline MOIL

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« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2004, 10:37:36 PM »
I'll agree Humble, to an extent, however I just find a lot of what happens on the battlefield {in gv's} to be a little "inconsistant"  thats all I'm saying. Not to say your not a good shot, didn't range me sooner, had a better vehicle or whatever the case. But to say when you find that sweet spot, your garanteed a kill just about everytime seems farfetched:confused:
I look at it like this, I spend a lot of time in an Ostwind and so does are lot of our crew. If I hit ANY plane {execpt bombers and such} just one time, your coming out of the sky.....period!!!
I have NEVER hit a NIK1, Spit, Tiffie, P38, take your pick 2 or 3 times only to have them fly home.....never!
So if this can be modeled correctly, then me shooting a tank should be the same {within reason} but for me and 1/2 my squad to hit an enemy tank umpteen many times and NOTHING, then he fires once, hits, then boom dead or turret out.
Something is wrong with this picture IMO.
I know for a fact at any one given time you can watch Ch1 traffic and see time and time again people complaining how the GV model is "porked", messed up, not right, whatever. I still to this day find something wrong with driving over a 2x4 in the city and it killing me:mad:    must of had the right angle huh ?

Offline simshell

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« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2004, 02:08:57 AM »
i got hit by a flak 1 time in a F4F and was able to make it back

just tell me how i can hit a M3 in my panzer and he gets nothing?
known as Arctic in the main

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2004, 06:25:55 AM »
im more annoyed that 14x1000lbs (x3) doesnt kill a flak.........

GV code is ok GV vs GV...You just have to remember frontal armour is not where you want to hit the other tank...
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Batz

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« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2004, 06:58:43 AM »
Do you all realize that if you hit a tank in one spot and dont kill it continually firing at the same spot wont kill it either. If the round doesnt penetrate the chances are neither will the next 16.

The quality of the hit matters as well, where you hit matters. I would argue there is not enough "randomness" to the gv modelling. But more randomness = more whines like this one.

The "I shot you 17 times" doesn't really mean anything. Its not the number hits that matters. A guy who tanks alot knows what to aim at. Lobbing shells from 3k and hitting the same spot is just a waste of ammo. On top of that with no ground cover in AH tanks battles are mostly fought at longer ranges.

just tell me how i can hit a M3 in my panzer and he gets nothing?

Easy, if hit the m3 in a non-vital area like the rear side armor the round will just penetrate leaving a whole. Try using HE next time.

im more annoyed that 14x1000lbs (x3) doesnt kill a flak.........

Simply shot gunning bombs all around a gv wont get you a kill nor should it.

Infact it is the very opposite of what you claim. Aircraft are far more dangerous to Tanks in AH then in rl. In particular 50 cals and Hizookas.

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« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:06:19 AM by Batz »

Offline AKcurly

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« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2004, 08:10:28 AM »
I believe the GV damage model is reasonable.  If you are hitting the glacis at an angle, yes, the round richochets.  If you hit one at the side, you disable it unless you are fortunate enough to hit the turret.  If you hit it from the rear, you kill it.

Now, what I want to know (from Humble) is how do you know which part of the tiger you are hitting from 2800 yards?  How do you know you're not hitting the glacis?

M8s (in the real WW2) killed tigers by sneaking up behind them and killing the engine.  It usually caused a fire and the crew bailed.

Humble, you've been here long enough to be familiar with the cry

a) "he took my wing off with 4 pings!"  (duh, it was 4 short bursts from 6 50s.)

b) How did that guy do that?  He couldn't have done it!  He's cheating!!

c) How can a damn spit catch my La7?  I was going freaking 450 mph!

and so on.

Humble, you are a noob to GVs.  However, don't ask me for instructions, I'm a noob too (to GVs.)  Rest assured though, your GV complaints are right in line with a), b) and c).



Offline jdpete75

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« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2004, 08:25:24 AM »
I too have noticed that sometimes one has to hit a tank may times.  Could this be because they have GV supplies next to them??  Whenever I am in a tiger I make sure I have a squaddie bring me a full M3 load of vehicle supplies  and put them right next to me.  Sometimes I am very hard to kill and I can understand why sometimes other people (ltars in mind) can be super tough.

Offline MOIL

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« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2004, 12:20:10 PM »
We'll you all have very legit complaints & explainations for what hap's on the battlefield. I agree with most and disagree with some, oh well.
Since were talking about GV's I have to throw in one lil complaint. How come when you up two or more Osties, you can hear him or others around you fire their gun and visa versa, but if two or more tanks up, you dont hear not one single anything? Too me thats kinda lame, if you play ANY other game on the planet that has tanks or assault vehicles you can hear your squadie {Countryman} firing his weapon {main gun}
As far as I know from watching countless hours of History channel the Tigers. Panzers, Sherman's & M8's made plenty noise when firing their gun:confused: