Originally posted by StabbyTheIcePic
Give Palistine its own state. That is the first thing they need to do, even if it means negotiating with arafat. Do you know how many moderate arabs would stop supporting the terrorists in iseral if Palistine was a state?
That has been tried, when Israel was formed the land of Palestine was divided in two. Half for the Israelis. ask Jordan and Syria where the Palestinian land went. I'm sure if they looked for it they would find it somewhere.
That line is a bunch of crap. The Arab states will settle for nothing less than genocide. They keep saying this repeatedly, why not take them at their word?
A moderate Arab? Really? Name one. That would indeed be a welcome sight. The minute moderation creeps into the Arab mind another Arab will drive it from him with a 7.62x39 to the head. Case in point the heroic and tragic statesman Anwar Sadat. Please spare me the rhetoric.