Author Topic: at what point are you a traitor  (Read 3516 times)

Offline CyranoAH

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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2004, 09:48:04 AM »
Originally posted by Saintaw
few neurones = use of big words



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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2004, 09:49:32 AM »
At some point someone with a lot of discreationary funds and too much time on their hands will follow that sow mikey moore around and produce something called mikey and me.  wonder what reaction that would trigger?

Offline Habu

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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2004, 09:49:52 AM »
Originally posted by AKIron
The FCC has always had ultimate control over the public airways. The laws they are enforcing aren't new but have been stretched beyond recognition over the years. There have been recent attempts to stretch them beyond the point of breaking. These attempts were perhaps a wakeup call to the FCC?

The problem is there are not clear laws to break. The FCC has carte blanche to make up what is indecent. They say they investigate complaints (a perverted process when you have individuals like the guy in Florida who log every show and file countless complaints) and then they decide if it is indecent or not.

So stations do not know where the line is and if they have crossed it.

Stern is often portrayed as "low brow" or "shock jock" but if you listen to him you realize he is actually intelligent. More intelligent than guys like Limbaugh or Dr Laura or any one of the countless mindless idiots on the air these days. Stern has an opinion on things that is based on his view of the world. He likes to make money, is afraid of violence and crime, hates traffic, envys others success, likes guns and has many other traits that result in a very complex person. As such he does not just support or disagree with an issue because it is politically correct, or democrat or republican or pro women or whatever. He sees how the issues affects him personally and then decides if he is for or against it.

That is what makes him entertaining, he is so self serving in his opinions. Rush Limbaugh is so predictable he is boring. Many other radio personalities are afraid to rock the boat or even have an opinion. For this reason Stern can be complex. He supported Bush after 9-11 (because Stern is afraid of terrorists and hates them) but after he decided that what Bush is doing is not making him any safer he started to question his support. Eventually he decided that Iraq was not a good thing. So he stopped supporting Bush. What other radio guy has the courage to be so honest?

Stern's problems with Clear Channel and now the FCC seemed to start exactly the time that he stopped supporting Bush (who he had supported strongly after 9-11) and started supporting Kerry.

The only good thing about all of this is that by making an enemy of Stern the FCC (and GWB) actually may have caused themselves enough damage to lose the next election. Stern can swing hundreds of thousands of votes to Kerry. He talks about the issues every morning..
« Last Edit: June 22, 2004, 09:56:14 AM by Habu »


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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2004, 09:55:20 AM »
Originally posted by Habu
The problem is there are not clear laws to break. The FCC has carte blanche to make up what is indecent. They say they investigate complaints (a perverted process when you have individuals like the guy in Flordia who log every show and file countless complaints) and then they decide if it is indecent or not.

So stations do not know where the line is and if they have crossed it.

Stern is often portrayed as "low brow" or "shock jock" but if you listen to him you realize he is actually intelligent. More intelligent than guys like Limbaugh or Dr Laura or any one of the countless mindless idiots on the air these days. Stern has an opinion on things that is based on his view of the world. He likes to make money, is afraid of violence and crime, hates traffic, envys others success, likes guns and has many other traits that result in a very complex person. As such he does not just support or disagree with an issue because it is politically correct, or democrat or republician or pro women or whatever. He sees how the issues affects him personally and then decideds if he is for or against it.

That is what makes him entertaining, he is so self serving in his opinions. Rush Limbaugh is so predictable he is boreing. Many other radio personalities are afraid to rock the boat or even have an opinion. For this reason Stern can be complex. He supported Bush after 9-11 (because Stern is afraid of terrorists and hates them) but after he decided that what Bush is doing is not making him any safer he started to question his support. Eventually he decided that Iraq was not a good thing. So he stopped supporting Bush. What other radio guy has the courage to be so honest?

Stern's problems with Clear Channel and now the FCC seemed to start exactly the time that he stopped supporting Bush (who he had supported strongly after 9-11) and started supporting Kerry.

The only good thing about all of this is that by making an enemy of Stern the FCC (and GWB) actually may have caused themselves enough damage to lose the next election. Stern can swing hundreds of thousands of votes to Kerry. He talks about the issues every morning.

Nice attempt at a thread jacking.  consider yourself as having 8 caps popped into your arse and the jacking prevented.  waddle your silly opinion to the appropriate thread.

Offline Pongo

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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2004, 09:57:18 AM »
You are a traitor when you want to sacrifice the freedoms of others to your bigoted political aggenda eagler.
Still the "press is liberal"
What a joke. The press is conservative. Way conservative. How can big business be anything but?
Some people are so brainwashed its stunning.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2004, 09:57:56 AM »
Let me clarifly my opinion.

I now hate GWB because he is sicking the FCC against Stern. Moore made a very anti GWB film.

The enemy of my enemy is now my friend.


Offline Martlet

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« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2004, 09:59:08 AM »
Originally posted by Habu

I now hate GWB because he is sicking the FCC against Stern.

What an intelligent and insightful way to choose the politician you support.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2004, 09:59:56 AM »
Originally posted by storch
At some point someone with a lot of discreationary funds and too much time on their hands will follow that sow mikey moore around and produce something called mikey and me.  wonder what reaction that would trigger?

Why don't you do that storch?

You seem to have lots of time on your hands.

Offline Sandman

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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2004, 10:01:43 AM »
Excellent post.

It's one thing if the right objects to Moore. It's quite another if the left does as well.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2004, 10:02:55 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
What an intelligent and insightful way to choose the politician you support.

Martlet when you have a guy like GWB who is not the strongest intellect around, has a very questionable background, seems to have ridden in on the coat tails of his dads name and the mightly republican machine and not due to his own skills, then a policy that affects the 2 hours I listen to the radio each day is enough for me to say turf him out.

Let Kerry get in and if he screws up turf him out again.

Do not reward failure by re electing a dolt.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2004, 10:05:42 AM by Habu »


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at what point are you a traitor
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2004, 10:03:29 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo
You are a traitor when you want to sacrifice the freedoms of others to your bigoted political aggenda eagler.
Still the "press is liberal"
What a joke. The press is conservative. Way conservative. How can big business be anything but?
Some people are so brainwashed its stunning.

Only in your twisted mind.  mikey is pretty close to a traitor, the press is total left wing.  they should all move to Canada.  they should  take the homos with them.  you guys like traitors and homos it seems.

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2004, 10:08:27 AM »
Originally posted by Habu
Martlet when you have a guy like GWB who is not the strongest intellect around, has a very questionable background, seems to have ridden in on the coat tails of his dads name and the mightly republican machine and not due to his own skills, then a policy that affects the 2 hours I listen to each day is enough for me to say turf him out.

Let Kerry get in and if he screws up turf him out again.

Do not reward failure by reelecting a dolt.

Lots of accusations, not a lot of substance, though.  What's his "questionable background"?  He was elected on his own merit.  His father was a one termer.  How are those "coat tails"?  The country booted him.

He took Clinton's popped economic bubble,  recession, and 9/11 job market hit and turned it into the fastest growing economy in 20 years.

Now a member of his administration is doing a job that has been neglected and you want to get rid of him because a radio DJ is upset?  I like Stern too, but he doesn't dictate my politics.

It's your right, but it's an ignorant way to cast a vote.

Offline Habu

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« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2004, 10:25:07 AM »
GWB has a very questionable background in business. He bankrupted 3 companies but always seemed to have backers step up and set him up with a lucrative new business (or ownership in the Astros for example).

Moore's film explores the relationship between the Bin Lauden family and the Bushs.

GWB is not an effective public speaker. I cringe every time I hear him talk. I just wait for the gaffe that I know is coming each time he strays from the written text.

GWB won the election because the democrats were stupid enough to nominate Al Gore (a characterless man whos only claim to fame was claiming to invent the internet and the fact that his wife led the fight for music lyrics censorship).

That is what makes my support for Kerry ironic. I know that that the democrats are far more likely to want radio censorship that the republicans. However Bush seems to have made this one of his pet projects so he deserves to face the wraith of people who support free speech.

Free speech (or as you call it support for a radio DJ) is not some trivial issue. It is a very important component of the fabric of US society. I have lived in many countries with censored news and TV and radio. Free press is what makes America better than all those unwashed countries over in the middle east and asia.

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2004, 10:48:29 AM »
Originally posted by Habu
GWB has a very questionable background in business. He bankrupted 3 companies but always seemed to have backers step up and set him up with a lucrative new business (or ownership in the Astros for example).


So being able to raise VC is considered a bad thing now?

Moore's film explores the relationship between the Bin Lauden family and the Bushs.

Actually, Moore's film made misleading correlations between events and dates that when you follow the assumption he leaves, gives you a completely false conclusion.

GWB is not an effective public speaker. I cringe every time I hear him talk. I just wait for the gaffe that I know is coming each time he strays from the written text.

So pulbic speaking is more important than National Security or the Economy?

Free speech (or as you call it support for a radio DJ) is not some trivial issue. It is a very important component of the fabric of US society. I have lived in many countries with censored news and TV and radio.

While Stern tries to make Free Speech the issue, it isn't.   The community has said there needs to be decency standards on the public airwaves, and the FCC was delegated to enforce those standards.  If the community feels they should no longer apply, then it should work to remove them.  Not blame a serving POTUS for having an administration that enforces those standards which were established long before he came into office.

Again, if these are the issues you use to choose a POTUS, then you're either still living at home and your parents are supporting you, or you have a priority set that completely differs from my own.

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2004, 11:09:32 AM »
LOL I read the article..(didnt skim it toad).
Ill probably end up aggreeing with the guy. Moore can make a point I aggree with in a way that I disagree with. He almost makes me change my polititcs away from him.
After bowling for Columbine I almost wanted to stock up the gun closet and vote Charlton Heston for president.
Moore just rubs me the wrong way.