Author Topic: Well what next.  (Read 2769 times)

Offline Kev367th

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Well what next.
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2004, 06:13:30 PM »
Suppose it depends what you do in the game for fun. For some it is porking HQs, others furballing, etc.
Whats dissappointing is that ALL the recent gameplay changes have been done with the furballers ONLY in mind.
As you yourself said HT has given heavy buff drivers virtually no role now. How many more changes until jabos are virtually pointless, I know its seems an extreme view but just looking at a possible future scenario.
Maybe time to stop advertising it as a "Sim" and just as a "Game", as its only a sim as in as much as what suits a specific category of player.

Maybe we should ask for a poll.

a) leave as is
b) compromise i.e. fields can go down to 50%
c) go back to AH1

a) leave as is
b) enable but for shorter time than AH1
c) as in AH1

Me I'd go for B and B as I wouldn't want to deprive the furballers totally, but then again I am a reasonable guy.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 06:26:37 PM by Kev367th »
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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2004, 06:19:55 PM »
Relax.....breathe deeply....

The "Gameplay" pendulum will swing back always does :).
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline MetaTron

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Re: Blue Theres hope...
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2004, 06:24:20 PM »
Originally posted by kamori
Blue11   you can join metatron on spawn camping...That will stop a base capture...LOL

Or you can get in a fighter and shoot down the bad guys..


Still whining about ONE death in your panzer? and then three more in your Lancs? Pathetic.

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2004, 06:27:43 PM »
yay VOSS! stick it to the man!
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Well what next.
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2004, 06:28:15 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
If you can't pork fuel below 75% so that people can fly. Then I would like unkillable FHs also ( 1 buff can shut down up to a medium airfield). Oh and also unkillable ammo bunkers, and why not unkillable barracks also.
In fact lets make all ground targets unkillable including HQ.
Apart from
- Osty turrets which should be able to be killed by a BB gun.
- Panzer turrets see above ^
- Of course ensure that panzer/tiger rounds still bounce off m3s at <800
- Can we have the return of the dancing Tiger?
Should keep everyone happy. ;)

Kev you don't remember the Havoc we gave the Rooks at A7, in that VH?  Man how soon you forget.


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Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2004, 10:19:37 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Stopping the horde is easier than ever.

 Drop the barracks - One at small base, two at medium and large fields. One P-51D with full armament can fly around to pork about 5 fields in a hop. With heavy enemy resistence it can still bust about two.

 Gather a couple of dedicated guys with good sense and mission planning, and you can knock the barracks of entire enemy front in about 1 hour.

 Gather some more guys, and you can detroop the frontline, and 2nd line fields also, making the enemies have to fly goons at least more than 75 miles to capture a base - with even less casualties suffered than in AH1.

Dropping 3 barracks was always easy after a little practice. I used to drop 2 barracks on the feild in one dive.. .. climb out slightly outa ack range, and dive in and take out the town barracks. All in one pass from the same direction. Nothing has changed here.
What has changed is the effect that porking has had on the NME.
I never porked unless the NME was Hoarding or when they had the overwhelming numbers over the other 2 countries and were using them in mass. Its simply a sound and necessary tactic at times. And it simply has been removed.
Will it change? Who knows. Should it? If a pole was taken and used of the entire player base... Youd see the 75% porkage back faster than you could say..... Kweassa typing a novel. :D But we will never know will we? HT doesnt operate on Poles.

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2004, 10:32:23 PM »
I gotta say this... where you guys think that porking fuel will result in stopping the horde?  The ability to pork fuel works both ways, it affects those outnumbering and those outnumbered.  Obviously those outnumbered are gonna suffer more from being porked!

Offline doolitle

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« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2004, 10:33:40 PM »
TOD(Tour of Duty) should put a stop to all of this

unorganized warfare is the root of the problem

put a little thought into your actions as a whole rather than a single person,and all unrest should then disapate

Offline WilldCrd

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« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2004, 10:56:36 PM »
You guys forget some of the other factors.
yes fuel can only be porked to 75% however fuel burn rate is 2.0 thats alot less flying time with 75% fuel  in the majority of planes.
i dont understand the complaint about ord.  either. you say its "only" down for 30 min, well how long should it be down? a few hours?
If you REALLY wanna screw with the enemy {novel idea} TAKE THE BASE!!!! unless thats to much trouble for ya.
I understand the advantages of porking fuel at some bases but alot of guys go WAY overboard like flying several sectors and porking next thing ya know its all porked and who wants to fly with just 25% fuel all the time?.
If you want to stop the HORDE you have to organize and work together. There enough good sticks and squades out there that if they worked together could stop and even push back the horde {history has proven this}
Until those that are in the minority wether its Bish, knights or even rooks {rare} start working together STRATEGICALLY as well as tactically the horde will continue. Whining about it wont do anything except make folks laugh at ya as they steamroll over your bases.
Crap now I gotta redo my cool sig.....crap!!! I cant remeber how to do it all !!!!!

Offline Leayme

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« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2004, 11:18:12 PM »
I was one who wanted to learn all the facets of the game ground combat, air and sea and I would fly supply and run supply to gv and bases.

Now...I am joining the rampaging hordes and the spawn campers, what else is there to do.

I can knock out the hangers and troops, but for a very limited time and given my limited abilities at present and because of the chances I will have in a furball (zero to none, because the learning curve is so steep).

Guess what. I am not going to improve, because as soon as I up, someone who is a veteran or has more time to spend is going to flame me and down I go.

In the gv battles I have a chance, if I am a spawn camper, but if I were to want to help in the attempt to take a base, I will need to spawn dozens of times and hope that with airstrikes that enough campers will be eliminated to allow progress.

It gets old being a target and the snide and arrogant remarks about upping somewhere else or joining the furball is getting old and does nothing to further interest in the game.

I want total war and all that goes with it. A base gets bombed back to the stoneage, so be it...BUT, Don't allow it to immediately up and be in business, make it so that the new owners have to bring in supplies to restore more than basic service. Make hitting of refineries and factories important again and the furballers will have more than enough to do with going after formations and protecting and intercepting.

Sure I was getting knocked down in AHI, but there was things I could do, that still give me enjoyment.

Now, well honestly the fun is being siphoned away for me and others, add to it the impending costs of a newer faster system and one has to look at priorities....and the present trend is making the monthly fee look better  spent elsewhere.

Say what you will but this is how I feel.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2004, 11:21:07 PM by Leayme »

Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2004, 01:08:58 AM »
Like I posted in another topic I have become a total buff pilot I can handle the long climb out  and can hit my target almost every time but rarely do I see any change in base stats unless I hit a VH or radar on any given field. I say if fuel is an issue just make them hardened so that one plane can't take them down so easy, let us buff pilots handle the job. It's harder to get a bomber formation in to a base and bomb a specific target while 1 to 5 fighters are trying to shoot you out of the sky. It would just make it that much more rewarding to be a bomber pilot and also rewarding for those fighter pilots who shoot down us buff's trying to take out the fuel.;)
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Offline nopoop

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« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2004, 01:32:29 AM »
Originally posted by Leayme
Guess what. I am not going to improve, because as soon as I up, someone who is a veteran or has more time to spend is going to flame me and down I go.

Leayme you've been here a whole month. If you can't spend the time to learn how to defend yourself with the resources availiable to you, you need a different venue to play.

It ain't easy, it isn't something you pick up in a couple of weeks. It's not SUPPOSE to be.

You have to really WANNA. You have to get your *** handed to you over and over. Do the research on ACM, do the time and work it. Hook with a trainer or any of the guys that offer.

My suggestion is to fight people straight up and forget the "war" stuff.

But that's just me. For me there is nothin better than the fight. If I want to win a war..

I play something from Avalon Hill.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2004, 05:40:34 AM »
Originally posted by WilldCrd
You guys forget some of the other factors.
yes fuel can only be porked to 75% however fuel burn rate is 2.0 thats alot less flying time with 75% fuel  in the majority of planes.

Do the math, Use the E6B feature of AH2 and you will see you are wrong. If a 2x burn rate is double that of the 1x burn rate.
 Then if in AH1 the fuel burn rate is x1 and in AH2 it is set at x2, then AH2 will allow a P51D 307 mins of (idle) run time on the runway with a 75% fuel load. AH1 will allow the P51D an (idle) run time of 206 minitues on the runway with a 25% fuel load. So HTC has catered to the whines of the Anti Land Grabbers.
Its there for all to calculate. Have a nice day.

Originally posted by WilldCrd

Until those that are in the minority wether its Bish, knights or even rooks {rare} start working together STRATEGICALLY as well as tactically the horde will continue. Whining about it wont do anything except make folks laugh at ya as they steamroll over your bases.

Fact: "Until those that are in the minority wether its Bish, knights or even rooks {rare} start working together STRATEGICALLY as well as tactically"The underdogs most definently need to learn to wok together.

Fiction: "Until those that are in the minority wether its Bish, knights or even rooks {rare} start working together STRATEGICALLY as well as tactically the horde will continue"
The Hoard is all about the numbers advantage. No amount of "Working together" will stop those from hoarding together.
As long as a single counrty can have 60 to even OVER 100+player advantage, the hoard is eminent.
Its the security in numbers mentality that causes the hoard?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2004, 06:43:00 AM by Mugzeee »

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2004, 06:13:06 AM »
Fuel Burn rate in AH1 was 2.00 as well I believe.  All that has changed is the individual fuel efficiency of the aircraft and in AH2s case, made it less efficient.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2004, 06:14:58 AM »
Originally posted by Replicant
Fuel Burn rate in AH1 was 2.00 as well I believe.  All that has changed is the individual fuel efficiency of the aircraft and in AH2s case, made it less efficient.

Source? And isnt the result the same? meaning AH2 burns 2 times as fast?