France says Iraq has wmds...Germany says Iraq has wmds...Norway says Iraq has wmds...Italy says Iraq has wmds...Russia says Iraq has wmds...Canada says Iraq has wmds...the U.N. says Iraq has wmds and must disarm...Iraq says Iraq has wmds but kicks out inspectors...America is hit 3500 dead...some people say dont go to Afganistan untold thousands will die,look at the British,look at the Russians...Afganistan down in 2 weeks less than 100 died...World gos opps see what America and allies did??? America looks around whos next to safegaurd America...well; World says Iraq has wmd...Of all places we could go, Iraq is most likely to give[ wmd ][ the World says he has] to people who would use them on us...A very few say he doesnt have them...President says; World says he has them, look at how Fanatic they are, I cant take the chance as Iraq has used them before and may give something worst to the terrorist to use...
I and no one else am responsable for Americas safety.It would be a huge burden if I did nothing and thousands die.France calls Germany who calls U.N....Americas going in,oh no we cant have that .They will find out that we are stealing billions of dollars from Iraqi childrens food program and we wont be able to blame their deaths on America any longer,and it is illegal...America wonders why the fuss, but UN cant do much because of past resolutions...Iraq down in 1 month...World amazed and scared... France calls Germany who calls UN...We have to take America down...How says UN...We will say its an illegal war ,and there are no wmd...How can we do that, we have said he had wmds...Dont worry half of America has lost their moral compass as we have,once we do this that half will chime in ...N.Y. TIMES..[.World says war wmds
...Bush drops in polls.]..L.A.TIMES...[Recent World poll shows most believe there is more to fear from America than terrorist..Democrat leaders call Bush a lier compare him to Hitler...American newspapers agree...Bush way down in polls]...France calls Germany who calls U.N...See we told you...U.N.says ya to bad we had to stop getting all that money.......Daddy where is America now...Oh 7 years latter terriost used suitcase nuclear bombs and blew up 15 of Americas largest cities.They had a chance but the president at that time wanted absolute proof and the blessing of the U.N...Its sad but they werent able to survive the hit...Daddy where did the bombs come from...Well honey they came from Iran, but that is enough of that ,it is time to go the underground bunker to sleep...Oh are the terrorist coming tonight...I dont know honey but the prime minister said they might.