Author Topic: Wonderful! Unbelievable!  (Read 1728 times)

Offline Vad

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Wonderful! Unbelievable!
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2004, 08:57:33 PM »
Originally posted by kj714

Seriously, "the I want to fly what I want" theory being paraded around would also mean that all planes should be  unperked all the time, not just the new ones being limited.

I've never selected perked planes. One  flight in Ta and one in Spit14 were by mistake, just because I missed in hangar.

Fankly, to be absolutely honest, I don't like perk system. I would prefer something like DA.

My point was absolutelly different. I have chosen the plane (at this moment) which I want to learn. I haven't chosen jets, I've forgotten about Spit14 (I really want to try it, but I have only 800 perk points, and it's too little to try anything). I try only what I can afford. It is honest, no problem. But when somebody start to change the rules during the race....

Hey, guys, you are not alone! To kill somebody you have to have somebody to kill! And that " somebody" has to come from somewhere. These are we, delicious newbies,  who give you a chance to discuss here how good you are. Otherwise you would whine here about that unpleasant guy who didn't allow you to shot him down from 2000 yards in deflection shot.

OK, my work is over, and finally I can go back to MA. Thanks to all of you, rope and dope works not only in air fights!

Offline jpeg

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« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2004, 09:03:03 PM »
simply put: get over it.

there are plenty of other online pay games that don't let you use any weapon/vehicle etc etc you want.
Even other flight combat sims have a rolling plane set.

Just because you pay $15/month (which by the way the rest of us do also, so you're not special) doesn't allow you to dictate how a game is played. Games have rules.

Also, like someone else brought up in the other thread about this topic, there are plenty of other people (like me) who don't have too much time to play during the week, so when we log on we want to be able to enjoy the game. Being outnumbered by 80-100 players constantly is not enjoyable.

Originally posted by Vad
OK, I know that my English is far from perfect. May be you just don't understand me. Or may be my habit never put any smiles in my posts is misleaded you.

Fly a different plane? I don't want!!! Such a simple answer. I DON'T WANT. At this period of my senseless life I want to fly this plane. Just because I want. And this is my $15, so I have right to vote.

If to be a little more serious I suck even in this plane. But I have chosen this way to learn. I started from Spitfire, next was 190, now I am trying P51D. I say - P51D, not P51B. And I don't care about your opinion that these planes are similar.

Anyway. Don't take it very serious. I don't whine,  I won't leave, I will fly and you will have your chance to shoot me down. 4 month is too short time to lose interest in this game.

Offline Vad

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« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2004, 09:18:44 PM »
Your statement:
Originally posted by jpeg

Just because you pay $15/month (which by the way the rest of us do also, so you're not special) doesn't allow you to dictate how a game is played. Games have rules.

What I did say:
Originally posted by Vad

 And this is my $15, so I have right to vote.

English is my second language. I did, do and will do a lot of mistakes. But I had believed that American guy can distinguish between "dictate" and "vote".

Looks like something has been changed...

Offline Vad

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« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2004, 10:18:56 PM »
How wrote great russian writer Gogol  almost 150 years ago:
"OK, bro, and have your Polish friends helped you?" (Nu chto, i pomogli tebe tvoi lyahi?")
First sortie. Central island. 1 to 5 not for our favor. No La-7, no P51D in hangar. I've got  familiar 190D, 3 kills, ditched on freindly territory because of out of fuel.  

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooos ers!!!!

OK, just for you all-  :)

Offline dragoon

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Re: Wonderful! Unbelievable!
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2004, 10:27:27 PM »
Originally posted by Vad
So, what we have. To fly the bird I want to fly I have to betray my country. Straight and simple.

OK, go ahead, 15 bucks are not problem for me. HTC, may be we can make a deal? How much do I have to pay to fly what I want and when I want?

I don't care about reset, I don't care about whiners who complain about great number of lalas and mustangs. I want to learn chosen bird and want to have opponents who fly the planes which they have chosen. I don't want to fight and win only because my opponent coudn't take the correspondent plane.
But... Any war is half military strength and half politics. Looks like this war was won by politicians...

you tell em brother im with ya 100%

btw watch out for the BBS pilots who have nothing better to do than to raz someones opinion. mere children they are

CHANGE IT HTC its sucks

Offline Pawz

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« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2004, 10:28:45 PM »
Total BS I can't beleive grown men can come to a conclusion like this. LMAO whinners win again
When I die bury me in a P38.

I watch day after day, week after week, tour after tour, the Bishops and Rooks take bases and win maps while the Knights stand there with their thumbs stuck in their butts. It's just pathetic!

Offline jdpete75

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« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2004, 10:33:21 PM »
Just because you pay $15/month (which by the way the rest of us do also, so you're not special) doesn't allow you to dictate how a game is played. Games have rules.

Wow your right:rolleyes:   but arent you doing the same thing:eek:

Offline jdpete75

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« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2004, 10:35:48 PM »
Oh suck it up princess

Polaris, is that pretty much all you have to say on these threads?
If so Ive got something for YOU to suck up BIT@H

Offline xBarrelx

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« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2004, 10:49:19 PM »
Originally posted by jpeg
there are plenty of other online pay games that don't let you use any weapon/vehicle etc etc you want.
Even other flight combat sims have a rolling plane set.

uhuh. ur exactly right. but ur missing the point. AH for a long time has been one that doesnt do that. dur. might.....just why people fly AH and NOT the other flight sims. hmmmm. something to think about there. shoot its why i dont fly the other why i didnt fly the other ones. people nag and nag and nag and nag and finally get what they want. some just cant be satisfied and start nagging about something else. i wonder whats next.

Offline humble

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« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2004, 10:58:28 PM »
Originally posted by Vad

Fly a different plane? I don't want!!! Such a simple answer. I DON'T WANT. At this period of my senseless life I want to fly this plane. Just because I want. And this is my $15, so I have right to vote.


Vad you don't have a vote, you have the option to support the product or not support the product...thats it. Since you've only been around for 4 months there's an awful lot for you still to uncover. Actually, it might prod you to find the "true gems" in the game. I'm amazed at all the garbage being posted, I actually think they found the best possible option under the circumstances.

As for planes, given the fact that I stopped flying during the "beta" phase of AH2 FM issues might be different, but as a trainer I'd always recommend the 205/F6/La-5. Great planes that can kill anything in the arena 1 vs 1 and also give reasonable survival potential in the MA. Beyond that the Yak was easily the best all around plane in the set (IMO) while the 38 seems to have the most "potential" but really requires a good stick...if you dont mind fighting your way in and out the FM-2 is deadly.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline LYNX

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« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2004, 11:09:07 PM »
Get a grip guys.  All sides will out number the others throught the day.  They to will suffer the lack of Lgay7's.

Offline Polaris

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« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2004, 11:30:05 PM »
Originally posted by jdpete75
Oh suck it up princess

Polaris, is that pretty much all you have to say on these threads?
If so Ive got something for YOU to suck up BIT@H

Yeah.  Cause it fits perfectly.

Great retort, BTW.  I remember those from 7th grade.  You sure told me!:rolleyes:
« Last Edit: August 13, 2004, 11:33:47 PM by Polaris »

Offline MOIL

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« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2004, 11:37:45 PM »
This is getting better by the minute!

OH  wait.........or is that......just getting warmed up

Oh well have fun.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2004, 11:41:48 PM »
(Happily continues to fly his usual stable of P47D-11's, 190A-5's, F4U-1's, F4F-4's and 109F-4's without even noticing the "Easy Mode" plane patch)

Offline Vad

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« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2004, 11:48:14 PM »
Originally posted by humble
Vad you don't have a vote, you have the option to support the product or not support the product...thats it.

I support the product. I told it before, and I confirm it now. It is too good to be left, at least now.

Originally posted by humble
Since you've only been around for 4 months there's an awful lot for you still to uncover. Actually, it might prod you to find the "true gems" in the game. I'm amazed at all the garbage being posted, I actually think they found the best possible option under the circumstances.

Ok, may be you are right. I am not 20 years old, unfortunately. And even not 30. To be absolutely honest, even not 39...
And I've been working in internet game industry as software developer for a long time. I know the rules. May be I don't know some things special for this game but believe me I know something beyond the ACM or BCM.
And I have to repeat - may be you are right, and they don't have another solution. But if you are right that means that everything is very bad... Better you be wrong...

Originally posted by humble
As for planes, given the fact that I stopped flying during the "beta" phase of AH2 FM issues might be different, but as a trainer I'd always recommend the 205/F6/La-5. Great planes that can kill anything in the arena 1 vs 1 and also give reasonable survival potential in the MA. Beyond that the Yak was easily the best all around plane in the set (IMO) while the 38 seems to have the most "potential" but really requires a good stick...if you dont mind fighting your way in and out the FM-2 is deadly.

I don't have a trainer, for a lot of reasons,  so I have to do everything by myself. There are a lot of good advices here and in Internet, but.... But if I will follow your recommendations I will lose interest to this game before I will get any skills.

205 is good but in hands of average pilot it will lose even for newbie in Lala. May be I am wrong so I would say - I will lose. It is not my bird.... At least now.

I didn't try F6, so ....

La-5 is actually the same as La-7 but with 2 cannons. I can't hit anybody with even 6 guns in P51D, so what is the reason to try La-5 when I can do actually the same in La-7 with 3 cannon, but with the same lack of success.

I try to find my way which may be not so successful but at least I will not lose interest to this game. Started with simple Spit in AH1, started with Dora in AH2 and now learning P51 and La7 depending on situation. Next will be Lightening and Niki. This allow me to keep ineterest to this game and learn.