Author Topic: ENY disablements  (Read 10349 times)

Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #195 on: August 17, 2004, 02:33:56 AM »
Originally posted by Karnak
Frankly, I would rather have seen the aircraft in question be perked than disabled.  Say, start at 20 perk points and work their way up from there.

That seems like a good compromise.


Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #196 on: August 17, 2004, 02:42:10 AM »
Originally posted by AKcurly
Because his choice of fun ruins the evening for the other two countries.  He can change countries and do all of the above.

I think you overlooked the set up of that question.  The hypothetical person is part of a squad and changing countries is going to muck that up so therefore it is not an option that this hypothetical person is going to entertain.  Most likely he/she will log off.  enough nights of this and he/she will cancel his/her account.  How does this benefit the game, exactly?


Offline culero

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« Reply #197 on: August 17, 2004, 02:53:10 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Might be able to define it as distance from HQ. Then the farther you move lines from HQ the higher ENY values only would be availible. Just another scale opertation base on that distance.

This also has the added advantage of increasing avergy flight time to enemy. Which is also a very odds evening force.


This idea (making some planes available only when in home territory) really did have an immediate effect on a similar problem at AW.

That particular arena had a constant problem due to one side or the other logging on a lot more people than the other and rolling the whole arena up real fast. Fixing the planeset like this helped a LOT (I hardly ever got my chain yanked to go reset that arena because it was all wiped out after doing this ;))

Something to think about - bombers. Its pretty realistic to limit their availability to home territory, if you think about it, and that helps slow down a steamroller too.

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Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #198 on: August 17, 2004, 02:56:05 AM »
Originally posted by MoRphEuS
I dont understand what the big deal is really.

Honestly if you have more players than another country and you can't fly the plane you want, switch sides to the country with the lesser players and go fly it.

Doesn't work all that well for people in squads....

This way you can meet new players who play AH and get to see another side of AH.

If I wanted to do that I would have moved on to other countries already.  i like the guys I fly with.

Also, if you decide that switching isn't your thing and you dont want to log off because you can't fly your 51, or La7 or what have you, you can devote some of your time towards flying a new plane that you have over looked in the past.

This will alienate the weekend flyer.  Is that the goal here now, to tighten up AH so that it becomes more of an exclusive club to those with an excess amount of time to spend in the game?

There are many great planes in the game that are just as fun to fly as are the 51s and La7s and Niks.

Yes there are, but there had to be a better, or at least lest arbirtrary way, of getting people to fly them.

Just learn how they like to be flown and fly em.

That might be easy for you but I have been working on learning the 51D for over a year now and still don't have a good grasp of it.  Switching off to other planes is only going to exacerbate my low score and pitiful k/d ration.  Maybe that's because I am a weekend pilot with only a small amount of time to spare for AH.


Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #199 on: August 17, 2004, 03:04:47 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Goobman, It is absolutly false because if you changed sides you could still fly them.


I think you missed the point that a lot of people do not want to change sides.  Saying that Contition A in Country A is false because Condition A is not true in Country B seems way off base and smacks more of a justification than anything else.

Will I change countries to fly a plane I want?  Not a chance in hell.  

Will I fly other planes to stay with my squad mates?  Sure.  

Will I not change countries because of my friendships with my squadmates?  Bingo.

Is my squad going to survive this?  I dunno.  Most of them were plenty ticked off about this last night.


Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #200 on: August 17, 2004, 03:09:09 AM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Now that is just flat-out silly.

My regards,


Then put me down as one of the silly ones.

I will not change countries, turn my back on the squad I have been flying with for over a year, just to fly a particular plane.

As I said in a previous post I will fly other planes, but I resent the way this is being handled.  

All this seems to do is reward people who change sides as it is now rather than those who band together and work together.  Wouldn't rewarding the later be a better way of supporting the community?


Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #201 on: August 17, 2004, 03:11:15 AM »
Originally posted by 4510
You can get mauled by a horde of P40s just as effectively as by a horde of P51s.

I agree.  I can get mauled by just about anything.  ;)


Offline Skeksis

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« Reply #202 on: August 17, 2004, 03:13:21 AM »
Originally posted by Chortle
Even before the ENY modifier, some people would fly 51s/La7s/190s sectors to a fight, even if their team had a CV already there. I reckon they'd fly any distance if it meant they could keep their preferred ride.

For me it wasn't about flying sectors to keep my perfered ride, it was about flying sectors to gain alt and try to have some kindof advantage when I got there.


Offline simshell

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« Reply #203 on: August 17, 2004, 03:35:19 AM »
people that use bombers on the fronline bases are the ones flying 1k in lancasters trying to see if they can get to the field before they die:rolleyes:

resets is the idea of winning the war i dont mind at all when fair numbers wins the reset but i do mind when that side has 220 players and the loser has 80

right now i love the new setup because it does fix this so far

as to the other idea of range from HQ i think putting this in is a ant-i reset way of handling the numbers

team A winning with fair numbers good
team R winning with huge numbers bad

so why bring in a idea that would help making resets harder when this is about making numbers more fair?
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Offline Kev367th

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« Reply #204 on: August 17, 2004, 07:46:00 AM »
Funny that most of the guys who are suggesting perking are mentioning numbers around 20.
Its the, perk it so WE can fly it as we have loads of perks, and don't want to risk too many hoard.
Sorry guys, if a Spit 14 is worth 45 and a Tempest 60, the Pony and La7 should be perked way higher. How would you feel if the base perk price was around 100, and that was added to as the numbers increased.
Not so keen anymore?
Starting to think we have some real self centered people in the community. i.e. The I want the numbers advantage, I want the top rides, I want to fly in a hoard, I want to gangbang other people, I am enjoying myself doesn't matter if anyone else is.
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Offline Zanth

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« Reply #205 on: August 17, 2004, 07:51:56 AM »
I worry about some people, to the them "country" is pretty real.   It is so real for some, they might actually shoot a real gun at some others if they saw them.  Not much you can do for these sort, the internet is a wierd place.

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« Reply #206 on: August 17, 2004, 08:12:49 AM »
Originally posted by Skeksis
Most likely he/she will log off.  enough nights of this and he/she will cancel his/her account.  How does this benefit the game, exactly?


In the short term what you imagine might well happen, just as some left when we went to the new graphics system. What you have failed to consider however is the big picture - how new players are/were integrated which is the future and the real money.

Just like the new graphics, some thigns have to be done for the long haul.  If there are some casualties along the way, that is sad, but it had to be done.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #207 on: August 17, 2004, 08:13:55 AM »
Originally posted by Zanth
Just like the new graphics, some thigns have to be done for the long haul.  If there are some casualties along the way, that is sad, but it had to be done.

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Offline culero

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« Reply #208 on: August 17, 2004, 08:21:41 AM »
Originally posted by simshell
so why bring in a idea that would help making resets harder when this is about making numbers more fair?

Its a different way of skinning the cat, that's all.

Think about it. What is it about numbers imbalance that is undesirable? Really, the only bad thing is if the paying customers on the way-outnumbered side have no chance to play and have fun because they're getting the snot clobbered out of 'em before they can get up to fight. Give 'em a fighting chance, and they can have fun - fighting, which is what the game is about.

If you make it progressively harder to capture the farther a steamroller progresses, the steamrollees have a progressively better and better chance to fight as the steamroller rolls. Therefore, even though the numbers themselves aren't changed, the bad effect of numbers imbalance is compensated for.

Make sense?

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Offline Alpo

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« Reply #209 on: August 17, 2004, 10:24:05 AM »
Originally posted by culero

Something to think about - bombers. Its pretty realistic to limit their availability to home territory, if you think about it, and that helps slow down a steamroller too.


:rofl Why limit availability to home territory?  You really think that bombers are a key to any "steamrolling"?  Hell, we are usually flying around several sectors simply trying to get to a target before the fighters have leveled everything during an RJO.  

If it comes to pass that bombers are not going to be available at a captured frontline base, it should only be for a period of time (perhaps by automatically destroying bomber hangers upon capture).  This period of time could be decreased by supplying airfield supplies for the construction crews to prepare the field for heavies.

I think the expansion of the town size was a good move to slow things down, however I still wonder if .50s should destroy them.

p.s.  I still don't think bombers should be a victim of the ENY disablement
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