Author Topic: For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners  (Read 1272 times)

Offline Ack-Ack

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2004, 04:56:48 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412

Maybe because he was flying the D model Mustang and not forced to fly some other inferior bird in a theatre with almost every bird available in WWII?

If you're referring to inferior planes like the P-40, there were more P-40 aces in the PTO/CBU than P-51 aces.  Not bad for an inferior plane.

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Offline Arlo

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2004, 04:58:09 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
If you're referring to inferior planes like the P-40, there were more P-40 aces in the PTO/CBU than P-51 aces.  Not bad for an inferior plane.


Are you baiting for zeke whines? Huh?

Offline Cobra412

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2004, 05:01:12 PM »
Blooz then what exactly is Guppys point of flaming Mustang drivers?  Is he lowering his standards like those who flame Spitfire drivers?  IIRC Guppy was and still is defending Spitfire pilots and the bird itself.  The ony thing he's doing now is lowering himself to the same standards the he constantly defended against previously.

And Arlo say what you'd like but frankly the flame he's doing is rather weak and pointless considering the background evidence he's chosen to post.  Using a D Mustang driver with the saying KWITCHER*****IN to flame D Mustang drivers in AH about their *****in.  Rather amusing if you ask me.


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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2004, 05:04:54 PM »
Yanno as much as I dissagree with Eny

There is one solution, One single thing the players CAN do about it.

Zazens gonna like this one.
although the ones that complain about these so called "timid" pilots may not.

the answer is this.
 Log on when ENY isnt in effect on your country up in your favorite plane  then..

Dont die.

dont get shot down  and you wont loose your plane.
 Land. re arm, Re up. and you can have your plane of choice all nght long.

Course once ya do die your screwed. LOL

Oh and BTW dont end mission either  or it wont work
« Last Edit: September 11, 2004, 05:19:59 PM by DREDIOCK »
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For those who wish to know
Ask those who have been before you
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Offline Cobra412

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2004, 05:07:00 PM »
Ack Ack I don't doubt at all that there was a time during WWII where birds were outclassed in particular regions.  I also don't doubt that there are many aircrews who faced extreme odds as to whether or not they'd return due to the inferior rigs they were flying.

My point is that it's pointless to post a photo of  an original D Mustang with this saying to flame D Mustang drivers here.  It's like the pot calling the kettle black if you asked me.  It's also rather unfortunate considering how Guppy acted in the past when folks flamed Spitfires and now he's doing the exact same thing to the Mustang.  He's no better than those that he defended against in the past.  I'm sure many of you can think of the word that goes with this.

Offline Arlo

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2004, 05:07:57 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Using a D Mustang driver with the saying KWITCHER*****IN to flame D Mustang drivers in AH about their *****in.  Rather amusing if you ask me.

More than you obviously realize. ;)

p.s. ... unknot em, Sally ... he's not sniping the D ponyheads.

Offline Guppy35

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2004, 05:10:53 PM »
Jeez I guess Shane was right.  Too bad the actual photo wasn't of another plane.

I used that photo because it was a photo that seemed to fit the them with the complaining from the guys who fly D model Mustangs about not having them all the time.

If I could have found another pic with the same phrase I would have used it.  But as the D Mustang drivers were the ones that seem the most bent out of shape, it reminded me of the photo in question that I had in my collection.

Frankly Cobra412, I could care less if you flew a D model every time you went up.  

The point is simple.  Folks need to relax about the ENY stuff, and enjoy the game for what it is.  And if flying a Merlin Mustang is all you want to do, you still have the B model.

Personally I like Mustangs.  I can talk Mustangs all day if you want.  The history of the 51 and the groups that flew it is a strong interest of mine.  Looking at the shelves nearby I can see the group histories of 9 Mustang Groups. I won't even begin to count the books on the 51 or pilots who flew them also on the shelves.  So what, who cares right?

There is nothing in the game that is AH worth getting that worked up about, and the never ending "I want MY PLANE and I'm gonna stomp my feet and hold my breath til I turn blue" threads get old.

I though a little humor might help.  Clearly it didn't work for some :)

On a side note, I don't recall ever demanding a Spitfire.  And I don't recall any tantrums about it anywhere other then back in AW when I to my everlasting shame blew a gasket about Spit range in a scenaro.  Still get that one thrown in my face now and then :)

Talking about Spit history is a different ballgame.  I'd do the same with Mustangs if it ever arose, but the LW guys seem to get the most bent out of shape about the Spits for some reason.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2004, 05:15:25 PM by Guppy35 »
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Cobra412

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2004, 05:25:32 PM »
Guppy just seems most folks only know how to flame in our community.  That may be the reason I reacted the way I did.  Your subject matter heading made it a direct flame on Mustang drivers,  For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners.

It seems it doesn't matter in the community what bird you fly if it seems uber folks will flame it.  I don't always fly the Mustang either.  I've started to fly the P-47D40 and the P-40E.  If folks learned that both of these birds can be lethal too, next thing you know folks will flame those too.  Does that mean posts like yours will arise again when this happens? They most likely will.  If the new eny affects them too I'm sure you'll hear more "whines".

Simple fact is these "whines" started because folks originally "whined" about numbers.  I'm not gonna start a whole "eny/numbers" debate.  One thing is for certain is war is unfair, war is never even and war is competitive.  The base platform for game play has its errors in it.  They'll continue to fight to fix what some feel they think needs fixing through out the life of the game.  Who's fault is it really that folks are to stubborn to call a truce and concentrate efforts?  What it comes down to for the most part is the game induces the whines.  People get fed up and voice their opinion.  When they do folks such as yourself feel the need to flame them in some way no matter how subtle it may be.

Offline Arlo

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2004, 05:29:42 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
One thing is for certain is war is unfair, war is never even and war is competitive.  The base platform for game play has its errors in it.  They'll continue to fight to fix what some feel they think needs fixing through out the life of the game.  Who's fault is it really that folks are to stubborn to call a truce and concentrate efforts?  What it comes down to for the most part is the game induces the whines.  People get fed up and voice their opinion.  When they do folks such as yourself feel the need to flame them in some way no matter how subtle it may be.

But the MA isn't a war ... it's a game. You want to find a different arena, methinks. But, be advised .... it won't have the D pony often. Good luck.

Offline Guppy35

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2004, 05:33:55 PM »
Basically Cobra412, I wanted the 51 drivers to see it, hence the thread title.

I've spent a lot of time in the last year researching the 506th FG and thier Iwo Mustangs.  That photo kept popping into my head each time I'd see one of the threads where a guy was complaining about not having his D Model Mustang.

I thought maybe, just maybe, they'd find the humor in it.

Clearly that wasn't the case :)

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Cobra412

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2004, 05:39:11 PM »
Arlo I'm not complaining about the MA or eny bit.  If I feel like flying a Mustang and can't then I go find something else to do.  There also those nights where it really doesn't matter what I fly and I'll go grab the P-47 or P-40.  That's my personal preference though.  

Some others don't feel that way.  They have a right to voice their opinions without being flamed.  Again though our community doesn't know anything different.  If your not being cussed out by someone here then your being flamed.  Our community is full of immature brats that make this game into what it is, inhospitable. People would rather go somewhere else than deal with it.  This game is here for the majority of us to relax and have some fun.  

The incessant whinning from all over the community is what makes it what it is also.  Whine about numbers, you get an eny.  Because of the whine about numbers the eny is put in place and you get whines about the eny.  It's a vicious circle that will continue so long as we have the player base we have.

Offline Arlo

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2004, 05:46:56 PM »
I just wanted to quote this because ....

Originally posted by Cobra412

The incessant whinning from all over the community is what makes it what it is also.  Whine about numbers, you get an eny.  Because of the whine about numbers the eny is put in place and you get whines about the eny.  It's a vicious circle that will continue so long as we have the player base we have.


Offline Cobra412

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2004, 05:52:09 PM »
I understand that now Guppy but I'm sure some will see it as purely a flame and not so funny.  It seems conflict is all we know in AH.  If it's not in our actual battles in the arenas it's in here.  I can imagine that the Mustang isn't the only thing being complained about.  I've seen many folks disturbed that they can't up Panzers too.  

I'm sure many had noticed the whines just about putting AH2 online.  It seems our community hates change and will whine about it till it's back to what they know as the "norm".  In some cases they have a point and in others well they are being selfish.  Even in those cases they do have some point.  Those who are willing to switch to gain what they feel is the norm get flamed almost immediately by that country.  

Another thing is the current time limits cause even more turmoil.  Because the game is dynamic in all aspects the numbers can shift dramatically.  So those who chose to play by HTs rules and try to help the community now get screwed.  Why?  Well because they switched for whatever reason and now they are stuck there because they can't go back and even it out.  Basically had the whines for numbers not been a factor then we wouldn't hear these whines about aircraft limiting.  It could have easily been remedied had 2 out of three sides not been so stubborn and just joined arms against the larger of the 3 countries.  Again though the game setup induced this not the community as a whole IMO.

Offline Rino

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2004, 05:52:29 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Blooz then what exactly is Guppys point of flaming Mustang drivers?  Is he lowering his standards like those who flame Spitfire drivers?  IIRC Guppy was and still is defending Spitfire pilots and the bird itself.  The ony thing he's doing now is lowering himself to the same standards the he constantly defended against previously.

And Arlo say what you'd like but frankly the flame he's doing is rather weak and pointless considering the background evidence he's chosen to post.  Using a D Mustang driver with the saying KWITCHER*****IN to flame D Mustang drivers in AH about their *****in.  Rather amusing if you ask me.

Lighten up, Francis.
80th FS Headhunters
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Offline Rino

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For the "Gotta have my P51D" whiners
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2004, 05:56:00 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
Basically Cobra412, I wanted the 51 drivers to see it, hence the thread title.

I've spent a lot of time in the last year researching the 506th FG and thier Iwo Mustangs.  That photo kept popping into my head each time I'd see one of the threads where a guy was complaining about not having his D Model Mustang.

I thought maybe, just maybe, they'd find the humor in it.

Clearly that wasn't the case :)


     Dan, just out of curiousity, was the 51 named "My Achin <3
letter word for donkey>" also with the 506th?  I have that Ethell
shot of it somewhere, but can't remember exactly where.

     After the marathon flights covering the B-29s, I can easily
sympathize with the pilot's feelings ;)
80th FS Headhunters
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