Author Topic: Rather acknowledges--there are serious questions about the authenticity of the docs  (Read 2646 times)

Offline Toad

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Originally posted by Sandman
go to Killian's secretary and she says, "I didn't type them. They're not authentic... but the information in them is correct."

So, the Swift Vets can MS Word up some memos from Kerry's deceased Det commander saying "this dumbaxe fragged HIMSELF, not ONCE but TWICE. I'm going to gave him the hearts hoping he'll scratch himself on a doorhinge so I can give him a third and get him out of VN altogether". Then they get a clerk from the unit to say "nah, those memos are fake, but that's sure what the dead guy said way back then."

And we'll all accept that as good to go, right? Correct info?

I doubt that.

This thing is stinkin' to high heaven. What a goof-up. It has the potential of yet another Watergate.
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Offline Sandman

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Unless they actually produce the memos that Knox typed, I think we can take her opinion of Mr. Bush with a grain of salt (or two).

I don't quite follow the reference to Watergate. IIRC, the president resigned over that one. ;)
« Last Edit: September 16, 2004, 03:00:33 PM by Sandman »

Offline ASTAC

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I can't wait until they find the guy that made those and put him on trial.
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Offline Sandman

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Originally posted by ASTAC
I can't wait until they find the guy that made those and put him on trial.

...and charge him with what?

Offline Toad

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It's possible that a potential President will fail to get elected over this one. If they trail leads to the Kerry campaign.......... bad juju.

A year ago, I was thinking the Dems should be able to walk away with this one; Bush hasn't been sterling by any means.

But, they continue to prove they can screw up a wet dream.

Maybe they'll save the situation in the next 7 weeks but they're looking pretty sorry right now and have since their convention.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Wotan

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I wouldn’t take the "word” of an 86 year old secretary. She was a secretary for 30+ recollecting events that about Bush’s service 30+ years ago.

Sandman I was in the Navy as well and the “command secretary” may have been there every day and had contact with the squadron folks everyday but that’s not how the ANG works. Bush wouldn’t have had every day contact with her. So all her years (’57-’79) as a secretary at Ellington Air Force Base I find it very hard to believe that she remembers GWB at least in the details see claimed on 60 min. He wasn’t around much anyway.

I wouldn't rely on her recollection as to whether she typed the memos or whether she could accurately recall the thoughts of Killian. Killian's own son contradicts her. It’s just too stupid to take her recollections at face value.

Old lady Knox’s hearsay is a lot less believable then the memos themselves.

Let the memos stand by themselves, if they are forgeries then CBS and Mr. Rather ought to admit that and not try to mitigate their sloppy form of "journalism". At the very least they should reveal where they got them. It is not like its that big of a story to begin with. Bush will still beat Kerry.

Offline ASTAC

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Originally posted by Sandman
...and charge him with what?

Heres two:



I think theres a charge that has to do with election tampering too...which if they are forgeries..they would fall under that.

I'm not sure but W can probrably get him for defamation of character / Libel
« Last Edit: September 16, 2004, 03:20:40 PM by ASTAC »
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety

Offline Sandman

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Originally posted by Wotan
Bush wouldn’t have had every day contact with her. So all her years (’57-’79) as a secretary at Ellington Air Force Base I find it very hard to believe that she remembers GWB at least in the details see claimed on 60 min.

No arguement about seeing Bush everyday. She probably wouldn't. Still, if Bush was the bad apple that she says, she might have remembered him. The sharp ones and the real knuckleheads leave an impression. :)

I wouldn't rely on her recollection as to whether she typed the memos or whether she could accurately recall the thoughts of Killian. Killian's own son contradicts her. It’s just too stupid to take her recollections at face value.

I don't put too much stake in the recollections of Killians son. I doubt he was following his dad around at work.

Offline Sandman

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Originally posted by ASTAC
Heres two:



I think theres a charge that has to do with election tampering too...which if they are forgeries..they would fall under that.

I'm not sure but W can probrably get him for defamation of character / Libel

Pretty thin case. Good luck.

Offline ASTAC

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Originally posted by Sandman
Pretty thin case. Good luck.

Regardless of which side you take, if these are forgeries, wouldn't you want to see they guy/guys that caused all this trouble go down?

It really is detracting from the real issues. Issue that neither canidate can take the time to talk about because they are always on the defensive.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety


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Originally posted by ASTAC
Regardless of which side you take, if these are forgeries, wouldn't you want to see they guy/guys that caused all this trouble go down?

Ni Sandman would not want Kerry to "go down."  ;)

Offline Sandman

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Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Ni Sandman would not want Kerry to "go down."  ;)

That's right... the vast number people in this country that do not like Bush won't make a move unless Kerry gives it the go ahead first.



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No I was actually implying that Kerry wrote the fake memos himself, while he was throwing his medals away in cambodia...

Offline Torque

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The 2004 Disinformation Election.

Too bad it ain't got no spam filter, maybe they should hookup with Yahoo.


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Originally posted by Torque
The 2004 Disinformation Election.

Too bad it ain't got no spam filter, maybe they should hookup with Yahoo.


Why anyobdy would bother to vote this year with these candidates is beyond me...
