I hope your all ready! Over at the WWII Online site several beta testers have come forward now and are letting everyone know about the secretive closed beta that's been going on. In a word, AWESOME, and nothing like the bad rumours we've all been hearing from the nay-sayers. Go check out the message board. There is one very long thread where many of the testers have been giving some insight. Here is just a snip from one tester about the sound effects...
"The sounds and sound engine are amazing... Doppler shifts, and speed of sound are all in there. You can shell a city, and the muffled explosions will reach you several seconds later. Very realistic. It's not rare to see the round that kills you fired long before you hear it.
Planes zooming past, engine pitch rising and falling as they both approach and receed from you. Very impressive, and very immersive."