And theres me thinking that "tory scum" was a phrase used by three million plus unemployed people. Teachers and doctors working in tumbling down ,due to lack of investment, schools and hospitals. People living in substandard council housing or on the streets because the council house stock was sold off cheap. people who could see the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and the growth of the "loadsa money" society where you stopped caring for others and lined your pocket the best way you could. Look after number one and to hell with everyone else.
Oh yeah it was schaden who invented it?
Beetle the last time the tories were in the economy was in tatters, We spent our oil revenue on unemployment benefit, bought stupid trident missiles, let our country crumble away to the point where it looked more like India than England and why? All in the name of efficiency and saving the taxpayer money.
It costs to live in a well maintained infrastructuraly sound place nowt comes cheap these days.
As for the management thing well maybe there is some truth in that but the bigger problem is the ammount of red tape and paperwork and a lot of that is a result of the litiginous culture we are growing and the accidents aren't allowed somebody must be to blame culture.