Author Topic: Is Blair going to win it three straight?  (Read 2971 times)

Offline straffo

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2005, 03:59:55 AM »
I find pretty ironic to see a brit protesting about imigration when in the same time it's next to impossible to buy a traditionnall house at a decent price in Dordogne/Bretagne/Normandie/Limousin/Languedoc/Pays Basque/Charente

Just because the brit have invaded ...12 million visit  per year and more than 500 000 house owned :D

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2005, 04:00:33 AM »
Originally posted by Momus--
yet I don't see the Tories beating up on doley scumbag 3-kids by-the-age-of-seventeen council estate slags and their degenerate menfolk that are increasingly infesting our nation. If they did, they might just get my vote.

Firmly agree with you there as well.

Originally posted by Momus--
it is just that my personal experience of immigrants has been that they are hardworking folk just trying to get ahead.

I was reading some newspaper a year or so ago.......there was a report that a group of aslyum seekers, ok dunno where they were from, let's just generalise and say some poxy eastern european country.......were stealing sets of those temporary traffic lights from road works, setting them up on a back road somewhere and leaving the things on red until a nice big queue of traffic had built up and then decending on the cars in a massive group (women and children as well) smashing windows and grabbing what they could.

These are not immigrants, these are scum that have run away from their own countries cos the penalty for such behavior is a hell of a lot worse than it is here.

Right now Britain is seen as a soft touch.  Come to Britain and we'll give you all kindsa free stuff and a slap on the wrist when you decide all that we've given you isn't enough.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 04:10:17 AM by Swoop »

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #62 on: May 05, 2005, 04:03:01 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
So you're "we" now?

Should a proffesional ex-pat really moan about foreigners?

I'm an ex-ex-pat.  I came back.

And I wasn't in Holland to freeload.

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2005, 04:03:09 AM »
Circumventing the language filter[/B]

1) The people Swoop's railing against are caucasion.

2) The highest immigrant group under Maggi were not.

3) Eastern Europeans are not coming into Britain because of the fall of the Iron Curtain; but because of the expansion of Europe. Related; I grant you; but not the same.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2005, 02:15:12 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2005, 04:04:21 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
I find pretty ironic to see a brit protesting about imigration when in the same time it's next to impossible to buy a traditionnall house at a decent price in Dordogne/Bretagne/Normandie/Limousin/Languedoc/Pays Basque/Charente

You know why though don't you?  :)

Cos we can't find somewhere to live in Britain that isn't next door to some scumbag foreigner.  

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #65 on: May 05, 2005, 04:06:40 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
1) The people Swoop's railing against are caucasion.

See now, I would disagree with that statement.

I'm not racist in any way (except towards the Dutch but then they're aliens anyway so it's better described as speciesist) and don't see much of a difference between a Somalian freeloader and a Turkish freeloader.

A scumbag freeloading robbing bastard is a scumbag freeloading robbing bastard no matter what colour his skin.

Offline Skydancer

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #66 on: May 05, 2005, 04:08:48 AM »
Yes I read the link to the site of  some thinly veiled rightwing organisation calling itself migration watch! :rolleyes:

You still haven't responded to the fact that Its not the Labour Govt that has caused immigration from the former communist bloc countries to rise, but the fall of the Iron curtain and the increasing openess of travel within Europe. European expansion, the strong economy of this country being more attractive to immigrants as opposed to the mess that Maggie created. How about responding to these rather than calling me an idiot!?

Just a point!

Offline Momus--

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #67 on: May 05, 2005, 04:09:54 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
I find pretty ironic to see a brit protesting about imigration when in the same time it's next to impossible to buy a traditionnall house at a decent price in Dordogne/Bretagne/Normandie/Limousin/Languedoc/Pays Basque/Charente

Just because the brit have invaded ...12 million visit  per year and more than 500 000 house owned :D

Payback for the Norman invasion. Took us nearly a millenium but revenge will be ours. :lol

Actually, look at it as a quid pro quo; we get to subsidise your inefficient farmers and get to buy your land and shag your women as compensation.  Vive la EU!!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 04:12:45 AM by Momus-- »

Offline Skydancer

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #68 on: May 05, 2005, 04:12:25 AM »
I'm off to vote

I expect you'll be voting BNP Swoop!


Cya mind out for those pesky foreigners!


Offline straffo

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #69 on: May 05, 2005, 04:13:00 AM »
rofl never thought of it this way :lol

But is being surrounded by stinky cheese eater* really better ?
hmmm ... that's a good question no :D

* plus they are foreigner being not brit :p

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #70 on: May 05, 2005, 04:13:41 AM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
Yes I read the link to the site of  some thinly veiled rightwing organisation calling itself migration watch! :rolleyes:

You still haven't responded to the fact that Its not the Labour Govt that has caused immigration from the former communist bloc countries to rise, but the fall of the Iron curtain and the increasing openess of travel within Europe. European expansion, the strong economy of this country being more attractive to immigrants as opposed to the mess that Maggie created. How about responding to these rather than calling me an idiot!?

Just a point!


How about agreeing here that my sweeping generalisation about eastern european countries was incorrect and accepting the figures postde by Momus stating that (quote) as of 2004, the top ten countries of origin for UK asylum seekers were Iran, Somalia, China, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Iraq, India, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan and Turkey (unquote) instead of trying to tell me I have a poor grasp of history.


It's not the eastern europeans.  It's the above.

Which incidentally means that it's naff all to do with the Iron curtain.

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #71 on: May 05, 2005, 04:14:34 AM »
Originally posted by Momus--
Payback for the Norman invasion. Took us nearly a millenium but revenge will be ours. :lol


The Normans weren't French.  The Normans were a viking tribe that invaded northern Gaul and decided Britain was nicer.

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #72 on: May 05, 2005, 04:17:08 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
rofl never thought of it this way :lol

But is being surrounded by stinky cheese eater* really better ?
hmmm ... that's a good question no :D

* plus they are foreigner being not brit :p

Lessee here......

As a nation, we have spent more time at war with the French than any other nation.  Hell, we've spent more years at war with you guys than America has existed.  You are and shall always be the Enemy.

Notice the capital E.

I think of the scum we've got invading right now as merely the enemy.

Offline Seeker

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #73 on: May 05, 2005, 04:17:27 AM »
Originally posted by Swoop
I'm an ex-ex-pat.  I came back.

And I wasn't in Holland to freeload.

I never suggested you were freeloading; sorry if I gave that impression.

However; I faced the "you're over here to steal our jobs/wimmen/clogs critisism in Holland (as I do in Denmark) and I'm sure you have too.

The fact of my own experience is that I was never on the dole in Maggies Britain (and I was a welder back then; not exactly a protected job); I've never been on the dole in Holland and I've never been on the dole in Denmark. Common to all three countries is that I've known lots of other people who were on the dole because "there's no work". Well; I never had a hard time finding it; probably because I wanted to.

And again; my experience is that 99% immigrants move to increase thier chance of finding lucrative work; not generous dole cheques.

BTW; dammend if I know who I'd vote for if I were back in Britain. I really do feel we mirror the American situation; voting for people "because they're not Blair"; instead finding anything intrinsicly positive with the opposition.

The truth is; the downfall of the Wall has meant the end of idealogical discussion. These days we're all pretty much in agreement that Capitalism should rule markets; but that a governement should have a social concience. The debate is in the matter of degree.

It's been a long time since I heard any one say either "property is theft" nor "there ain't no black in the Union Jack".

And I have to view that as a good thing.

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #74 on: May 05, 2005, 04:19:21 AM »
Originally posted by Skydancer
I'm off to vote

I expect you'll be voting BNP Swoop!

The BNP goes too far.

it's merely the freeloading robbing scum I object to (note:  I have exactly the same objections to British freeloading robbing scum as well, like I said....not racist in any way).